Why is Physics Forum Growing So Fast?

In summary: I am a physics teacher and I am interested in string theory!My search for intelligent life brought me to here along with an interest in physics.
  • #1
Carlos Hernandez
Can someone tell me how this forum is getting so much advertisement that it is growing by 30 or so members each day?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Originally posted by Carlos Hernandez
Can someone tell me how this forum is getting so much advertisement that it is growing by 30 or so members each day?


Word of mouth... (or Email anyway)!

I came here whilst searching the web for the answer to a problem. I found the forum friendly and helpful so kinda hung around. I've told many other 'physics' friends to pop in and register - a fair few have.
  • #3
Unrestrictive admissions policies.

Hell, if they let me in, that should tell you something.
  • #4
Originally posted by Carlos Hernandez
Can someone tell me how this forum is getting so much advertisement that it is growing by 30 or so members each day?


That's what happens when you're the best!
  • #5
Another thing is that unlike a lot of the forums you have linked to in in your posts today, they are not really about pushing some social or political agenda. People who want to discuss hard science have the freedom to do that. Private theorists and political discussions are kept apart in special fora. It works.

simple verison of above: Greg Bernhardt!
  • #6
I found it because of Michio Kaku's site. I registered because it was friendly and these people really know their stuff.
  • #7
I can't remember how i found this forum. I think from a link from another site somewhere, but i saw that it was active and actual some smart people here, so I am going to hang around here.
  • #8
My search for intelligent life brought me to here along with an interest in physics.
  • #9
lol...intelligent life... i remember my physics teacher telling me about it so i subscribed and never looked back!
  • #10
Yea i was informed by my physics teacher aswell, don't know how he found it mind you.
  • #11
Hey, wow -- that's good to know that physics teachers are actually telling their students about us! That's a huge compliment!

- Warren
  • #12
Yes in indian books it is one of top educational website
  • #13
So it seems like this forum is mostly for high school students? No professionals swapping research?
  • #14
Originally posted by Carlos Hernandez
So it seems like this forum is mostly for high school students? No professionals swapping research?
I guess the professionals want to keep all their ideas for themselves ;)

But there are lots of college and university students AND professionals here too btw, you will start recognizing them after a while.
  • #15
Originally posted by Carlos Hernandez
So it seems like this forum is mostly for high school students? No professionals swapping research?
We have quite a number of high school students. The majority of the seem to post mostly to the socializing threads in the General Discussion forum.

While we have a number of bonafide researchers on board here, the majority of physics discussion here is undergraduate level.

We have been trying hard to attract more researchers here, to complement newsgroups like s.p.r.

- Warren
  • #16
Originally posted by Monique
I guess the professionals want to keep all their ideas for themselves ;)

But there are lots of college and university students AND professionals here too btw, you will start recognizing them after a while.

Okey, thanks for carifying. Just curious because I have been forwarding this forum to all the science forums and science mailing lists I participate at.

I'm currently a college student, by the way, not a professional at anything as yet.

Carlos Hernandez
  • #17
Originally posted by Carlos Hernandez
Okey, thanks for carifying. Just curious because I have been forwarding this forum to all the science forums and science mailing lists I participate at.
Very good
  • #18
There are middle school students here also. (ME ME!)
There seems to be very few of us hanging around here.
  • #19
I'm a professional, justs not in physics (does slacking count? )

But in all seriousness, I do see a wide range of folks coming through here. I've seen everything from teens to post grad students, to actual reasearchers. Although I'd venture to say the professionals won't exactly flock to the generals forums. I know there's more than one teacher wh regularly comes here, and ages range from 10 to 70, so we've run the gamut.
  • #20
Im not sure how I found my way onto here, I think it was google. I then watched the forums for a month before signing up. btw, I am a student who's interested in physics but can't take the course yet (taking it next year), but I am slowly learning pieces of info from this site to add to my insatiable thirst for knowledge.
  • #21
I found it when I was looking for information on the string theory just because I wanted something to do. The people here are great and have helped me a ton with my homework.
  • #22
Originally posted by DarkAnt
I found it when I was looking for information on the string theory just because I wanted something to do. The people here are great and have helped me a ton with my homework.

That's how I found it, I was searching "String Theory" at yahoo search engine and came across this site, as well as "Elegant Universe" on PBS.
  • #23
I'm only here for the free pizza
  • #24
i was seaching for quizes, when i found this site, to see if they had any on physics, cause I am not sure whether to take it
for A-level or not. i have an interest in physics and I am not bad at it. [b(]
  • #25
cause I am not sure whether to take it for A-level or not

Go for it! Not many people do it, and it'll make you stand out. At my college, there were 8 doing A-level Physics. Also, A-level Physics is not all *that* hard, provided you put the work in.
  • #26
thanks for the encouragement! I am taking maths and chemistry for sure, i guess i'll take physics too.
  • #27
Excellent choices, if I may say so

FAQ: Why is Physics Forum Growing So Fast?

1. Why are more people joining Physics Forum?

There are a few reasons why more people are joining Physics Forum. Firstly, the internet has made it easier for people to access and participate in online forums. Secondly, the growing interest in science and technology has led to more people seeking out communities where they can discuss and learn about physics. Thirdly, the quality of discussions and information on Physics Forum may have attracted more users through word of mouth and positive reviews.

2. What sets Physics Forum apart from other science forums?

Physics Forum has a strong community of knowledgeable and passionate members who are willing to share their expertise and engage in meaningful discussions. The forum also has a user-friendly interface and organization, making it easy for users to navigate and find relevant information. Additionally, the forum has a diverse range of topics and sub-forums, catering to a wide range of interests within physics.

3. How does Physics Forum maintain its growth and engagement?

One key factor in Physics Forum's growth and engagement is its active moderation and administration team. They ensure that discussions stay on topic and that users adhere to the forum's rules and guidelines. Additionally, the forum regularly updates its software and features to improve user experience. The active and knowledgeable community also plays a crucial role in maintaining engagement by continuously contributing to discussions and providing valuable insights.

4. Is Physics Forum only for professionals and experts in physics?

No, Physics Forum welcomes users of all levels of knowledge and expertise. While there are many professionals and experts on the forum, there are also many students, enthusiasts, and individuals with a general interest in physics. The forum encourages a diverse range of perspectives and fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment for all users.

5. Can I learn and gain knowledge from Physics Forum?

Yes, Physics Forum is an excellent resource for learning and gaining knowledge about physics. The forum has a vast database of discussions, articles, and resources on various topics in physics. Furthermore, the active community is always willing to answer questions and provide helpful insights. However, it is essential to note that Physics Forum should not be used as a substitute for formal education or professional advice.

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