What is the origin of infrared divergence?

In summary, the ultraviolet divergence in Feynman diagrams arises from our lack of knowledge about the physics at very small distances, leading to the need for a renormalization procedure. However, the origin of infrared divergence is due to the use of incorrect asymptotic states, which can be remedied by including the emission of soft photons with limited energy. This combination results in a finite solution for the radiative correction from virtual photons.
  • #1
Please teach me this:
It seem that the ultraviolet divergence has origin of we unknow the physics at very small distance(very large momentum,then very small distance).So we must cut off the very large momentum by renormalization procedure.But I do not understand the origin of infrared divergence in Feynman diagrams.By the way,it seem that in order to cut off infrared divergence,the general procedure is to put a small mass for the massless particles.
Thank you very much in advance.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The infrared divergence originates from using the wrong "asymptotic states" when massless particles (field quanta) like photons are involved.

The most simple example for this deficiency of a naive use of asympotic states is well-known also in non-relativistic quantum theory: For non-relativistic Coulomb scattering the asymptotic states are not plane waves (momentum eigenstates) but the Coulomb-scattering states, which have additional non-trivial phase factors.

A very nice treatment of IR divergences from this point of view is given in the paper (including the Coulomb-scattering example)

P. P. Kulish, L. D. Faddeev, Asympototic conditions and IR divergences in quantum electrodynamics, Theo. Math. Phys. 4, 745 (1970)
DOI: 10.1007/BF01066485
  • #3
Infrared divergences arise in two ways: (a) the emission probability of soft photons (bremsstrahlung) becomes infinite with increasing wavelength, and (b) the radiative correction from a virtual photon diverges when integrated down to zero energy. If we do perturbation theory in the simplest way, we keep (b) but not (a) and obtain an infinite result.

The solution is to realize that the energy of an outgoing electron can only be determined experimentally to within some limit ΔE, and that therefore the emission of soft photons with energy < ΔE must be included. When (a) and (b) are combined, the result is finite.

FAQ: What is the origin of infrared divergence?

1. What is infrared divergence?

Infrared divergence is a phenomenon that occurs in quantum field theory where certain calculations produce infinite or unphysical results due to the presence of long-wavelength (low energy) infrared radiation.

2. Why does infrared divergence occur?

Infrared divergence occurs because the equations used in quantum field theory do not take into account the effects of low energy particles, which can lead to a breakdown in the calculations and produce infinite results.

3. How does infrared divergence affect scientific research?

Infrared divergence can greatly hinder scientific research by producing unphysical results that cannot be reconciled with experimental data. It can also lead to discrepancies and uncertainties in theoretical predictions, making it difficult to accurately understand and predict physical phenomena.

4. Can infrared divergence be avoided?

Infrared divergence cannot be completely avoided, but it can be controlled and minimized through various methods such as using a technique called "infrared regularization" which adds extra terms to the equations to cancel out the infinite results, or by using more advanced mathematical techniques such as resummation.

5. Are there any real-world applications of understanding infrared divergence?

Yes, understanding and controlling infrared divergence is crucial in various fields of physics such as particle physics, cosmology, and condensed matter physics. It also has practical applications in areas such as quantum computing and precision measurements in experimental physics.

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