What would you ask God if you only had one question?

  • Thread starter The Grimmus
  • Start date
In summary: That's not possible. God is supposed to know everything. An atheist is someone who lacks belief in god(s). So, it would be impossible for God to not believe in himself.Originally posted by FZ+ Why should God be logical?God should be logical because logic is a fundamental aspect of existence. Without logic, everything would be chaotic and nonsensical. If God is responsible for creating the universe, then it would make sense for him to follow logical principles in order to create a functioning and orderly world.
  • #1
The Grimmus
Ok let's all (if we don't already do) believe that god or a god exists what would you ask him if you only had one question.

Mine would have to be
Yo what up G
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  • #2
probably "how goes it?" or "so what do you think?"; i find open questions tend to get the best responses from intelligent people, i suppose that would apply to god as well.
  • #3
I would ask him to go away.
  • #4
I'd probably have to ask him for a few more apples, since I'm damned anyways, I might as well understand a lil better.

If there was actually a god, and I got to ask him a question, I'd end up getting kicked out of heaven for treason or something.

But seriously, I'd probably say to him "Dear lord, almighty loving god, (get the butt kissing out the way") Why is it that you have provided humanity with so many things that shows humanity you probably do not exist and your storys were all made up? Not that I would dare question your omnipotence, but why is it that you felt compelled to create a being that is prone to failure (Actually learns by mistake) and then put enough evidence to go againsts the bible, and convince a large part of mankind you do not exist? I thought you were supposed to love us all."
  • #5
i will ask :"how you create the world? and
then who create you??"
  • #6
I would ask him:

Who's your God?
  • #7
oh how about:

who's your daddy?
  • #8
i will ask:
is jesus your son?
  • #9
How about one simple question:

Why? :smile:
  • #10
Originally posted by sir-pinski
How about one simple question:

Why? :smile:
same here. but since you already mention it, i'll say,
"Leave me alone"

then i'll go away and fly.
  • #11
"Where's my Optimus Prime Transformer? I lost him when I was six and searched EVERYWHERE! WHERE DID HE GOOOOOOOO!"


"Oh and could you smite my ememies just a tad."
  • #12
then he would reply me and jesus got board one day and ...
  • #13
how about why do you allow so much evil to be done in your name , by people who claim to be following your plans , ie: [the churchies]?

btw what is your name?
  • #14
I would ask him/it,

May I ask you more than one question?
  • #15
How does the horse shaped piece move again?
  • #16
Originally posted by megashawn
I'd probably have to ask him for a few more apples, since I'm damned anyways, I might as well understand a lil better.

If there was actually a god, and I got to ask him a question, I'd end up getting kicked out of heaven for treason or something.

But seriously, I'd probably say to him "Dear lord, almighty loving god, (get the butt kissing out the way") Why is it that you have provided humanity with so many things that shows humanity you probably do not exist and your storys were all made up? Not that I would dare question your omnipotence, but why is it that you felt compelled to create a being that is prone to failure (Actually learns by mistake) and then put enough evidence to go againsts the bible, and convince a large part of mankind you do not exist? I thought you were supposed to love us all."

I believe that god does this to test your faith, apparently you have none. I do not intend to try and "make" you follow my religion, but i do believe that god has a reason for everything you just said.

If I had one question, i would ask him where Andrew Jackson was born.
  • #17
Well, if he does then I'd love to hear it sometime. I do not need faith in the imaginary to live and be a decent person. I have faith in myself that I will make the proper decisions. If an all loving god such as the one you worship truly is all loving, then I will not suffer eternally.

But you would tell me that I will. I do not make any conclusions about what is after death. I like to think about it, but I can't come to any reasonable idea.

And quite simply, if your faith is the one true way, then millions of innocents who have never heard of your faith spanning 1000's of years will suffer eternally. That is not cool.
  • #18
Originally posted by The Grimmus
Ok let's all (if we don't already do) believe that god or a god exists what would you ask him if you only had one question.

