Who is the Worst Canadian Prime Minister?

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  • Thread starter Smurf
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In summary: I can't pick one!I think it's for not scrapping the GST after he had said he would. Personally, I like him more than...oh god...I can't pick one!

Who was the worst Canadian Prime Minister in the 20th Century?

  • Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Martin Brian Mulroney

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Robert Laird Borden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • William Lyon Mackenzie King

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Richard Bedford Bennett

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • #1
You know we always talk about American presidents. I think our friendly neighbour to the north deserves some attention. So I've compiled a list of the most significant prime ministers, let's have a debate!
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  • #2
I pick...what are the names again? I seemed to have forgotten all of their names.
  • #4
hmm.. who's the most to the Left? :biggrin:
  • #5
Chretien or Trudeau probably. But I tend to gauge prime ministers on what they do, not where they are on the spectrum.
  • #6
Ok...I picked Mr. Trudeau because of the following reason:

"Former Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, who more than any previous Prime Minister consolidated power in the PMO (Prime Minister's Office)"
  • #7
that's true, but you know the PM office still doesn't have a whole lot of power. Most conservatives and liberals alike will agree the president needed more power at the time.
  • #8
Smurf said:
that's true, but you know the PM office still doesn't have a whole lot of power. Most conservatives and liberals alike will agree the president needed more power at the time.

From what I read, I would agree to a point. The problem is that big government is much easier to acquire than it is to get rid of. I happen to think that the solution to most of the problems created by the government is best fixed by reducing government...not making more government.

So increasing the power of the executive branch of the government may have been a good thing but I think a better thing would have been to restrict the power of parliament instead of expanding the power of the executive. Or perhaps just a reappointment of power between parliament and prime minister...

Of course, that may have been what happened but I for some reason doubt it.
  • #9
Townsend are you sure you understand Canada's separation of powers? Just asking, because it works rather differently here.
  • #10
Smurf said:
Townsend are you sure you understand Canada's separation of powers?

:smile: no...I'm doing a lot of guessing.
  • #11
The reason most conservatives dislike Trudeau is because of his massive spending. personally, I think he was one of the best PMs we've ever had.
  • #12
Smurf said:
The reason most conservatives dislike Trudeau is because of his massive spending. personally, I think he was one of the best PMs we've ever had.

Well massive spending is a very good reason to dislike an executive officer so I cannot say I blame the conservatives for feeling the way they do.
  • #13
oh god... oh god...

I don't know what to pick! They're all too damn unimportant! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #14
Smurf said:
The reason most conservatives dislike Trudeau is because of his massive spending. personally, I think he was one of the best PMs we've ever had.

You don't like using your money you work for? No job?
  • #15
I had to pick Trudeau, because, he kept throwing my friend out of Canada. It seems Trudeau took exception to my friend practicing international law. As an American native Cheyenne married to a Micmac woman he visited Austria and the result was:

1982 - Austria recognizes Sante' Mawio'mi as a sovereign power.
He had to keep leaving after his visa expired, the Canadian equivalent of our immigration department was always there the day his visa expired to make sure he was leaving.

He always was one to stir it up.
  • #16
Pengwuino said:
You don't like using your money you work for? No job?
Meh, if I break my leg I don't have to give a cent to the hospital. Figure it's worth it. I don't need any extra money. I'm not much of a consumer.
  • #17
To give a brief overview of who each of them are:
Mackenzie King was PM for ww2. Questionable performance.

Bennett was PM for most (and worst) of the Great Depression - didn't even try to fix it.

Brian Mulroney is probably the most hated PM in Canada, he's responsible for signing NAFTA and selling so much of our business to the states. He doesn't live in Canada anymore, he took all his personal profits and moved to England.

Robert Laird Borden was the PM for WW1 and did an absolutely horrible job of it. I mean, come on! The ROSS RIFLE. Canadian soldiers discarded their rifles and grabbed the lee entfield of dead british troops whenever they could. They also gave us crappy boots, crappy shovels and ... crappy everything!

Jean Chretien stepped down last election. Replaced by Martin. A lot of people don't seem to like him, not sure why.
  • #18
Dunno, what have they done?
  • #19
do your own research.
  • #20
Smurf said:
Jean Chretien stepped down last election. Replaced by Martin. A lot of people don't seem to like him, not sure why.

I think it's for not scrapping the GST after he had said he would. Personally, I like him more than Martin.
  • #21
You know I would've thought more conservatives would dislike Brian Mulroney, seeing as he's the sole reason the conservatives have no ( zero) chance of winning an election any time soon at all.
  • #22
Smurf said:
do your own research.

I've got better things to do! :smile:

FAQ: Who is the Worst Canadian Prime Minister?

1. Who is considered the worst Canadian Prime Minister?

The worst Canadian Prime Minister is widely considered to be Sir John A. Macdonald. He served as the first Prime Minister of Canada from 1867 to 1873 and again from 1878 to 1891. While he was instrumental in the formation of the country, his policies towards Indigenous peoples, including the creation of residential schools, are viewed as controversial and harmful.

2. How did Sir John A. Macdonald's policies impact Canada?

Sir John A. Macdonald's policies, particularly his treatment of Indigenous peoples, have had lasting negative impacts on Canada. The creation of residential schools and the government's assimilation policies led to the cultural genocide of Indigenous peoples and continues to have intergenerational effects on Indigenous communities.

3. Has any other Canadian Prime Minister been considered the worst?

While Sir John A. Macdonald is often cited as the worst Canadian Prime Minister, other leaders have also faced criticism for their actions. For example, William Lyon Mackenzie King has been criticized for his handling of the internment of Japanese Canadians during World War II, and Brian Mulroney's government was plagued by scandals and economic issues.

4. How is the worst Canadian Prime Minister determined?

The determination of the worst Canadian Prime Minister is subjective and varies depending on personal beliefs and values. Factors that may contribute to this determination include their policies and actions during their time in office, their impact on the country and its citizens, and the lasting effects of their decisions.

5. Can a Prime Minister's legacy be re-evaluated over time?

Yes, a Prime Minister's legacy can be re-evaluated over time. As society's values and perspectives change, the actions and policies of past leaders may be viewed differently. For example, recent efforts to address and reconcile with the harm caused by residential schools have led to a re-evaluation of Sir John A. Macdonald's legacy and his place in Canadian history.

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