When is a function not differentiable?

  • Thread starter brandy
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In summary, the concept of a limit is used to determine if a function has a specific value at a certain point. A limit does not exist if the function is not continuous at that point. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as when the function is discontinuous at a point but still has a limit, or when the function is continuous but has a different limit from the left and right sides of the point. It is important to approach the limit from both the left and right sides to accurately determine if it exists.
  • #1
I can't remember exactly.
I'm thinking its when its not continuous or differentiable.
but is there more exact definitions/am i wrong/anything really.
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  • #2
A limit doesn't exist if the function is not continuous at that point.

The way to find out if a limit of a certain function exists or not is to approach the limit from the left and the right side.

For example: Take the limit of the function f(x) as x approaches 0. If you approach 0 from the left and it equals -inf and when you approach 0 from the right and it equals inf then the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 doesn't exist.

In this case it doesn't exist because it is infinite discontinous. (Not sure if that's the right term to use. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
  • #3
DeadOriginal said:
A limit doesn't exist if the function is not continuous at that point.
That's not true. As a counter example, consider f(x) = (x2 - 9)/(x - 3). This function is discontinuous at x = 3, yet its limit as x approaches 3 is 6. The graph of f is identical to the graph of y = x + 3 except that the graph of f has a discontinuity (a hole) at the point (3, 6). This kind of discontinuity is called a removable discontinuity.
DeadOriginal said:
The way to find out if a limit of a certain function exists or not is to approach the limit from the left and the right side.

For example: Take the limit of the function f(x) as x approaches 0. If you approach 0 from the left and it equals -inf and when you approach 0 from the right and it equals inf then the limit of f(x) as x approaches 0 doesn't exist.

In this case it doesn't exist because it is infinite discontinous. (Not sure if that's the right term to use. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
That's the basic idea. A limit fails to exist if the limit from the left and the limit from the right aren't equal.

A function can be unbounded and we say its limit is infinity if the left- and right-side limits are the same. For example,

[tex]\lim_{x \to 0} \frac{1}{x^2} = \infty[/tex]

In one sense, a limit doesn't exist, since infinity is not a number. The closer x gets to 0 on either side, the larger 1/x2 gets. However, the left- and right-side limits are both doing the same thing.
  • #4
Mark44 said:
That's not true. As a counter example, consider f(x) = (x2 - 9)/(x - 3). This function is discontinuous at x = 3, yet its limit as x approaches 3 is 6. The graph of f is identical to the graph of y = x + 3 except that the graph of f has a discontinuity (a hole) at the point (3, 6). This kind of discontinuity is called a removable discontinuity.
That's the basic idea. A limit fails to exist if the limit from the left and the limit from the right aren't equal.

A function can be unbounded and we say its limit is infinity if the left- and right-side limits are the same. For example,

[tex]\lim_{x \to 0} \frac{1}{x^2} = \infty[/tex]

In one sense, a limit doesn't exist, since infinity is not a number. The closer x gets to 0 on either side, the larger 1/x2 gets. However, the left- and right-side limits are both doing the same thing.

Thanks for clarifying.
  • #5
DeadOriginal said:
A limit doesn't exist if the function is not continuous at that point.
this is only partially true...

Mark44 pointed out this exception:
Mark44 said:
That's not true. As a counter example, consider f(x) = (x2 - 9)/(x - 3). This function is discontinuous at x = 3, yet its limit as x approaches 3 is 6. The graph of f is identical to the graph of y = x + 3 except that the graph of f has a discontinuity (a hole) at the point (3, 6). This kind of discontinuity is called a removable discontinuity.

...and here is another: find the limit of f(x) = |x| as x approaches 0.

its graph looks like f(x) = x for all x > 0, and f(x) = -x for all x < 0. notice that, despite the fact that there are no discontinuities in the graph of this function, the limit of f(x) = |x| as x approaches 0 from the right is negative 1, while the limit of f(x) = |x| as x approaches 0 from the left is positive 1. therefore the limit of this function does not exist at x = 0. don't be fooled into thinking that you can always calculate the limit anywhere along a function just b/c it is continuous everywhere. the scenario Mark44 showed above is called a removable discontinuity, or a jump discontinuity. there is a name for the discontinuity i described (where the graph of a function comes to a sharp point somewhere, but remains continuous), i just can't think of the name of it right now...
  • #6
A limit does not exsist when a different limit is aproached from the right then from the left. Situations like this occur frequently in piece wise functions.
  • #7
94JZA80 said:
Mark44 pointed out this exception:

...and here is another: find the limit of f(x) = |x| as x approaches 0.

its graph looks like f(x) = x for all x > 0, and f(x) = -x for all x < 0. notice that, despite the fact that there are no discontinuities in the graph of this function, the limit of f(x) = |x| as x approaches 0 from the right is negative 1, while the limit of f(x) = |x| as x approaches 0 from the left is positive 1.
This is not true, either.
[tex]\lim_{x \to 0} |x| = 0[/tex]

The absolute value function, f(x) = |x|, is continuous everywhere.

