Which book to read to get an idea of how modern gadgets work?

In summary, a book titled "Malvino's Electronic Principles" will teach you about the basics of digital electronics. You don't need to have any previous experience in analog electronics to learn from this book.
  • #1
I always wanted to know how a car works, how T.V. works etc.
However I was not one of those kids who opened all the gadgets in their free time and looked at how they work (I wish I did that).

Now I'm in college. I took Computer Science and Electric and electronics is not my department. I want to get a basic idea of how modern gadgets work. I don't have time to study all the electronics and go through an in-depth analysis of how machines work.

Is there a book which briefly tells you about how complicated machines are made. I just want to get a basic idea (the gist) of how these gadgets work. I don't want to go into the detail (because I don't have time) of their implementation.

Let me tell you about my current knowledge so it's easier to recommend a book
I know about the physics obviously (Electromagnetism, semiconductors etc.)
I know about gates (AND, OR, XOR) and how these can be used to build more complicated devices.
I have idea about how a processor is made.

Basically I know how digital devices like computers work. But then I look at other electric devices at my home like oven, television etc. and have little idea how they work.

Recommend me a book to help me. Do remember I am not an electrical engineer
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is there any way you can take an introductory course in analog electronics? I had one in my 4th year as a physics student, how is it not required for a CS major?

Malvino's "Electronic Principles" practically covers everything in that subject and has practically no prerequisites, but isn't exactly a light read... (you'll know what I mean if you hold it in your hands). I'd go with something like that, also these video lectures are okay:


Not in order though, so be sure to jump around until you find your starting point (just go read the intro chapters on diodes, trannies and op-amps from Malvino).
  • #3
I already had an analog electronics course.
The topics taught were:
1) Amplifiers
3) Filters
2) Multivibrators

I think I have some more electronics courses coming up though. But I am have some free time now and hope to learn a few things.
I had a look on the book you mentioned - "Malvino's Electronic Principles". It covers pretty much what I learned in the course I had.

But what I actually want to know is how these things - filters, amplifiers, oscillators actually combine to make a gadget.
For eg:- You learn about AND gate, OR gate, NOR gate but how do you use them to build a processor is a completely different thing.
Same in my case. I know about all the basic circuits but then how do you build something out of it? That's what I want to know. Any books for that (something light please)

FAQ: Which book to read to get an idea of how modern gadgets work?

1. What is the best book to read to understand how modern gadgets work?

The best book to read would depend on your level of understanding and specific interests. Some popular options include "How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life" by Louis A. Bloomfield, "The Design of Everyday Things" by Donald A. Norman, and "Gadgetology: Kitchen Fun with Your Kids, Using 35 Cooking Gadgets for Simple Recipes, Crafts, Games, and Experiments" by Pam Abrams and Jennifer Worick.

2. Are there any books specifically focused on the inner workings of smartphones and other electronic devices?

Yes, there are several books that delve into the intricacies of smartphones and other electronic devices. Some recommended titles include "Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry" by Elizabeth Woyke, "The Smartphone Anatomy: An In-Depth Look into the World of Smartphones" by Alex Smith, and "Inside the Machine: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture" by Jon Stokes.

3. Can I find books that explain the history of modern gadgets and how they have evolved over time?

Yes, there are many books that explore the history of modern gadgets and their evolution. Some popular choices include "The Evolution of Everything: How New Ideas Emerge" by Matt Ridley, "The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900" by David Edgerton, and "The Secret History of the iPhone" by Brian Merchant.

4. Are there any books that explain the technology behind specific gadgets, such as drones or smart home devices?

Yes, there are books that focus on the technology behind specific gadgets. Some examples include "The Drone Age: How Drone Technology Will Change War and Peace" by Michael J. Boyle, "Smart Home Hacks: Tips & Tools for Automating Your House" by Gordon Meyer, and "The Art of the Turnaround: Creating and Maintaining Healthy Arts Organizations" by Michael M. Kaiser.

5. Are there any beginner-friendly books for someone who has no prior knowledge about modern gadgets?

Yes, there are books specifically designed for beginners who want to learn about modern gadgets. Some recommended titles include "The Beginner's Guide to Essential Gadgets: Smartphones, Smartwatches, Wearables, and Other Cutting-Edge Devices" by Scott La Counte, "Gadgets, Games, and Gizmos for Learning: Tools and Techniques for Transferring Know-How from Boomers to Gamers" by Karl M. Kapp, and "How Gadgets Work: A Beginner's Guide to Essential Technology Concepts" by Matthew M. Kieran and Matthew J. Brown.

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