What is the condition of true weightlessness?

  • #1
I think only happens when gravity is zero.
But as gravity of Earth won't be zero , we need to be somewhere between Earth and Moon so the g of moon and Earth cancel each other out . At this point we will have true weightlessness. Is this correct and enough?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
shk said:
I think only happens when gravity is zero.
But as gravity of Earth won't be zero , we need to be somewhere between Earth and Moon so the g of moon and Earth cancel each other out . At this point we will have true weightlessness. Is this correct and enough?
Well, do you think that the other planets and the sun have no effect in that position? Note I didn't ask if you think they have a SMALL effect, but if they have ANY effect.

On the other hand, think about astronauts in the ISS. Do you think they are not weightless?

What is the difference between "weightless" and "in free fall" ? Where does "in free fall" occur?
  • #3
If you have a distribution of mass, you may find a point where g = 0 through simple math. The question is do you have a distribution of mass? Probably not.
  • #4
phinds said:
Well, do you think that the other planets and the sun have no effect in that position? Note I didn't ask if you think they have a SMALL effect, but if they have ANY effect.

On the other hand, think about astronauts in the ISS. Do you think they are not weightless?

What is the difference between "weightless" and "in free fall" ? Where does "in free fall" occur?

i understand but
Do you know what is the condition of weightlessness?
  • #5
shk said:
i understand but
Do you know what is the condition of weightlessness?
You didn't answer my questions.
  • #6
phinds said:
You didn't answer my questions.
I am a bit confused with this website. I have been trying to get the answer for my question but everyone is asking me a question instead of answering my question.
I would appreciate it if you can answer my question as it saves a lot of time for me. all i want to know is:
what is the condition of true weightlessness?
  • #7
shk said:
Do you know what is the condition of weightlessness?
The condition of weightlessness is usually that a device which measures weight (a scale) read 0.
  • #8
Dale said:
The condition of weightlessness is usually that a device which measures weight (a scale) read 0.
thanks but I think this the condition of apparent weightlessness!
  • #9
shk said:
thanks but I think this the condition of apparent weightlessness!
Then please provide a scientific reference that explains this concept of “apparent weightlessness”. It is a term I have not seen.
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  • #10
Dale said:
Then please provide a scientific reference that explains this concept of “apparent weightlessness”. It is a term I have not seen.
1.True weightlessness

It occurs only when an object is not subjected to any gravitational force .For example , if the astronaut is very far from the Earth and other astronomical objects, then g = 0, and there is true weightlessness.


2.Apparent weightlessness

For the spacecraft , there are two special examples of apparent weightlessness.
The first is the obvious case of the spacecraft falling vertically downwards with acceleration g.

The second is the case of the spacecraft circling the Earth. Although the motion is along the circle , the acceleration is still downward and equal to g , provided that there are no other forces such as air resistance or engine thrust .but I am still not sure about the true weightlessness as I am not sure if such a place exists
  • #11
This appears to be your own personal definition, not one from an authoritative source.
  • #12
shk said:
I am a bit confused with this website. I have been trying to get the answer for my question but everyone is asking me a question instead of answering my question.
Yes, exactly. That's because our goal is to help people find answers for themselves, not just spoon feed answers. This is not a "Q&A" type forum where you just ask a question and get an answer.
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  • #13
Dale said:
This appears to be your own personal definition, not one from an authoritative source.
I found it here:

I have been googling this the whole day to see what true weightlessness really is. Someone asked me this yesterday and i am looking every where to find the answer. he said this is part of his A level homework.
It seem that apparent and true wheightlessness are 2 different things
  • #14
phinds said:
Yes, exactly. That's because our goal is to help people find answers for themselves, not just spoon feed answers. This is not a "Q&A" type forum where you just ask a question and get an answer.
probably I'm in a wrong place then . I just need the answer so I can help someone with physics. I am a Maths teacher but I occasionally help my students with physics
  • #15
Ok, I have never heard of it before, but you have the definition and it seems pretty clear. According to this source true weightlessness is when g=0.
  • #16
Dale said:
Ok, I have never heard of it before, but you have the definition and it seems pretty clear. According to this soybe I rce true weightlessness is when g=0.
ok thanks
maybe I should accept this although I am not sure if in reality such a place exists.
I understand your definition of weightlessness but "True weightlessness" seems to be something different.
  • #17
Weight has nothing to do with gravity.

