What is the significance of using a log scale in bode plots?

In summary, the blue box contains a formula for converting voltage ratio into decibels, using 20.log10(...). The bode plot in the data book has a log10(wt) frequency axis, which has been normalized and scaled logarithmically to cover a wide frequency range without needing a large graph paper. Alternatively, they could have used log-log graph paper instead of taking logs of the data values.
  • #1

How did they get the blue box? I know where they got the 0.5 inside the brackets from but not sure about the rest.

The bode plot in my data book has log10(wt) as the x-axis..
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The formula in the blue box: that's how you convert from a voltage ratio into decibels, 20.log10(...)
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  • #3
influx said:
The bode plot in my data book has log10(wt) as the x-axis..
That's the frequency axis, they have normalized it and used a log scale so the graph can cover a wide frequency range without needing a 2 metre-wide sheet of graph paper. They could have used log-log graph paper instead of taking logs of the data values.