I can only think of one question I would ask, and that is wether he/she/it her/him/itself actually believes in it/her/himself.
  • #19
That is damn cool !
  • #20
i myself believe in god, but i find way too many people believe they know exactly what god thinks. this goes for anybody who says "if god was loving he wouldn't damn me." to "if you don't believe in my god you go to hell." face it, god wouldn't think like us and our feeble minds. just live life with an open mind, maybe god will come to you (yeah, extremely corny, but live with it :wink:).
  • #21
Originally posted by HazZy
i myself believe in god, but i find way too many people believe they know exactly what god thinks.
Maybe they do. After-all, it is argued by many (including myself) that "God is all" and "God is omnipresent". The bottom-line of such statements is that there is nobody else other than God; and that "everyone else" is a figment of God's imagination.
So why can't God wake up to his own reality? Why can't humanity think like God?
  • #22
How can we tell if I am thinking like God? Maybe God is an atheist too, like me...
Why should God be logical?
  • #23
Originally posted by FZ+
How can we tell if I am thinking like God?
That's easy: you'd just treat everyone else like yourself. "Love your neighbour as yourself.". Therefore, you would have a particular mind-set.
Maybe God is an atheist too, like me...
How can the self-awareness of 'Deity' acknowledge Godlessness? I.e, how could 'God' believe that there was no God, if 'God' is the one doing the believing?
Why should God be logical?
If God is not purely-logical, how could he recognise his own self-significance?
Consequently, impure-logic produces a limited vision of what God is.
  • #24
That's easy: you'd just treat everyone else like yourself. "Love your neighbour as yourself.". Therefore, you would have a particular mind-set.
Why not a greedy god? Do you treat a lowly subsiduary like your toe as you do the whole of yourself?

How can the self-awareness of 'Deity' acknowledge Godlessness? I.e, how could 'God' believe that there was no God, if 'God' is the one doing the believing?
Because he believes in another universal mind above him that defines his illusionary existence, duh!

If God is not purely-logical, how could he recognise his own self-significance?
Consequently, impure-logic produces a limited vision of what God is.
Because he must limit himself, and hence produce the universe. And what if God has a higher form of logic that you do, and can recognise whatever without your limited logic?
  • #25
Maybe we'd say to god as Bertrand Russell said he would: "What did you expect me to believe? You didn't provide any evidence."
  • #26
I think, God did not wear protective armor when He created the Universe and as a consequence was obliterated by the Big Bang.

That is why He is not around since then.
  • #27
i myself believe in god, but i find way too many people believe they know exactly what god thinks. this goes for anybody who says "if god was loving he wouldn't damn me." to "if you don't believe in my god you go to hell." face it, god wouldn't think like us and our feeble minds. just live life with an open mind, maybe god will come to you (yeah, extremely corny, but live with it ).

Why would I claim to know what an non-existant imaginary being was thinking?

I am merely assuming a belief for the sake of arguement. I do that often.

What other way is there to think anyhow? For you to say something like "face it, god wouldn't think like us and our feeble minds" is to assume that you know how god thinks and you are guilty of exactly what you find in "way to many people".

Welcome to the club.


And what if living with an open mind is what lead you to the decision that not one religion of the world has the right answers? What if that is the catalyst that provoked one to be an "atheist"?
  • #28
Cricket Chrips ............

No response?

  • #29
Originally posted by megashawn
Why would I claim to know what an non-existant imaginary being was thinking?

I am merely assuming a belief for the sake of arguement. I do that often.

What other way is there to think anyhow? For you to say something like "face it, god wouldn't think like us and our feeble minds" is to assume that you know how god thinks and you are guilty of exactly what you find in "way to many people".

Welcome to the club.


