When to Use Kinetic vs. Potential Energy: Explained

In summary, the use of 1/2mv^2-mgh or 1/2mv^2+mgh depends on the context of the problem and whether the kinetic and potential energies are changing simultaneously. In cases where the total energy of a system is constant, such as a ball falling without air resistance, the quantity (1/2mv^2 + mgh) will remain constant throughout the ball's motion. However, in cases where only one type of energy is changing, such as a pendulum swinging back and forth, the equation (PE + KE = constant) can be used to determine the values of kinetic and potential energy at different points in the motion. It is important to note that these equations may vary depending on how
  • #1
Can someone explain to me when you use 1/2mv^2-mgh as opposed to 1/2mv^2 or mgh
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In what context?
  • #3
So we can know were you are coming from, are you able to answer the following -

What is 1/2mv^2 ?

What is mgh ?
  • #4
I know that 1/2mv^2 is Kinetic energy and mgh is potential energy. My question is in some example problems they use 1/2mv^2 and in others they use 1/2mv^2-mgh.
  • #5
You will have to tell us what problems.

In some case the total energy of a system is KE + PE. It's possible that the direction of "h" in your question has been defined such that PE = mg(-h) making your equation really...

1/2mv^2 + mg(-h)

or it might be nothing of the sort. Tell us about the problem where you saw this equation.
  • #6
benrocks1 said:
I know that 1/2mv^2 is Kinetic energy and mgh is potential energy. My question is in some example problems they use 1/2mv^2 and in others they use 1/2mv^2-mgh.

So if a problem asks for the kinetic energy of an object, which formula would I use?

If a problem asks for the potential energy of an object, which formula would I use?

Do you know about the concept of conservation of energy? When a ball is falling what is happening to its kinetic energy? Its potential energy?

See if you can figure out from these clues where 1/2mv^2 - mgh would be useful.

EDIT to fix sign: should be 1/2mv^2 + mgh
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  • #7
While the kinetic energy increases, the potential energy will decrease. Is that correct? I've thought about it, but i still do not understand why I would use 1/2mv^2-mgh
  • #8
benrocks1 said:
While the kinetic energy increases, the potential energy will decrease. Is that correct?

Good, yes that is correct.

Conservation of energy means that the *total* energy remains the same (this is what conservation laws are, some quantity remains unchanged even though its constituent parts are changing).

So if the kinetic energy increase by some amount (say x), now much will the potential energy have to decrease?

What will happen to the quantity 1/2mv^2 - mgh is this case?

EDIT: should be 1/2mv^2 + mgh
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  • #9
the_emi_guy said:
Good, yes that is correct.

Conservation of energy means that the *total* energy remains the same (this is what conservation laws are, some quantity remains unchanged even though its constituent parts are changing).

So if the kinetic energy increase by some amount (say x), now much will the potential energy have to decrease?

What will happen to the quantity 1/2mv^2 - mgh is this case?

So 1/2mv^2-mgh would also increase by x?
  • #10
benrocks1 said:
So 1/2mv^2-mgh would also increase by x?

No, think about it carefully (don't get frustrated, you are very warm).

Start by answering: If the kinetic energy increase by some amount (say x), now much will the potential energy have to decrease?
  • #11
the potential energy will decrease by x. does that mean that 1/2mv^2-mgh also decreases by x?
  • #12
benrocks1 said:
the potential energy will decrease by x. does that mean that 1/2mv^2-mgh also decreases by x?


Here is what you have so far:

Kinetic energy is 1/2mv^2

Potential energy is mgh

Kinetic energy increases by x

Potential energy decreases by x

What happens to 1/2mv^2 - mgh?

EDIT: should be 1/2mv^2 + mgh
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  • #13
would 1/2mv^2-mgh remain the same?
  • #14
benrocks1 said:
would 1/2mv^2-mgh remain the same?


1/2mv^2 - mgh is the total energy and it is conserved. In other words when a ball is falling, the quantity (1/2mv^2 - mgh) will remain constant no matter where that ball is in its flight.

(of course we are ignoring air resistance and other complicating stuff).

*So*, consider this problem, I a drop a ball from 10meters and want to know how fast it was going when it hit the ground.

Calculate (1/2mv^2 - mgh) before the drop (1/2mv^2 = 0).

Calculate (1/2mv^2 - mgh) at the ground (mgh = 0)

And trust that the difference will not change.
  • #15
I understand that mgh would = 0 when it hits the ground, but why is it 0 before the drop?
  • #16
benrocks1 said:
I understand that mgh would = 0 when it hits the ground, but why is it 0 before the drop?

Look at my previous post carefully, what did I say was = 0 before the drop?
  • #17
Oh so the kinetic energy is 0 because it is not in motion?
  • #18
benrocks1 said:
Oh so the kinetic energy is 0 because it is not in motion?


I am just realizing that we have a sign error here, perhaps this was the source of your confusion.

It should be 1/2mv^2 + mgh = constant right? Sorry I did not notice this before.
  • #19
thanks so much for your all your help and time!
  • #20
benrocks1 said:
While the kinetic energy increases, the potential energy will decrease. Is that correct?

ONLY for certain problems.

Consider a pendulum swinging back and forth with no air resistance or friction.

At the top of the swing:

PE = Maximum = mghmax where h is measured from the bottom of the swing
KE = Zero because it stops momentarily

At the bottom of the swing:

PE = Zero
KE = Maximium (= 0.5mV^2)

At any point in between:

PE + KE = Constant = mghmax
  • #21
Went back and corrected sign error in my posts (don't want to confuse anyone coming along later).

Can't believe I can post so many times and not notice this, what I get for being half asleep I guess :zzz:

FAQ: When to Use Kinetic vs. Potential Energy: Explained

What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion, while potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position or state.

When should kinetic energy be used?

Kinetic energy should be used when an object is in motion or when there is a need for a source of energy to perform work.

When should potential energy be used?

Potential energy should be used when an object is at rest or when there is a need for stored energy to be converted into kinetic energy.

Can kinetic and potential energy be converted into each other?

Yes, kinetic energy can be converted into potential energy and vice versa. For example, when a ball is thrown upwards, its kinetic energy decreases as it reaches the highest point of its trajectory, and its potential energy increases. When the ball falls back down, its potential energy decreases and its kinetic energy increases.

How do I calculate kinetic and potential energy?

Kinetic energy can be calculated using the formula KE = 1/2 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the object and v is the velocity. Potential energy can be calculated using the formula PE = m * g * h, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height or distance from a reference point.

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