ANSYS workbench - finer elements gives errous results

In summary, the conversation discusses the simulation of a cantilever beam in ANSYS Workbench Mechanical and the discrepancies in results when using a coarse mesh versus a finer one. The conversation also suggests trying different meshing options and checking constraints to potentially improve accuracy of results. It is noted that ANSYS APDL has an adaptive mesher that can be used during the solution environment. The use of BEAM elements is also suggested for better results in this particular problem.
  • #1

I'm doing a simulation in ansys workbench mechanical (12.1) of a cantilever beam (axle) fixed to a wall and loaded radialy at the other end.

The funny thing here is that when the mesh is rather coarse the results regarding von-mises stress (at the support where the bending moment is at it's highest) is very accurate compared to the theoretical values. When the mesh is getting finer, the results gets higher and higher and deviates from the theoretical ones.

the opposite happens with the total deformation where the results are getting more and more correct as the elements are getting finer and finer.

Does anyone have a reasonable explanation to this?

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  • #2
The fact that you refine the mesh and the stresses skyrocket indicates a stress singularity probably close to a constraint point. Deflections are small (as it's constrained) mean that you would expect to see the displacement not change much at that end.

I thought ansys workbench had adaptive meshing. If you have this on, turn it off and do a standard mesh. If you have it off, turn it on and see what happens.

How far from calculated values are you?

Check your constraints, one that doesn't truly reflect the load case you are thinking of can cause funny results. eg something like a fixed constraint where it should be compressive only (I know this doesn't directly apply but you get the idea - check your loading conditions).

As far as I remember you have very little control over element type in workbench, so I doubt that is the issue.
  • #3
I found that adaptive meshing is not an option for my mechanical workbench I'we found out.

See the atached image for details.
I've used fixed support and the load is applied at the face as force with 10000N in magnitude.

Also, what is the consequence of using element midside nodes regarding the results?


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  • #4
It's accurate to approx 1%... Thats pretty damn good. when I do FEA simulations (granted they are more tricky than this and are harder to validate) but 5% variation is deemed acceptable.

Midside nodes allows the element to take on a curved edge. Allowing better fidelity to round objects with less elements.

Read up on H-refinement and P-refinement.
  • #5
Firstly, what kind of elements are you using? If you are using SOLID elements, then you'll have a discontinuity as Chris suggested at the "wall" (I assume that you're not actually modeling the wall, as indicated by the images).

Again, as Chris suggested, with solid elements on an analysis such as this, 1% error is pretty good. However, you can try using BEAM elements, they should actually give better results for this particular problem.

edit: I'm not sure that Workbench has an adaptive mesher, however what is now called ANSYS APDL does. There is a command called...ADAPT maybe that you can issue during the solution environment to allow the solver to refine the mesh based on the results.

p.s. I'm not 100% sure about the ADAPT command (I no longer have access to the ANSYS help files).

FAQ: ANSYS workbench - finer elements gives errous results

What is ANSYS workbench?

ANSYS workbench is a software platform used for engineering simulation. It allows users to build, analyze, and optimize virtual prototypes of their products and systems.

What are finer elements in ANSYS workbench?

Finer elements in ANSYS workbench refer to a higher number of finite elements used in the simulation. These elements help to increase the accuracy and precision of the results.

Why are finer elements giving erroneous results in ANSYS workbench?

Finer elements can sometimes give erroneous results due to a few reasons such as incorrect input parameters, convergence issues, or mesh distortion. It is important to carefully check all inputs and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

How can I improve the accuracy of my ANSYS workbench simulation?

To improve the accuracy of your ANSYS workbench simulation, you can try using finer elements, adjusting convergence criteria, and refining the mesh in critical areas. It is also important to validate your simulation results with experimental or analytical data.

Are there any alternatives to using finer elements in ANSYS workbench for improved accuracy?

Yes, there are other methods for improving the accuracy of ANSYS workbench simulations. These include using adaptive meshing techniques, adjusting solver settings, and using more advanced element types. It is best to consult with an experienced user or ANSYS support for specific recommendations for your simulation.
