Who Is Your Ultimate Comic Hero?

  • Thread starter Dx
  • Start date
I was persistent, I'll give myself that. :smile:Originally posted by Kerrie I was such a comic book nerd as a kid that I was in a "comic club" at the local hobby shop. That meant that I would have something like 8 titles set aside......and my parents would have to pay for them. I was persistent, I'll give myself that. :smile: In summary, the conversation discussed favorite comic and TV heroes, with participants mentioning Spiderman, Spawn, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Batman, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Apocalypse, Riddler, Joker, Mysterio, Venom
  • #1
Who did you want to emulate as a toddler? Whose your all time favorite comic/TV hero?

Mine is spiderman. Hes cool plus he had a few movies back in the 70s or 80s eg. spiderman goes to Tokyo! Anyone seen that?
Tell me what you like?
Dx :wink:
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  • #3
wonder woman, and i even had the underoos for wonder woman
  • #4
Originally posted by Kerrie
wonder woman, and i even had the underoos for wonder woman

I didnt want to say but i had them too.:wink:
teasing but i had spideroos as a kid and popeye.
im a total wuss now, lost all my man dignity left. Oh yeah, I am married don't have anymore anyways. God bless! :wink:
  • #5
Batman...no powers, smarter and badder than everyone else.
  • #6
you got to love wolverine!
  • #7
Well, I was always much more fascinated by the villains. But, to be sure to destroy what dignity I have left, and still be on-topic, my favorite TV hero was ("was" being the operative word) Captain Planet.

My favorite comic hero was always between Gambit and NightCrawler (from X-Men).
  • #8
Originally posted by Mentat
Well, I was always much more fascinated by the villains.

i know exactly what you mean. apocalpyse and wormtounge (from Lord of the Rings) are some of my favorite.
  • #9
Originally posted by maximus
i know exactly what you mean. apocalpyse and wormtounge (from Lord of the Rings) are some of my favorite.

Apocalypse rocked.

When I read "Batman" comics, I always used to love "the Riddler", and "the Joker". Batman was nothing compared to his villains (IMO).

Oh yeah, and whose going to deny that Mysterio, Venom, Carnage, etc were much cooler than Spiderman? (Again, this is just my opinion, but I just can't see anyone liking Spiderman better than Carnage ).
  • #10
mentat, how do you move so fast? one minute you're in one forum doing something, and the next your somewhere else, posting posting posting. always posting! I'm no longer surprised you have as many as you have!
  • #11
Originally posted by maximus
mentat, how do you move so fast? one minute you're in one forum doing something, and the next your somewhere else, posting posting posting. always posting! I'm no longer surprised you have as many as you have!


No, seriously, I just keep four windows open to the PFs, and post like mad.
  • #12
"Captain Daylight; the World's Busiest Superhero!"

Never heard of him? That's 'cause I made him up! See, I was workin' the graveyard shift at a plastics factory, and I decided we needed a hero who works third shift. That's why he's "the worlds busiest superhero"TM, while all the other Superheroes are "mild-mannered reporters" or "millionare playboys" BY DAY, he's a lowly janitor at a food processing plant in Poughkeepsie BY NIGHT, and in the daytime, he's the only hero on duty!

He's always all surly and grumpy, he frequently falls asleep and flies into the side of a mountain and stuff. To make matters worse, he's always stopping the runaway train or catching the buss that's going over a cliff, only to find that Clark Kent or Peter Parker is onboard, but couldn't reveal their secret identity. So they just sit there, knowing ol' Cap'n D will handle everything. (Lazy freeloading chumps, I don't know why I bother...zzzz*)
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  • #13
Wonder Woman! You've got to love a hot brunette decked out in Under-Roos!

Edit: Damn you mettling kids and your beating me to the punch-line!

  • #14
Conan was my guy.
  • #15
I have to agree with Maximus: Wolverine

I grew up reading Uncanny X-men and Wolverine comic books and he by far stood out the most for me as far a favorites super heroes are concerned.