And what if living with an open mind is what lead you to the decision that not one religion of the world has the right answers? What if that is the catalyst that provoked one to be an "atheist"?
settle down guy, i get around sooner or later...

assuming god exists it wouldn't be too much of an assumption that it is a great deal smarter than anything it created and has a great deal more logic. i would also assume that since a god would essentially "know all things" it would have a distinct advantage over humans whom have limited knowledge of just about everything. but i will give you one thing, it still is an assumption. I am so sorry. maybe einstein said it best, "My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."

also you have to understand my point about having an open mind(i wasnt too clear about it). i wasn't saying that living with an open mind would or should lead you to any religion. there is no proof of god existing or not existing, it's ignorant to believe it doesn't and it's ignorant to believe it does exist. both are untested, unscientific thoughts. one of modern sciences goals is to prove the universe could exist without a god, yet the same universe could exist with a god. basically it's just a question of chance. the chance of there being a god would be 1/2, the chance of that god being MY god, probably around 1/1,000,000. i accept evolution(i lean towards micro), i accept the big bang, i accept every non-violent religion, i accept the thought that there might not be a god(although i don't agree), i don't know what the **** that makes me, but i'd call myself open-minded. i just really don't think god is going to damn everyone solely based on religious preference, but rather has a different system of dealing with each individual person. i just find it ignorant when people claim "my god is the only true god", or people who claim there is just no possibility of a god existing. even though they may be right, it's still just an assumption.

and no need to get testy , this is all just MY opinion .
  • #30
Originally posted by N_Quire
Maybe we'd say to god as Bertrand Russell said he would: "What did you expect me to believe? You didn't provide any evidence."
These are my thought too.
  • #31
assuming god exists it wouldn't be too much of an assumption that it is a great deal smarter than anything it created and has a great deal more logic. i would also assume that since a god would essentially "know all things" it would have a distinct advantage over humans whom have limited knowledge of just about everything. but i will give you one thing, it still is an assumption. I am so sorry. maybe einstein said it best, "My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."

Hey, and maybe god is just like me, only he has the ability to create anything he imagines.

But we can sit around and ponder what god thinks and does. I'll agree that if there is a god/designer of the universe then he's a hella smart individual. I wouldn't try to argue that. The only thing is that there is no amount of evidence for any religion that has existed which proves that is the religion to follow.

I'd say there is knowledge/wisdom from most all religions of the world. It is only when they start dealing with unanswerable at the time questions that I have problems.

And it is an obvious trend to anyone who has researched religions older then the top 5 of today, that as knowledge increases, god's power decreases. With american indian rain dances to ancient greeks who believed apollo flies the sun across the sky, to people wondering where life comes from and where it goes. The question gets harder, the god becomes more mysterious.

Then, with christianity, it has been used as a tool of oppresion, racism, hatred and money grubbing for the last 2000 years. I'd be willing to gamble that more people have died in the name of the christian god then by drugs and alcohol. There is no amount of evidence to support the views of the bible. The only way to be a christian and not have your conscious eat you alive is to ignore the parts you don't like or agree with.

It's good that your open minded. We all are to some degree really. At the same time, we have preferences, and like to stick to them until we are shown/proven that is the wrong way. I can not prove a god exists. I can state that I will gladly burn in hell if christianity is true.

FAQ: What would you ask God if you only had one question?

What is the meaning of life?

This is a question that has been pondered by humans for centuries. Some believe that the meaning of life is to find happiness, others believe it is to fulfill a certain purpose or destiny. As a scientist, I would ask God for a scientific explanation of the meaning of life, if there is one.

Why is there suffering and evil in the world?

This is a question that has troubled many people, including scientists. Some believe that suffering and evil are a result of free will, while others believe it is a test of faith. As a scientist, I would ask God for a scientific explanation of the existence of suffering and evil, if there is one.

What happens after we die?

This is a question that has fascinated humans for centuries. Many religions have different beliefs about the afterlife, but as a scientist, I would ask God for a scientific explanation of what happens to our consciousness and energy after we die.

Why are there so many different religions and beliefs?

Religion has been a major part of human history, but with so many different beliefs and practices, it can be confusing. As a scientist, I would ask God for a scientific explanation of why there are so many different religions and beliefs, and if there is one true religion.

What is the purpose of the universe?

The universe is vast and mysterious, and many people wonder about its purpose. As a scientist, I would ask God for a scientific explanation of the purpose of the universe, if there is one. I would also ask about the possibility of other universes and if there is life beyond our own planet.
