What's the best book/website on the Dirac equation?

In summary, Daniel is looking for resources on the Dirac equation and its relation to the Schrodinger equation. He mentions that many upper level quantum mechanics books cover the derivation and implications of the Dirac equation, including Merzbacher's "Quantum Mechanics" and Baym's "Lectures on Quantum Mechanics." He also recommends Hestenes' article "Consistency in the Formulation of the Dirac, Pauli and Schroedinger Theories" for a deeper understanding of the topic. However, he notes that Hestenes may rely too heavily on E&M interactions and suggests Thaller's book "The Dirac Equation" for a more comprehensive perspective.
  • #1
Did Feynman write about the Dirac Equation?

I would like to see how to derive it, and how it reduces to the Schrodenger equation.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think every upper level QM book covers the derivation and implications. Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics, has a lengthy comparison of the Dirac eqn. and Hamiltonian to its non-relativistic cousins. G. Baym, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics, has a very nice description also.
  • #3
My favorite article on the relation between the Schroedinger, Pauli and Dirac equations is that of Hestenes:

Consistency in the Formulation of the Dirac, Pauli and Schroedinger Theories
David Hestenes, J. Math. Phys., 16, 573-584 (1975)
Abstract. Properties of observables in the Pauli and Schroedinger theories and first order relativistic approximations to them are derived from the Dirac theory. They are found to be inconsistent with customary interpretations in many respects. For example, failure to identify the "Darwin term" as the s-state spin-orbit energy in conventional treatments of the hydrogen atom is traced to a failure to distinguish between charge and momentum flow in the theory. Consistency with the Dirac theory is shown to imply that the Schroedinger equation describes not a spinless particle as universally assumed, but a particle in a spin eigenstate. The bearing of spin on the interpretation of the Schroedinger theory discussed. Conservation laws of the Dirac theory are formulated in terms of relative variables, and used to derive virial theorems and the corresponding conservation laws in the Pauli-Schroedinger theory.

My only critique of the above is that from a particle physics point of view, Hestenes puts too much reliance on the details of E&M interactions that are not any more fundamental to the quantum theory than any other interaction.
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  • #4
I'd suggest Thaller's book "The Dirac Equation" which printed in 1991 by Springer.


FAQ: What's the best book/website on the Dirac equation?

1. What is the Dirac equation and why is it important?

The Dirac equation is a fundamental equation in theoretical physics that describes the behavior of fermions, which are particles with half-integer spin. It is important because it successfully combined quantum mechanics and special relativity, providing a more complete understanding of the behavior of these particles.

2. What are the key concepts and principles in the Dirac equation?

The key concepts in the Dirac equation include the concept of spin, which describes the intrinsic angular momentum of particles, and the concept of anti-particles, which have the same mass as particles but opposite charge. The principles of special relativity are also essential in understanding the equation.

3. What are some recommended books on the Dirac equation?

Some highly recommended books on the Dirac equation include "The Dirac Equation" by Bernd Thaller, "The Dirac Equation and Its Solutions" by Helmut Satz, and "Quantum Theory of Fields: Volume 1 - Foundations" by Steven Weinberg.

4. Are there any online resources for learning about the Dirac equation?

Yes, there are many online resources for learning about the Dirac equation, including websites such as Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, and Physics World. There are also various lecture videos and interactive simulations available on YouTube and other educational platforms.

5. How difficult is it to understand the Dirac equation?

The Dirac equation can be quite challenging to understand, as it involves complex mathematical concepts and principles from both quantum mechanics and special relativity. However, with dedication and persistence, it is possible to gain a solid understanding of the equation and its applications in modern physics.
