What is the color of chromium Cr##^{3+}##?

  • Thread starter chwala
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In summary, there is a conflict in the textbook and syllabus content regarding the color of Chromium III. Some sources suggest it is green, while others say it is grey-green. However, the color can also depend on the ligand field and preparation method. Ultimately, the discussion of color may be subjective and imprecise due to individual perception and the difficulty of naming different hues.
  • #1
Gold Member
kindly clarify on the color of chromium ##cr^{3+}##. Is it green or grey-green? There is a conflict in my textbook i.e Roger Norris IGCSE Chemistry and the cie syllabus content 2019. regards,
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #3
No such thing as [itex]cr^{3+}[/itex], you mean [itex]Cr^{3+}[/itex].

Naming colors is never easy. First, they can be perceived differently by different people (remember the discussion about whether the dress on a picture picture was colored black and blue, or white and gold?). Second, we have names for some basic colors, but when it comes to different hues we are often at loss with naming. So actually the discussion about whether Cr3+ is green or grey-green is a bit of a moot - it is what it is, and neither name is precise enough.
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Likes pinball1970 and Asymptotic
  • #4
We do not know what color we see. Use spectrophotometers.
  • #5
While the above answers to your question "What is the color of Chromium III ?" are correct and responsive, I can add a perspective from the chemical nature of fine art. Depending on how it is prepared and how long the sample is exposed to atmosphere expect a sample to appear 'light green' to 'grayish green' in visible light. Note the sample in post #2 may be subject to both oxidation and nitrification with resulting 'color change' as we learn in this excerpt Chemistry and compounds.
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  • #6
Ans: Looks like both, depending for Cr2O3. See https://www.google.com/search?biw=1.....1...1..gws-wiz-img...35i39j0i67.EPzWGoCfhk4 .
  • #7
I must have seen solutions of Cr+3 a couple of times and best that I remember, green; much like the color shown in post # 6, the picture on the left side.
  • #8
Anhydrous chromium (III) chloride is purple. The color depends on the ligand field in addition to the metal center.

FAQ: What is the color of chromium Cr##^{3+}##?

1. What is the color of chromium Cr3+?

The color of chromium Cr3+ is typically described as a blue-green or bluish-violet color.

2. Why does chromium Cr3+ have this particular color?

The color of chromium Cr3+ is due to the electronic transitions between energy levels in the chromium ion. These transitions absorb certain wavelengths of light, giving the ion its characteristic color.

3. Is the color of chromium Cr3+ always the same?

No, the color of chromium Cr3+ can vary depending on the chemical environment it is in. For example, if it is in a complex with other molecules, the color may change.

4. Can chromium Cr3+ have multiple colors?

Yes, chromium Cr3+ can exhibit multiple colors depending on its oxidation state and the environment it is in. For example, chromium Cr3+ can also appear as a bright red color in certain compounds.

5. How does the color of chromium Cr3+ impact its use in industry?

The color of chromium Cr3+ is important in industry as it is used in pigments, dyes, and coatings. The specific color of chromium Cr3+ can also indicate its purity and chemical properties, making it a valuable tool for analytical chemistry.
