Solve Physics: Understand Bernoulli's Principle & How an Aerofoil Develops Lift

  • Thread starter marinepyre
  • Start date
In summary, we discussed the concept of Bernoulli's principle and how it relates to lift production in an aerofoil. We also explored the relationship between airspeed and drag in determining the maximum lift to drag ratio. More information is needed to accurately determine this ratio, such as the weight of the aircraft and a scale on the drag axis of the given graph.
  • #1
I need help with understanding bernoulli's principle, how an aerofoil develops lift i have horrible knowledge and understanding on how it works
And how the aerofoil produces lift in regards to bernoulli's principle.
Diagrams would help a lot
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  • #2
The simple explanation is that using a wing as a frame of reference, the wing diverts the relative air flow downwards. This corresponds to the wing exerting a downwards force onto the air, and the air exerting an upwards force on the wing. The exertion of a downwards force on the air corresponds to a lower pressure above the wing and/or a higher pressure below the wing. Air accelerates from higher pressure areas towards lower pressure areas, and as the air accelerates, Bernoulli equations notes a relationship between the decreasing pressure and increasing speed, assuming no work is done, and ignoring issues related to turbulence and friction with the wing. A wing performs some work on the air (using the air as a frame of reference, a wing adds energy to the air), and the work related portion of lift violates Bernoulli.

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  • #3
How does the air going downwards make air go upwards i don't understand
Im sorry
  • #4
I also have another problem in regards to finding the maximum lift to drag ratio
I have been given a graph of airspeed over drag graph where airspeed is x-axis and drag is y axis
ImageUploadedByPhysics Forums1378604607.787760.jpg

I have to find out maximum lift to drag ratio at what airspeed and when it occurs
Please help ASAP
  • #5
marinepyre said:
How does the air going downwards make air go upwards i don't understand.
The air doesn't have a net upwards flow. The net acceleration is downwards and the net velocity aft of the trailing edge of a wing is downwards. There's a Newton third law pair of forces, the wing exerts a downwards force onto the air, and the air reacts with an upwards force on the wing and also reacts by accelerating downwards. Assuming this is level flight, gravity keeps the aircraft flying level instead of accelerating upwards.

marinepyre said:
I also have another problem in regards to finding the maximum lift to drag ratio ... I have been given a graph of airspeed over drag graph where airspeed is x-axis and drag is y axis.
There's not sufficient information. The maximium lift to drag ratio occurs where the lines cross, but there's no scale on the drag axis, and there's no information about the weight of the aircraft to compare the drag force against, even if the drag axis had a scale.
  • #6

FAQ: Solve Physics: Understand Bernoulli's Principle & How an Aerofoil Develops Lift

1. What is Bernoulli's Principle?

Bernoulli's Principle states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. This principle is used to explain the lift generated by an aerofoil, as the air moving over the curved surface of the aerofoil has a higher velocity, resulting in lower pressure and creating lift.

2. How does an aerofoil develop lift?

An aerofoil is designed with a curved shape, with the top surface curved more than the bottom. As air flows over this shape, it has to travel a longer distance over the curved top surface compared to the flat bottom surface. This results in the air on top of the aerofoil having a higher velocity and lower pressure, causing the aerofoil to be lifted upwards.

3. What factors affect the lift generated by an aerofoil?

The lift generated by an aerofoil is affected by several factors, including the shape of the aerofoil, the speed of the air, the density of the air, and the angle of attack (the angle at which the aerofoil meets the oncoming air). A change in any of these factors can affect the lift generated by the aerofoil.

4. How is Bernoulli's Principle applied in real-world situations?

Bernoulli's Principle is applied in many real-world situations, including the design of airplane wings, the creation of lift in wind turbines, and the functioning of carburetors in engines. It is also used in the study of fluid dynamics and the design of hydraulic systems.

5. Can Bernoulli's Principle be violated?

No, Bernoulli's Principle is a fundamental principle of fluid mechanics and cannot be violated. However, other factors, such as air turbulence and external forces, can affect the lift generated by an aerofoil and may appear to contradict the principle. But overall, Bernoulli's Principle always holds true.

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