What is Quantum Spin? Understanding Basics

In summary, the quantum mechanical property we call spin has nothing to do with the common-sense notion of an object rotating about its axis like a spinning top or the planet earth. It's just an intrinsic property of the particle, a number that shows up in the equations we use to calculate how the particle will behave (similar to the way the electric charge of a particle shows up in the equations we use to calculate how the particle behaves in a magnetic field). Unfortunately, there's no way of covering these equations in a B-level thread - the cost of admission is calculus and two or three years of serious college-level math after that.
  • #1
Quantum Velocity
Hey guy! Can you guy pleas tell me what is quantum spin?
I read and watch many stuff but i still don't understand it.
Thanks for help!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
how it spin and what is 1/2 spin
  • #4
Your question is too open-ended. Without some hint of what you don't understand, we'll probably end up repeating what you read and watched.
  • #5
actually i not really understand what i read and watch too
  • #6
Spin defines the representation of the rotation group for single-particle momentum eigenstates for zero momentum (for massive particles). For massless particles it's a bit more complicated.
  • #7
so it not actually spin
  • #8
Quantum Velocity said:
so it not actually spin
For historical reasons, many English words mean something different when used in quantum mechanics. "Spin" is one of them, and here are a few more: observation, particle, wave, position.

The quantum mechanical property we call spin has little or nothing to do with the common-sense notion of an object rotating about its axis like a spinning top or the planet earth. You're better off thinking of it as just an intrinsic property of the particle, a number that shows up in the equations we use to calculate how the particle will behave (similar to the way the electric charge of a particle shows up in the equations we use to calculate how the particle behaves in a magnetic field). Unfortunately, and as the answer by @vanhees71 above suggests, there's no way of covering these equations in a B-level thread - the cost of admission is calculus and two or three years of serious college-level math after that.
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  • #9
Well, do you know what angular momentum is? An object's angular momentum has two parts. One part is due to the motion of the center of mass around the origin (orbital angular momentum). And another part is intrinsic to the object. For a compound object, you can break down the intrinsic angular momentum into the angular momentum of the constituent parts around the center of mass of the object. For a rotating solid object, the constituent parts are moving around the center of mass, so each part has orbital angular momentum which contributes to the intrinsic angular momentum of the object. But each part can also have some intrinsic angular momentum, and so on. We eventually reach particles which have no constituent parts. These have intrinsic angular momentum which we call "spin".
  • #10
Take any physical system, with any number of constituent particles and apply a boost to the frame where the net momentum vanishes. The angular momentum in that frame is called spin. Such a frame may not always be physically attainable but the mathematical relation (that enables us to understand angular momentum in any other frame) is. If we think the physical system is a point-like particle (with no spatial extent) then we describe it as an intrinsic property, but the term "spin" derives from the classical way we think of angular momentum about the center of mass of a physical system.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #11
wow thanks you guy now i understand it

FAQ: What is Quantum Spin? Understanding Basics

1. What is quantum spin?

Quantum spin is a fundamental property of subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, that causes them to behave as if they were spinning on their own axis. However, this spin is not a literal rotation like a spinning top, but rather a quantum mechanical property that has no classical analog.

2. How is quantum spin different from classical spin?

Classical spin refers to the rotational motion of macroscopic objects, while quantum spin is a fundamental property of subatomic particles that does not involve any physical rotation. Additionally, classical spin can take on any value, but quantum spin is quantized and can only take on specific values determined by the particle's intrinsic spin quantum number.

3. What is the significance of quantum spin?

Quantum spin plays a crucial role in the behavior and interactions of subatomic particles. It is a fundamental property that is necessary for understanding and describing the structure of atoms and molecules, as well as the behavior of particles in magnetic fields.

4. How is quantum spin measured?

Quantum spin is measured using specialized experiments, such as the Stern-Gerlach experiment, which involves passing particles through an inhomogeneous magnetic field and observing the deflection of their paths. The magnitude and direction of the deflection can provide information about the particle's spin.

5. Can quantum spin be altered or manipulated?

Quantum spin is an intrinsic property of subatomic particles and cannot be changed or manipulated. However, it can be affected by external factors, such as magnetic fields, which can change the orientation of a particle's spin. This is the basis for technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

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