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Inspired by Micro's thread a couple of weeks ago, you get to pick three of the following mundane super powers! Post your preferences, extra points to those who find good combinations:
- Super bilingualism. Pick any language in the world, learning that language is now extremely easy for you (fluent in <1 month with light effort, <1 week with heavy). If you change your mind you can learn another, but you will forget the first as you pick up the second.
- Printer hand. Anything you can think of you can draw, your hand rapidly moves across the page making the image
- Musical type prodigy. Chose a class of musical instrument (brass, woodwind, percussion etc). You are now an expert, but you will never be anything more than terrible at any other form of music.
- Super Finding. Anything you've touched within 24 hours you know the location of.
- Calorie Counter. Anything you eat you know the exact calorie content.
- Smooth traveller. Whenever you go anywhere the journey is always smooth. Buses, trains and taxis all pull up the exact moment you need them.
- Wifi Aura. You project a field five metres in all directions. Any communications device in that field has perfect, maximum signal.
- Asomniac. You never have to sleep.
- Super thermostasis. Between -20°C and 30°C you are always perfect temperature.
- Neverlost. Any time you think of a place you know the exact route to get there, regardless of if you have been there before.
- Specifically empathetic. You can choose to sense the emotions of any individual/group in eye sight. But only one emotion, you have to pick now and it can never change
- Never fit, nor fat. Your body will be permanently of average physical condition. You'll never get a 6 pack no matter how many hours you spend in the gym, but you'll also never get a beer belly no matter how many drinks you have in the pub
- Bank of Wakefullness. You can consciously siphon off wakefullness (making you feel more tired) to draw upon at a later date.
- Rapid Readiness. Anything that you can wear (clothes, makeup etc) you can put on just by touching and willing it.
- Pest control. You can psychically control macroscale animals that weigh less than 100g.
- Shapeshifting hair. Colour, style, length of your hair is under conscious control.
- Sense toggle. Turn off any of your senses at any time.
- Instant cooking. Once a day you can wave your hand over 800g of ingredients and turn them into a gourmet meal
- Spoiless. If you're excited about a book, show, film or sports game it cannot be spoiled for you without consent. You can no longer hear, read or otherwise learn of things you would consider spoilers.
- Mind camera. If you blink three times in rapid succession your brain perfectly remembers whatever you were looking at. These mental-pics begin to fade after 7 days and are completely gone by 14.
- Slave-for-a-day. One day a week you can magically spawn an identical clone and have it do whatever you want to the best of it's/your ability. After 24 hours (or earlier if commanded) it disappears and its memories merge with yours.
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