What political persuasion are you?

  • Thread starter Evo
  • Start date
In summary: Libertarian.In summary, you are a new school Democrat, a capitalist Republican, or a Don't Tread on Me Libertarian.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
You Are a New School Democrat

You like partying and politics - and are likely to be young and affluent.

You're less religious, traditional, and uptight than most Democrats.

Smoking pot, homosexuality, and gambling are all okay in your book.

You prefer that the government help people take care of themselves.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Those 12 highly limited questions surely were able to help me identify who i am as a registered voter :)
  • #3
You Are a "Don't Tread On Me" Libertarian

You distrust the government, are fiercely independent, and don't belong in either party.

Religion and politics should never mix, in your opinion... and you feel opressed by both.

You don't want the government to cramp your self made style. Or anyone else's for that matter.

You're proud to say that you're pro-choice on absolutely everything!

  • #4
Pengwuino said:
Those 12 highly limited questions surely were able to help me identify who i am as a registered voter :)
What was your result?
  • #5
It says I'm a Republican, after I said I'd vote for Dean and identify most with Libertarians ! :eek:
  • #6
Gokul43201 said:
It says I'm a Republican, after I said I'd vote for Dean and identify most with Libertarians ! :eek:
heheh I said I was against legalization of pot, it says I'm for it.
  • #7
You are a Liberal For Life--

You've got a bleeding heart - and you're proud of it.

For you, liberal means being compassionate, pro-government, and anti-business.

You believe in equality for every person, and you consider yourself universally empathetic.

Helping others is not just political for you ... it's very personal too.

meh, not really
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  • #8
I got the whole christian republican thing. I didn't know i was for prayer in school
  • #9
Pengwuino said:
I got the whole christian republican thing. I didn't know i was for prayer in school
Religious pirate penguin. :-p

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  • #10
Well, I don't associate with any of those parties in the last choice, so clicking through the list, I'm either a new school Democrat, a capitalist Republican, or a Don't Tread on Me Libertarian. I'd say it's a bit imprecise. :rolleyes:
  • #11
oh dear, not this again evo.....YARRR!
  • #12
You Are a Liberal Republican

When you tell people that you're Republican, they rarely believe you.

That's because you're socially liberal - likely pro-choice and pro-gay rights.

You're also not so afraid of big goverment, as long as it benefits people and not politicians.

You are the most likely of any Republican type to swing over to the Democrat side sometimes.

I must be getting soft in my old age.
  • #13
FredGarvin said:
I must be getting soft in my old age.
See, now that could be Russ.
  • #14
FredGarvin said:
I must be getting soft in my old age.
Was there even a gay rights question on there? This quiz seems to assign attributes to people it hasn't even asked questions about. :confused: Though, your description describes me well, so I have to wonder how I wound up in the categories I wound up in. :rolleyes:
  • #15
Moonbear said:
Was there even a gay rights question on there? This quiz seems to assign attributes to people it hasn't even asked questions about. :confused: Though, your description describes me well, so I have to wonder how I wound up in the categories I wound up in. :rolleyes:
There was an implied question when they asked about sex between consenting adults.
  • #16
Evo said:
Religious pirate penguin. :-p
Wait, I think that should look more like this... :biggrin:


  • religiouspiratepenguin.jpg
    17.5 KB · Views: 479
  • #17
You Are a Liberal Republican
When you tell people that you're Republican, they rarely believe you.

That's because you're socially liberal - likely pro-choice and pro-gay rights.

You're also not so afraid of big goverment, as long as it benefits people and not politicians.

You are the most likely of any Republican type to swing over to the Democrat side sometimes.
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  • #18
iansmith said:
You Are a Liberal Republican
When you tell people that you're Republican, they rarely believe you.

That's because you're socially liberal - likely pro-choice and pro-gay rights.

You're also not so afraid of big goverment, as long as it benefits people and not politicians.

You are the most likely of any Republican type to swing over to the Democrat side sometimes.
:smile: That's pretty funny coming from a Canadian. :biggrin:
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  • #19
Moonbear said:
:smile: That's pretty funny coming from a Canadian. :biggrin:

Here's my Canadian result:

You Are a "Don't Tread On Me" Libertarian

You distrust the government, are fiercely independent, and don't belong in either party.