Weight is a phenomenon of a contact force. If you're sitting on a hillside, the component of the normal force that is pushing your arse straight up is what causes "weight".

If you're in a rocket traveling through space, no matter how many planets and moons you swing by you will remain weightless until you actually contact a planet (or its atmosphere) or fire up the engine (or maneuvering thruster).
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  • #18
shk said:
I am not sure if in reality such a place exists.
I also don’t think such a place exists, which is probably why most sources don’t bother with such a definition. I would prefer just to use the standard easily measurable definition.
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  • #19
Dale said:
I also don’t think such a place exists, which is probably why most sources don’t bother with such a definition. I would prefer just to use the standard easily measurable definition.
I understand
Many thanks for your time. It helped a lot.,
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  • #20
hmmm27 said:
Weight has nothing to do with gravity.

Weight is a phenomenon of a contact force. If you're sitting on a hillside, the component of the normal force that is pushing your arse straight up is what causes "weight".

If you're in a rocket traveling through space, no matter how many planets and moons you swing by you will remain weightless until you actually contact a planet (or its atmosphere) or fire up the engine (or maneuvering thruster).
so how would you differ true weightlessness and apparent weightlessness?
  • #21
shk said:
so how would you differ true weightlessness and apparent weightlessness?

I wouldn't use those terms, which seem to be a second order misunderstanding of the principles involved. The first order misunderstanding is the misleading expression "zero gravity", referring to satellites in free-fall.It's not exactly simple : people are still arguing whether gravity is an actual "force" or not.
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  • #22
shk said:
so how would you differ true weightlessness and apparent weightlessness?
Your link defines "true" weightlessness as "It occurs only when an object is not subjected to any gravitational force". Given that the reach of the force of gravity is infinite, there IS no such place, so I think this "distinction" is as meaningless as that definition.

EDIT: Note, I'm using "force" in the Newtonian sense, but my point is still valid under GR
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  • #23
shk said:
so how would you differ true weightlessness and apparent weightlessness?

I wouldn't use either term. I would just use 'weightlessness', and I would define it as the absence of a normal force derived from gravitation.
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  • #24
Sounds like he's being asked to calculate the location of one of the moon's LaGrange points, L1 IIRC
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  • #25
shk said:
thanks but I think this the condition of apparent weightlessness!
I wonder here if the OP may be asking, in so many words, if the object in a position of zero gravity still has mass? ## \\ ## I didn't read all of the posts yet, but what might be an item of interest for the OP: ## \\ ## If you are on Earth and someone throws a baseball at you at 60 m.p.h., it hits your baseball mitt with a pretty good force. If you are on a spaceship and playing catch with a baseball and someone throws it at you at 60 m.p.h. , you will feel the same force when you catch it that you did on earth. The object still has mass, and the equation ## F=ma ## still applies. ## \\ ## In zero gravity, the downward gravitational force ## F_g=mg ## is absent, so that there is no downward acceleration of ## g ## of any objects. Just because they are weightless does not mean that their mass has disappeared. That mass ## m ## is still present.
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  • #26
Ravensong said:
Sounds like he's being asked to calculate the location of one of the moon's LaGrange points, L1 IIRC
good point. I'm not 100 percent sure what are Lagrange points. But I suppose they are where the values of g's of Moon and Earth cancel each other out so the Net force becomes zero . Not sure how I can relate this to weighlessness though
  • #27
Charles Link said:
I wonder here if the OP may be asking, in so many words, if the object in a position of zero gravity still has mass? ## \\ ## I didn't read all of the posts yet, but what might be an item of interest for the OP: ## \\ ## If you are on Earth and someone throws a baseball at you at 60 m.p.h., it hits your baseball mitt with a pretty good force. If you are on a spaceship and playing catch with a baseball and someone throws it at you at 60 m.p.h. , you will feel the same force when you catch it that you did on earth. The object still has mass, and the equation ## F=ma ## still applies. ## \\ ## In zero gravity, the downward gravitational force ## F_g=mg ## is absent, so that there is no downward acceleration of ## g ## of any objects. Just because they are weightless does not mean that their mass has disappeared. That mass ## m ## is still present.
so you're saying that when g is zero weight is zero. correct ?
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  • #28
OP : of what use is dividing the term "weightless" into "real" and "apparent" ?