You seem to be thinking about the derivative of this function.

94JZA80 said:
therefore the limit of this function does not exist at x = 0. don't be fooled into thinking that you can always calculate the limit anywhere along a function just b/c it is continuous everywhere. the scenario Mark44 showed above is called a removable discontinuity, or a jump discontinuity.
A removable discontinuity (a "hole") is different from a jump discontinuity.
94JZA80 said:
there is a name for the discontinuity i described (where the graph of a function comes to a sharp point somewhere, but remains continuous), i just can't think of the name of it right now...
  • #8
Mark44 said:
This is not true, either.
[tex]\lim_{x \to 0} |x| = 0[/tex]

The absolute value function, f(x) = |x|, is continuous everywhere.

You seem to be thinking about the derivative of this function.

oops, you're absolutely right - i was thinking of the derivative of |x|, which = -1 for all x < 0, and +1 for all x > 0. must be my mid-day brain fart lol. i see clearly now that, despite the fact that the graph of f(x) = |x| is not smooth at x = 0, x does approach 0 from both sides...my mistake.
  • #9
a limit doesn't exit when the behaviour of a function approaching a value remains ambiguous. Think about it: the whole idea of a limit is to characterize the behaviour of a function as you are close to a value you wish to inspect. Now, to think of when this cannot be discussed (i.e., when a limit does not exist), we have two choices: either the function is not defined there at all ( this is trivial when talking about whether or not a limit exists ), or the behaviour is ambiguous ( left and right limits are not the same )
  • #10
I don't know if anyone said this, but also when the right hand and left hand limits are not the same.

Smiley faces are addicting:devil:
  • #11
BloodyFrozen said:
I don't know if anyone said this, but also when the right hand and left hand limits are not the same.

Smiley faces are addicting:devil:

From post #3:
Mark44 said:
A limit fails to exist if the limit from the left and the limit from the right aren't equal.
  • #12
Mark44 said:
From post #3:

Whoops my bad, I was in a hurry. :rolleyes:
  • #13
Well there is the negation of the epsilon-delta definition, but in practice you sometimes use the entire range of calculus tools to determine whether a certain limit does or does not exist.
  • #14
so it doesn't matter if it is able to be differentiated?

i asked this question because I am very rusty on my basic maths and i want to mathematically determine if a peicewise function is continuous and differentiable at the point the function changes. so i said if a limit exists it is both. because i seem to recal that a function needs to be both differentiable and continuous for a limit to exist. perhaps i am wrong :S
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  • #15
In order that a function be differentiable at a point, it must be continuous which means that the limit, [itex]\lim_{x\to a}f(x)[/itex] exist. It is also required that the limit of the "difference quotient,
[tex]\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(a+h)- f(a)}{h}[/tex]

If is possible that a function be continuous at a point yet not be differentiable there. The example |x|, given earlier, is continuous at x= 0 but not differentiable there.

FAQ: When is a function not differentiable?

1. What is a limit in mathematics?

A limit in mathematics is the value that a function or sequence approaches as the input or index approaches a certain value. It is used to describe the behavior of a function or sequence near a specific point or at infinity.

2. When does a limit not exist?

A limit does not exist if the function or sequence does not approach a single finite value, if the value approached is different depending on the direction of approach, or if the value approached is infinity.

3. What is an indeterminate form?

An indeterminate form is a form that cannot be evaluated using algebraic methods alone. It arises when trying to evaluate a limit that results in an expression such as 0/0 or infinity/infinity.

4. What are the different types of limits that do not exist?

There are three types of limits that do not exist: limits that approach different values from the left and right, limits that approach infinity, and limits that approach negative infinity.

5. How can we determine when a limit does not exist?

There are various methods for determining when a limit does not exist, such as using the definition of a limit, evaluating the limit from the left and right, graphing the function, or using algebraic techniques to simplify the expression.

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