Relativistic Doppler Shift Equation - Derivation

In summary: You're right, the exponent is in the wrong place. It should be: v^| = v\frac{1 + \beta}{\sqrt{1 - \beta}} insula
  • #1

Homework Statement

The full expression for the relativitic Doppler Shift is

[tex]v' = v \gamma [1- \beta cos \theta][/tex]

where v' and v are the frequencies of the light source in its own rest frame and and in the laboraty respectivley. [tex] \theta [/tex] is the (laboratory) anglebetween the direction of the photons and the direction in which the source is moving. Show that this is consistent with the equation:

[tex] v' = v\sqrt{\frac{1 + \beta}{1 - \beta}} [/tex]

for a source moving driectly away from the observer

Homework Equations

[tex] v' = v \gamma [1- \beta cos \theta][/tex]

[tex] v' = v\sqrt{\frac{1 + \beta}{1 - \beta}} [/tex]

[tex] \gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \beta}} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I have got some way through, but appear to be slightly stuck:

[tex] v' = v \gamma [1- \beta cos \theta][/tex]

[tex] v' = v \frac{[1- \beta cos \theta]}{1 - \beta}[/tex]

for the angle, since moving away, [tex] \theta = 0 [/tex]

thus, [tex] cos \theta = 1 [/tex]

[tex] v' = v \frac{[1- \beta (1)]}{1 - \beta}[/tex]

But I am not sure how to get the square root over the whole of the equation, or to turn the minus to a plus on the top if the fraction.

Any ideas?

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  • #2
I might be missing something but i think you forgot the root when you subsituted gamma into the expression. Also, since its moving away you would have theta be pi, i believe, whichw ould give you the plus you're looking for
  • #3
Yeah it should really be

[tex] v' = v\frac{1 - \beta}{\sqrt{1 - \beta}}[/ [/tex]

Cos of Pi = -1, giving:

[tex] v' = v \frac{1 + \beta}{\sqrt{1 - \beta}} [/tex]

So all I need to de know is find out how to get the root over the whole of the fraction, not just the bottom.

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  • #4
Sorry, Latex seems tpo dislike my using ' to represent prime:

Final equation so far:

[tex] v` = v\frac{1 + \beta}{\sqrt{1 - beta}} [/tex]

Any ideas how to get the square root to cover the whole fraction, noit just the bottom half?

  • #5

Your definition of gamma is incorrect. It needs to be:

\gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\beta^2} }

Once you use that, you can factor what's inside the square root on the bottom (it has the form of [itex]a^2-b^2[/itex]). After a cancellation, I think you can get the answer. What do you get?
  • #6
I now get:

[tex] v^| = v\frac{1 + \beta}{\sqrt{(1 + \beta)(1 - \beta)}} [/tex]

would you now do:

[tex] v^| = v\frac{(1 + \beta)^{1/2}(1 + \beta)^{1/2}}{(1 + \beta^{1/2})(1 - \beta)^{1/2}} [/tex]

So you would cancel out - does this look correct?

  • #7
You have an exponent in the wrong place in the denominator, but it looks like it's probably just a typo. (The factor [itex](1+\beta^{1/2})[/itex] needs to be [itex](1+\beta)^{1/2}[/itex]). Other than that, it looks correct, and once you cancel out the identical factors in numerator and denominator you get the desired result.
  • #8
Yeah, the bracket is in the worng place, should have been:

[tex] v^| = v\frac{(1 + \beta)^{1/2}(1 + \beta)^{1/2}}{(1 + \beta)^{1/2}(1 - \beta)^{1/2}} [/tex]

So it cancels down to:

[tex] v^| = v\frac{(1 + \beta)^{1/2}}{(1 - \beta)^{1/2}} [/tex]

Which is the same as:

[tex]v^| = v \sqrt{\frac{1 + \beta}{1 - \beta}}[/tex]


FAQ: Relativistic Doppler Shift Equation - Derivation

What is the Relativistic Doppler Shift Equation?

The Relativistic Doppler Shift Equation is a mathematical formula that describes how the frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation change when observed from a moving frame of reference, taking into account the effects of special relativity.

How is the Relativistic Doppler Shift Equation derived?

The equation is derived using the principles of special relativity, which state that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. By considering the motion of the source and observer, as well as the speed of light, the equation can be derived using basic algebra.

What variables are involved in the Relativistic Doppler Shift Equation?

The equation involves the speed of the source and observer, the speed of light, and the wavelength or frequency of the radiation. It also takes into account the Lorentz factor, which is a measure of how time and space are affected by relative motion.

How does the Relativistic Doppler Shift Equation differ from the classical Doppler effect equation?

The classical Doppler effect equation only takes into account the relative velocity between the source and observer, whereas the Relativistic Doppler Shift Equation also considers the speed of light, the Lorentz factor, and the direction of motion of the source and observer.

What are some practical applications of the Relativistic Doppler Shift Equation?

The equation is used in various fields such as astronomy, where it helps calculate the velocity and distance of celestial objects based on their observed spectra. It is also used in satellite navigation systems, where it helps correct for the effects of relativity on the timing of signals. Additionally, the equation is used in medical imaging techniques, such as Doppler ultrasound, to measure the velocity of blood flow in the body.

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