EDIT: Okay, "apparent weightlessness" is microgravity. So, that would make "real weightlessness" . . . what ?
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  • #29
hmmm27 said:
OP : of what use is dividing the term "weightless" into "real" and "apparent" ?

EDIT: Okay, "apparent weightlessness" is microgravity. So, that would make "real weightlessness" . . . what ?
I have just seen the term true weightlessness in an A2 physics question. then I started googling it and found out that we have true and apparent weightlessness. So I started to think that these are 2 different things
  • #30
shk said:
I have just seen the term true weightlessness in an A2 physics question.

Was the term "true" relevant contextually to the question ?
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  • #31
hmmm27 said:
Was the term "true" relevant contextually to the question ?
yes . because the part before this part is asking this question:
explain why an astronaut in a spacecraft orbiting the Earth appears to be weightless
  • #32
shk said:
yes . because the part before this part is asking this question:
explain why an astronaut in a spacecraft orbiting the Earth appears to be weightless

"appears to be weightless" from whose point of view ? The astronaut isn't going to feel the negligible tidal forces acting on their body. Or, do you mean "Hey look, why do I not seem to be falling from this great height ?" which one would hope an astronaut would not need to ask.

EDIT: It just seems that while, whether you're going to hit the planet or not is very very important, and navigation through gravity wells is not a straightforward thing, "real" and "apparent" weightlessness don't seem (to me) to be a metric that isn't greatly overshadowed by others.

A couple of fringe cases :

Using tidal forces to move around in space

Flying fighters in space battles
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  • #33
shk said:
so how would you differ true weightlessness and apparent weightlessness?

I reckon that there cannot be any formal definition of "apparent" in physics. Something either has a property or not. "Apparent" suggests an unspecified situation where for an unspecified reason it may not be clear whether something has the property or not.

For example, if I define property X to be "is wearing shoes". Then it's clear what property X is. But, what would be the definition of "apparently" wearing shoes? As opposed to "really" wearing shoes. Does it mean you can see what appear to be shoes? Or, wearing shoes on other than your feet?

It's a waste of time worrying about what "apparently" wearing shoes might mean. And, it's a waste of time wondering what "apparently" weightless might mean. You're either weightless, according to the definition, or you're not.
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  • #34
shk said:
explain why an astronaut in a spacecraft orbiting the Earth appears to be weightless
I guess this means to ask why he floats around relative to the space craft, and doesn't fall to the floor. The answer is that he and the spacecraft are both in free fall, so there is no relative acceleration between them.

I guess "apparent weightlessness" indicates here, that there is a substantial Newtonian gravitational force (also called "weight") acting on him. So he not floating because he escaped the Earth's gravitational pull.
  • #35
As I would define the terms:

In the Newtonian model, gravity is a force and there is a notion of coordinate acceleration that is invariant across all inertial frames. A condition of "true weightlessness" would indicate a place where the coordinate acceleration of a freely falling object is zero with respect to an inertial frame.

By contrast, a condition of "apparent weightlessness" would indicate the the use of an accelerated reference frame in which a freely falling object remains at rest.

In the model of general relativity, gravity is not a force and the notion of globally inertial reference frames is discarded. There is no longer any grounds for a distinction between "true" and "apparent" weightlessness. Instead, there are notions of coordinate acceleration and proper acceleration.

Back in the Newtonian model... For any finite and static collection of gravitating masses, it seems clear that there must be at least one point where the acceleration of gravity is zero and "true weightlessness" would apply. For example, in a hypothetical Earth-moon system with Earth and moon somehow fixed in place there would be three such points. One inside the Earth, one inside the moon and a third somewhere in between.

Edit: to make this last a theorem I think we'd need to add a caveat for point masses where instead of a point where gravity is zero, you'd otherwise get a point where gravity is undefined. I think a rule that if there are any point masses, that there must be at least two would handle that corner case.
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