Famous and Photographed Picking Nose - Just Wondering

  • Thread starter arildno
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of etiquette and proper behavior in public. There are various opinions on which habits should be considered acceptable and which should be avoided. Some suggest attending finishing school to learn how to behave like a gentleman, while others argue that riches and fame should not excuse one from having good manners. In the end, it is agreed upon that being famous also implies being rich, which is something to be happy about. The conversation also touches on the idea of not wearing underwear, which some see as a way to avoid breaches of etiquette, but others see as a personal preference.
  • #1
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  • #2
Your famous, you could do anything you like!
  • #3
sneak into the photographer's photoshop, wipe it all over his picture and then throw him in a ditch. what would you do?

*picks nose*
  • #4
Well actually , if one has breeding and self control, one does not pick ones
nose, if one has a nasal irritation, the correct thing to do is, excuse ones
self from company, then give ones nose a jolly good blow, making sure one
is completely composed before returning.
  • #5
Nothing important!I would say I myself asked the photographer to take the photo in order to know how I'd look like!(there's no mirror in the world!)
  • #6
Lisa! said:
Nothing important!I would say I myself asked the photographer to take the photo in order to know how I'd look like!(there's no mirror in the world!)

I suppose the decline continues, what next, scratching ones buttocks
in public.
  • #7
wolram said:
I suppose the decline continues, what next, scratching ones buttocks
in public.
Ah,don't be too worry.I think that's better to say nothing and people will forget it soon! :wink:
  • #8
wolram said:
I suppose the decline continues, what next, scratching ones buttocks
in public.
Indubitably, One simply cannot scratch one's one buttock, or one's other one, without one falling under photographic scrutiny, eeegods.
  • #9
Should the social bans on armpit sniffing and ear cleansing be upheld as well?
  • #10
arildno said:
Should the social bans on armpit sniffing and ear cleansing be upheld as well?
I should think that the taboos surrounding one's cleaning of one's ears in public should be loosened unless of course one is digging for gold (yet only turning up dirt).
  • #11
arildno said:
Should the social bans on armpit sniffing and ear cleansing be upheld as well?

Good gracious, of course these base habits should be strongly deterred,
and one should conduct ones self with decorum.
  • #12
wolram said:
Good gracious, of course these base habits should be strongly deterred,
and one should conduct ones self with decorum.
When one is cleaning one's ears, one should hold one's pinky outstretched at all times. And never under any circumstances should one use the same hand that one used to scratch one's butt, pull one's underwear from one's butt crack, or clean one's ear to pick one's nose. Eeegods.
  • #13
Artman said:
When one is cleaning one's ears, one should hold one's pinky outstretched at all times. And never under any circumstances should one use the same hand that one used to scratch one's butt, pull one's underwear from one's butt crack, or clean one's ear to pick one's nose. Eeegods.

Oh dear, i almost fear putting words next to these, the habit of holding a
pinky outstretched, i believe comes from the oft incorrectly quoted etiquette
for tea drinking.
As for underwear, one should use good judgment when purchasing these
I strongly recommend finishing school for an education on how to behave
  • #14
wolram said:
Oh dear, i almost fear putting words next to these, the habit of holding a
pinky outstretched, i believe comes from the oft incorrectly quoted etiquette
for tea drinking.
As for underwear, one should use good judgment when purchasing these
I strongly recommend finishing school for an education on how to behave
One could eliminate underwear from one's wardrobe, this would certainly eliminate any breeches of etiquette associated with said article, (creating other possible breeches associated with not wearing any in the process.)
  • #15
Artman said:
One could eliminate underwear from one's wardrobe, this would certainly eliminate any breeches of etiquette associated with said article, (creating other possible breeches associated with not wearing any in the process.)

Dear sir, i advise you to attend major higinbottoms school for young gentlemen
a basic course is two weeks and for a mere 40 shillings one can transform
ones self into some thing resembling a gentleman.
  • #16
wolram said:
Dear sir, i advise you to attend major higinbottoms school for young gentlemen
a basic course is two weeks and for a mere 40 shillings one can transform
ones self into some thing resembling a gentleman.
Well I never! (Well, hardly ever...okay, as often as possible, but not recently.)

Oh, by the way, to answer the original question, I would just smile and wave.
  • #17
Artman said:
Well I never! (Well, hardly ever...okay, as often as possible, but not recently.)

Artman said:
Oh, by the way, to answer the original question, I would just smile and wave.
I'd just be happy that I was famous, because that would imply that I was also rich.
  • #18
Danger said:
I'd just be happy that I was famous, because that would imply that I was also rich.
Yep. That why I'd smile.
  • #19
Artman said:
Yep. That why I'd smile.
Riches or refinement? i think i would rather be poor and refined, than rich
and uncouth.
  • #20
wolram said:
Riches or refinement? i think i would rather be poor and refined, than rich
and uncouth.
I thumb my nose at you, you silly English kanighett! :biggrin:
  • #21
arildno, because of cryptic clue game I was about to write old rain,you mention a good point for famous people but of course if they aren't famous because of picking their noses in public !I think famouse people should hire someone to pick their noses :rolleyes: !
  • #22
Artman said:
One could eliminate underwear from one's wardrobe, this would certainly eliminate any breeches of etiquette associated with said article, (creating other possible breeches associated with not wearing any in the process.)
Why should you let the sac be prey to an unduly stong influence of gravity? :confused:
  • #23
arildno said:
Why should you let the sac be prey to an unduly stong influence of gravity? :confused:

I must admit i haven't wore underwear for many years and i only wear socks
when its cold, i hate restrictive clothing.

FAQ: Famous and Photographed Picking Nose - Just Wondering

1. Why do people pick their nose in public?

Picking one's nose is a natural and common behavior. It helps to remove excess mucus, dirt, and other debris from the nose. Some people may do it in public because they are unaware of their surroundings or because they feel comfortable enough to do so.

2. Is picking your nose unhealthy?

Picking your nose can introduce bacteria and viruses into your body, potentially leading to infections. It can also cause irritation and damage to the delicate tissues inside the nose. It is important to wash your hands before and after picking your nose and to avoid doing it too frequently.

3. Why do people take pictures of themselves picking their nose?

Some people may find it humorous or entertaining to take pictures of themselves picking their nose. Others may do it for shock value or to intentionally provoke a reaction from others. In some cases, it may also be a result of a lack of awareness or consideration for others.

4. Is picking your nose a sign of a psychological disorder?

No, picking your nose is a normal behavior and is not considered a psychological disorder. However, excessive nose picking or compulsive nose picking can be a symptom of certain conditions, such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or developmental disabilities.

5. How can I stop myself from picking my nose?

If you want to stop picking your nose, you can try to identify triggers or situations that lead to the behavior and find ways to avoid them. You can also keep your hands busy with other activities, such as playing with a stress ball or chewing gum. If you have trouble controlling the behavior, you may also consider seeking help from a therapist or counselor.

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