Where the hell did my thread go?

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In summary, the conversation discusses the theories of Planck and Heisenberg, and their implications on the determination and measurability of the universe. The idea of an omnipotent being watching the universe unfold according to its prediction is also mentioned. The speaker questions the belief that Planck predicted a deterministic universe and suggests that Laplace may have been the one to propose this idea. They also suggest that instead of mocking the errors of our elders, we should interpret them with sympathy.
  • #1
Where the hell did my thread go?


Here it is again:

About the theory put forth by Planck (Planck's constant) that everything is determined and measurable...even human nature (if we had enough data...like asimov touched on in the foundation series..)
Later his theory was refuted by Heisenberg because the more accurate you measure a particles velocity, then the less acurate you can measure its position...and visa versa...so basically if we cannot even measure one particle absolutely accurately...and accurately predict its movement because our measuring it will affect it, (using light waves to scatter) then we cannot possibly measure and predict a determined universe. "The uncertainty principle"

Well, just because we are measuring it does not mean that it is not determined…"we" may not be aware of the universes determination, but it can still exist..and us attempting to measure it can just be a part of this determination...and all changes we cause to any single atom of the universe is determined to happen through us as we are indeed "part" of this universe...interwoven and not of free will.

In other words...imagine an omnipotent being with all knowledge watching his predicted determined universe unfold before his eyes. Everything he is seeing is exactly as he predicted it would happen...right down to Planck's attempt to measure and predict a determined universe...which makes the omnipotent being chuckle as he predicted Heisenberg would soon refute Planck's theory, unaware of his own oversight concerning the "uncertainty principle"
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Where did you get the notion that Planck, and hiis constant, predicted a deterministic universe, that Planck was a big figure in the tradition of such prediction? Are you sure that you didn't mean Laplace, who in his Mecanique Celeste fancied a being of perfect perception who could sense the exact position and momentum of every particle in the universe at a given moment and could thereby predict the total future of the universe (conceived as a system of particles)? This being then came to be known as Laplace's demon, not to be confused with Maxwell's demon, who performed a different function.

In any case, so what? Human history is replete with honest errors, and as somebody said, rather than mocking the nakedness of our elders we should rather clothe them with a garment of sympathetic interpretation.
  • #3
The previous thread was deleted for lack of physical content.

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