Working at a job where I don't like the technology

In summary: That's pretty much it. You should develop a few applications first and then apply to web development positions.I have about 2 years of experience as a software developer and i guess I'm looking for some insight/advice from other professionals.If you want to be a successful software developer, you should start by reading books and attending conferences. Web development is a rapidly changing field, so you'll need to keep up with the latest trends. Additionally, you should build a portfolio and submit it to job postings. Having a portfolio will show that you're knowledgeable about the latest technologies and that you're capable of producing high-quality applications.
  • #1
I'm currently working as a .NET developer and i totally hate it. I am not applying to anymore .NET jobs in my future. I'd like to move into the Web Development realm so I've taken steps to get me there: learning html, css, javascript (jquery+other frameworks), php, etc. I'm going to continue taking those steps to get some kind of experience in the world of web development

My question is: should i go ahead and apply to some web development positions even though i don't have professional experience? Should i develop a few websites/web applications first? How does a software developer move from one stack of technology to another without having professional experience in that area? If it helps i do have a lot of experience in Java and Linux environments.

I'm also currently getting my masters degree in Computer Science but, I'm starting to feel that not only am i wasting money but, I'm not getting anything out of the experience. I'm wondering how useful it is to continue making progress towards the degree (especially when i already have an undergraduate computer science degree) vs using my spare time to develop some applications that i can show off in a portfolio of some kind.

I have about 2 years of experience as a software developer and i guess I'm looking for some insight/advice from other professionals.
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  • #2
You can build a portfolio and eventually get some relevant experience at
I've started it a while back and apparently people that successfully completed several of the non-profit projects have a 100% hiring rate. (before finishing the full curriculum)

The difference is that you'll have to abandon php and use full-stack javascript technology. That is, your backend will be using javascript as well.
Given your experience you can advance through the curriculum really fast.

Take a look at it if you like it.
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  • #3
Thanks JorisL I've heard ALOT of talk about the so called MEAN stack. Thanks for sharing that link i'll definitely be using it
  • #4
It sounds like you’re really sick of .NET, so this probably won’t work for you, but I’ll throw it out anyway and you can take it for what it’s worth. In my experience (which is mostly using Java, I haven’t done .NET in a while, but last time I did ASP was pretty similar to JSP) if you work for a small company you work on the full stack (there’s also no expectation that you’re an expert on everything, just that you can be effective) and you can have a lot of say in the technologies used.You might be able to get a job with your .NET skills and while you’d still have to write backend code, you’d be expected to do client side scripting too. You could improve your JavaScript/jQuery skills that way and have some professional experience. Depending on the company you might even be able to push them off of .NET. This is a little more hit and miss, it would also take more time to make happen.
  • #5
You don't need an MSc in compsci to do webdesign or .NET or php.

Anyway, if you hate .NET, why you like javascript or html?
Maybe I am missing something about why you can get sick of .NET after 2 years but still love your webdesign job.
  • #6
Alcathous said:
Anyway, if you hate .NET, why you like javascript or html?
Maybe I am missing something about why you can get sick of .NET after 2 years but still love your webdesign job.

Some people like making websites, others like making enterprise software suites.
Its a matter of taste, I quite like analyzing algorithms used in scientific computing and specifically trying to make them faster.
I can see how people would hate that because its rather abstract in general.

What's nice about webdev is that you can work really fast and that the technology changes/improves quite often.
  • #7
I don't do any web development inside of .NET in my current job so iti's not like i am actively using Javascript/HTML on a day to day basis. I agree that i don't need an Msc to do the kind of work i want to do but, i get the feeling that if i don't get it now i will hate myself 2,3,4,x years from now.
  • #8
trickslapper said:
I'm also currently getting my masters degree in Computer Science but, I'm starting to feel that not only am i wasting money but, I'm not getting anything out of the experience.
What are you expecting to get out of the experience?

I'm wondering how useful it is to continue making progress towards the degree (especially when i already have an undergraduate computer science degree) vs using my spare time to develop some applications that i can show off in a portfolio of some kind.
What is your criteria for "useful"? You sound like most junior developers I've worked with, in that they seem to be overly concerned with particular technologies. Every job I've had has required me to use a language or framework that I had never used prior.

If you interviewed with me, I wouldn't be nearly as concerned with the specific technologies that you've used. I'm not saying it's unimportant, but I would be digging deeper for the following reasons:

1. You already have two years experience
2. You are studying graduate level computer science
3. Given the two above, I expect more sophistication than knowledge of certain technology stacks

If all you want to do is develop websites and learn technology stacks, why are you pursuing a masters degree? But since you are pursuing one, and paying for it, let me encourage you to make the most of your time in school. I expect fresh graduates to be able to learn a new technology. Whether they already know how to use it or not is simply icing on the cake. I look for good engineers.
  • #9
My criteria for useful is:

1. Will i become a better software engineer through what I've learned during my time in graduate school?
2. Will i be eligible/prepared for more interesting positions?
3. Will i be able to make professional connections while in school?
4. Will i learn to learn faster?

I think the answer to these questions is "YES" and that's why I'm still going to school - not because i just want to be a web developer but, because i think it will make me a better engineer in general..

I'm not sure that all i want to do is develop websites but, in my short time as a developer it's definitely come off as the "cool" job (the job where i don't have to sit in a cubicle and learn how to use a Mainframe) and the job where you will learn the most because you are exposed to so many different technologies. Also i associate web development with startup companies and those definitely seem to be the most enjoyable. Maybe that's a bad association but, it's what it feels like to me.

At the end of the day i just want to enjoy what I'm doing. I don't care about squeezing an extra $5000 anually or how many vacation days i can take. I want to have exposure to lots of different technologies, programming languages, software tools, etc. Anyway, just typing this response has made me realize that i do want to continue with my graduate degree but definitely not with .NET framework. So now i have to decide if it's a good idea to find another job while school is just beginning..

FAQ: Working at a job where I don't like the technology

1. Why is it important to like the technology I work with?

It is important to like the technology you work with because it can greatly impact your job satisfaction and overall happiness. Enjoying the technology you work with can also lead to increased productivity and innovation in your work.

2. How can I cope with working with technology I don't like?

One way to cope with working with technology you don't like is to try to find aspects of it that you do enjoy or find interesting. You can also try to learn more about the technology and its potential benefits, which may help you appreciate it more.

3. Is it worth staying at a job where I don't like the technology?

This ultimately depends on your individual circumstances and priorities. If the technology is causing you a lot of stress or negatively impacting your work, it may be worth considering finding a new job. However, if you enjoy other aspects of your job and the technology is not a major factor, it may be worth staying.

4. How can I communicate my dislike for the technology to my employer?

It is important to approach this situation carefully and professionally. Schedule a meeting with your employer and explain your concerns and how the technology is affecting your work. Offer potential solutions or alternatives and be open to compromise.

5. What steps can I take to find a job with technology I enjoy?

You can start by researching companies that use the technology you prefer and applying to job openings at those companies. Networking with professionals in your field and attending job fairs and conferences can also help you make connections and find opportunities with technology you enjoy.

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