As for super-villains: Dark Phoenix, Dr. Octopus...
  • #16
Spiderman and Wolverine

As for villians, Sabretooth (although I was disappointed with him in the first X-Men movie), Mystique, and Tusk.
  • #17
No one touches Wolverwine! I must like the X Men more because I inherited a collection of multiple copies of issues 1-157, lol.
  • #18
I dotn know comics but i know keven smith so Blunt man and Cronic
  • #19
i grew up watching lynda carter as wonder woman, and i totally had a crush on her; i probably still do, since she's aged rather well. when i was 7 i dressed up as wonder woman for halloween, except my costume was some funky shorts outfit that was a hand me down and had tank top sleeves instead of being sleeveless. i think that even at 7 my mom was afraid that if i had a real wonder woman costume, my womanhoods would spill out!
  • #20
Originally posted by halfdyke
i grew up watching lynda carter as wonder woman, and i totally had a crush on her; i probably still do, since she's aged rather well. when i was 7 i dressed up as wonder woman for halloween, except my costume was some funky shorts outfit that was a hand me down and had tank top sleeves instead of being sleeveless. i think that even at 7 my mom was afraid that if i had a real wonder woman costume, my womanhoods would spill out!

This is the single most wrong post I have ever seen...
  • #21
Opitmus Prime...!
  • #22
Super Chicken. (Did they make Super Chicken Underoos?)

Actually, Superman was my favorite, I like the Clark Kent persona, hiding the super powers yet slipping them out occassionally.
  • #23
Aah... ? Did anyone notice this is about COMIC heroes,
not just CARTOON heroes ? :wink:

JECKIE CHAN ! :smile:
  • #24
Originally posted by Zero
This is the single most wrong post I have ever seen...

I second that.
  • #25
Originally posted by Mentat
I second that.

I third that with the reciprocal of both your anwers!

have some fun with it! Quit being party poopers, I know you have one.
  • #26
I was such a comic book nerd as a kid that I was in a "comic club" at the local hobby shop. That meant that I would have something like 8 titles set aside every month and I'd get them for a discounted price.

For my hero, I'll pick Sgt. Rock.
  • #27
I'm not too sure if he counts as a hero or anything, but I liked the comic character "The Maxx"
  • #28
Im embarrased to ask "WHos sgt rock and the maxx?" What are their special abilities or "what did you like about them?"
  • #29
Originally posted by Dx
Im embarrased to ask "WHos sgt rock and the maxx?"

He was the leader of (the fictional) Easy Company in WWII.

What are their special abilities or "what did you like about them?"

His special ability was that he could fight WWII for 30 years without aging!
  • #30
The maxx was more of a spawn like character in the sense that he was created by image comics, not DC or Marvel, and he lived in a cardboard box in a street ally. The thing I like I like about the comic is that half the time he is imagining his life through a strange world and the other half he is doing strange things and sometimes its hard to tell the difference between his imagination and the real world while reading the comic.

FAQ: Who Is Your Ultimate Comic Hero?

1. Who is your favorite comic hero?

As a scientist, I do not have a personal favorite comic hero. However, I am fascinated by the scientific abilities and advancements of characters like Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic.

2. What makes a comic hero "super"?

A comic hero is typically considered "super" due to their extraordinary abilities, whether it be physical strength, intelligence, or other powers. These abilities often set them apart from regular humans and allow them to fight against evil and protect others.

3. Can a comic hero's abilities be explained by science?

Many comic heroes' abilities can be explained by science, such as Spider-Man's spider-like abilities being based on the characteristics of real spiders. However, some abilities may require more suspension of disbelief, such as Superman's powers being explained by his alien origins.

4. Are there any real-life examples of comic heroes?

While there may not be individuals with superpowers like in comics, there are certainly real-life heroes who have shown immense bravery and strength in the face of danger or adversity. These individuals may not have superhuman abilities, but their actions and sacrifices make them heroes in their own right.

5. What impact do comic heroes have on society?

Comic heroes can have a significant impact on society, often serving as role models and inspiring individuals to be brave, selfless, and stand up for what is right. They can also spark discussions and debates about important issues, such as social justice and the use of technology, through their stories and actions.

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