Religion and politics should never mix, in your opinion... and you feel opressed by both.

You don't want the government to cramp your self made style. Or anyone else's for that matter.

You're proud to say that you're pro-choice on absolutely everything!

I'll agree for the most part.
  • #20
That's pretty funny coming from a Canadian.
Where can I take the quiz to find out if I'm a Canadian?

I'm a Liberal Republican, unless I change answer #12 (which I was waffling on) -- then I'm a Don't Tread On Me Libertarian.
  • #21
Moonbear said:
Wait, I think that should look more like this... :biggrin:
Yes, much more religious. :approve:

Cyrus, have you read the pirate nerd thread? That was before your time, but it's in the Classics Thread.
  • #22
You Are a Capitalist Republican

Money makes your world go round - and it's no surprise that you always vote your wallet.

You're financially successful (or plan to be), and your agenda is low tax and pro business.

You don't get fired up about abortion... but mention capital gains tax, and you go crazy.

You want government to be as small as possible - and to stay out of the way of business.

Meh. Not really. I am a bit economically conservative, but I vote liberal because of social issues. I'd bet I would get different results by switching single answers around
  • #23
You Are a Liberal Republican
That's how I usually measure.
When you tell people that you're Republican, they rarely believe you.
In this forum? :smile: :smile: :smile: No, in today's political climate, people have little doubt what I'm registered as.
That's because you're socially liberal - likely pro-choice and pro-gay rights.
Pro choice yes, gay rights...ehhh...
You're also not so afraid of big goverment, as long as it benefits people and not politicians.
Ehh, that doesn't really match how I answered.
You are the most likely of any Republican type to swing over to the Democrat side sometimes.
It happens - so far not in a national election, though.

I do object to some of the questions, though. Vouchers, for example, don't have to be for religious purposes. In fact, they typically aren't.
  • #24
Fred said:
I must be getting soft in my old age.
Evo said:
See, now that could be Russ.
Excuse me, I'm only 30, and I work out on a regular basis, damnit!
  • #25
russ_watters said:
Excuse me, I'm only 30, and I work out on a regular basis, damnit!
Yeah, but once you hit 30, it's all downhill from there. :biggrin:
  • #26
russ_watters said:
I do object to some of the questions, though. Vouchers, for example, don't have to be for religious purposes. In fact, they typically aren't.
People don't usually promote them for that reason, but because it's often the case that the only nearby alternatives to public schools are parochial schools, that's one of the objections people raise regarding vouchers, that it's using tax money to subsidize religious education. So, that's where that question comes from.
  • #27
I'm mixing concepts a little (or, perhaps, the concepts should be combined), but I'm a really big fan of charter schools too.
  • #28
I seem to be a liberal republican...

(whatever that means...)
  • #29
I'm either a "don't tread on me libertarian" or "liberal republican" depending on the answer to the last question (what, no "none of the above" option? MIH, want to start a pirate platform?). I suppose all the statements in those two profiles are pretty accurate for me, except for the two in the liberal republican one involving being republican.
  • #30
I'm a Liberal for life, althou I chose Democrat for the last question! :bugeye:
  • #31
If I where an American, I'd be a bleeding hart liberal.

Not surprising, since over here liberals are considered to be RIGHT wing...and I vote socialist :biggrin: So the poll doesn't go enough to the left for me.
  • #32
vanesch said:
I seem to be a liberal republican...

(whatever that means...)

I think you can compare them to "dark blue" liberal democrats over here.
  • #33
Pengwuino said:
Those 12 highly limited questions surely were able to help me identify who i am as a registered voter :)

Heh... I had the same thought.

not only were the questions limited, but the questions and answers had a certain assumption of what was right built into them... not to mention, the conclusions were overly broad and I d not think that the government should take care of people, but it should be there to help and provide basic services for everyone. (see my point about making assumptions)
  • #34
Any one have the link to that good political test? you know the one that plots you on a graph between liberal and conservative in the horizontal axis and libertarian and authoritarian on the vertical axis?
  • #35
Moonbear said:
People don't usually promote them for that reason, but because it's often the case that the only nearby alternatives to public schools are parochial schools, that's one of the objections people raise regarding vouchers, that it's using tax money to subsidize religious education. So, that's where that question comes from.

Solution to the voucher issue: Public Charter Schools.

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