Z-operator acting on an angular momentum quantum state

In summary, the conversation discusses how to show that the expression < n l m | z | n l m > is equal to 0 for all states | n l m>. The relevant equations include L^2, Lx, Ly, Lz, and L+/-, and the attempt at a solution involves representing z as a function of these operators and using the wavefunctions in position space. Using the first recurrence relation of the associated Legendre polynomials, it is shown that multiplying with the argument of the Legendre polynomial, which is equivalent to z, gives the desired result.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I need to show that < n l m | z | n l m > = 0 for all states | n l m>

2. Relevent Equations:

L^2 = Lx^2 + Ly^2 + Lz ^2
Lx = yp(z) - zp(y)
Ly = zp(x) - xp(z)
Lz = xp(y) - yp(x)
L+/- = Lx +/- iLy

The Attempt at a Solution

I really don't know where to begin because z is not an eigenfuntion of | n l m> (and if it was this equation would not be 0 anyways). My intuition tells me that I need to somehow represent z as a function of the operators L^2, Lz, and maybe L+/-. But I can't seem to isolate z. Maybe I'm looking at this problem the wrong way. Is there some fundamental theorem that would show that this equation is true?
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  • #2
There is certainly a way to use the algebra, but it's actually eaasier if you look at the wavefunctions in position space.
The wavefunction is basically a Laguerre Polynomial with respect to r times a spherical harmonics.
The spherical harmonics is basically a complex exponential of phi times an associated Legendre polynomial with respect to [itex]\cos \theta[/itex] which is [itex] \hat{z}[/itex].
Now, check the first recurrence relation here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associated_Legendre_polynomials#Recurrence_formula
and you will see that multiplying with [itex] \hat{z}=\cos \theta [/itex], which is the argument of the Legendre polynomial, gives you [itex]P_{l+1}^m(\cos \theta)[/itex] and [itex]P_{l-1}^m(\cos \theta)[/itex] (with awkward coefficients), so effectively you'll get |n l+1 m> and |n l-1 m>.
  • #3
Thanks, that was a big help
  • #4
My pleasure ;)
  • #5

I would approach this problem by first reviewing the relevant equations and understanding how the Z-operator relates to the angular momentum operators Lx, Ly, and Lz. From the given equations, it is clear that the Z-operator cannot be expressed solely in terms of the angular momentum operators. Therefore, I would consider other relevant theorems or principles that may help in solving this problem. One possible approach could be to use the commutation relations between the angular momentum operators and the Z-operator to simplify the equation and show that it is equal to 0. Another approach could be to use the fact that the Z-operator is Hermitian and therefore has real eigenvalues, and use this information to manipulate the equation and prove that it is equal to 0. Additionally, I would consult with colleagues or reference materials to gather more information and insights on the problem. Ultimately, the key to solving this problem would be to carefully apply the relevant equations and principles in a logical and systematic manner.

FAQ: Z-operator acting on an angular momentum quantum state

1. What is the Z-operator and how does it act on an angular momentum quantum state?

The Z-operator is a mathematical operator that represents the component of angular momentum along the z-axis. It acts on an angular momentum quantum state by multiplying it by the z component of the state's eigenvalue.

2. What is an angular momentum quantum state?

An angular momentum quantum state is a quantum mechanical state that describes the angular momentum of a physical system. It is described by a set of quantum numbers that determine its energy, orbital angular momentum, and spin angular momentum.

3. How does the Z-operator affect the angular momentum of a system?

The Z-operator affects the angular momentum of a system by measuring and changing the component of the angular momentum along the z-axis. It is one of the three components of the total angular momentum, along with the x and y components.

4. What are the eigenvalues of the Z-operator?

The eigenvalues of the Z-operator are the possible outcomes of a measurement of the component of angular momentum along the z-axis. They are quantized in units of Planck's constant divided by 2π and can take on both positive and negative values.

5. How is the Z-operator used in quantum mechanics?

The Z-operator is used in quantum mechanics to describe and manipulate the angular momentum of a system. It is an important operator in the study of atomic and molecular structures and their interactions with electromagnetic fields.

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