Need Forum for Outlandish Science Ideas

  • #1
Does anyone know of a science forum that deals with far out, controversial theories & ideas? This would be similar to the science fiction forum here at PF but may even be more outlandish, however postings would receive serious consideration.
I have made some simple animations that I would like to post on such a forum & receive serious feedback from electronics engineers, physics experts, or anyone with some good insight.
I would also like to thank Physics Forums- its members & staff for the helpful responses you have made to my postings over the last few years. It is appreciated.

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Physics news on
  • #3
forex10 said:
Does anyone know of a science forum that deals with far out, controversial theories & ideas? This would be similar to the science fiction forum here at PF but may even be more outlandish, however postings would receive serious consideration.
Those two criteria contradict each other. There are plenty of places where the first is applied though.

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Such fora are, however, often populated with interested laypeople, who may be good enough to identify what's wrong with an "outlandish" idea.
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  • #4
If you are interested in the most far out, you can find lots of unusual physics ideas at The physics list is at It's not really a forum, but it might provide an appropriate link somewhere.

If you have in mind more serious, but not mainstream, ideas, then one can always post on Youtube. I think Youtube would be a natural for animation videos. Some time ago I posted here about an interesting QM animation that someone put on Youtube. Youtube obviously has a huge amount of traffic. So if I wanted to post an animation I had done, I would start there, and then link to it from other sites.
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