Convert DC to AC: Power Electric Chair on AC Only

  • Thread starter Missouri Bob
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    Ac Dc
In summary, you have a used electric chair that is powered by batteries that are not being charged. The chair is already set up to do that, but you need to get a power cable or some way of supplying AC power to the chair as it moves up and down the stairs.
  • #1
Missouri Bob
i have a used electric chair for my mother for our stairs. we installed it and it seemed to work fine for a couple days. then the batteries began to lose charge. the chair is pwered by batteries that are charged by an ac plug in, but somehow the batteries are not getting charged. i would like to by-pass them and have the chair run on ac only. can i do that? the chair runs on two 12v batteries.
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  • #2
Sure you can but your will need to a power cable or some way of supplying AC power to the chair as it moves up and down the stairs.
  • #3
the chair is already set up to do that. the batteries are in the chair and from there is a cable that runs to a charger, then into a plug in the wall. my question is how do i get it to run off of ac instead of the dc from the batteries?
  • #4
Interesting. I'm guessing the batteries are there in the first place because the chair requires a very high amp draw that some home's electrical wiring won't be able to handle. The first thing I would do is determine what type of amp draw the chair requires and then check to see if the electrical wiring in the house can dish it out. If the power requirement is to great, you may not be able to run it off of AC. This may require a professional electrician if you don't want to risk burning the house down.

I would also look at getting some better batteries as a plan B.
  • #5
You need a mains power supply unit with the correct DC output. Ham Radio shops stock 12 V mains power units at 20 - 30 Amps for running radio equipment at home which can also be used in cars (12 v only available).
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  • #6
I don't think you can run a DC motor off of AC. Especially since AC would be 120 Vrms and the coils are wrapped for 24 V DC. I think you may have arcing and a fire in short order.

However, if it is designed for AC (there should be a plate on the motor that gives its operating specifications) or the coils have thick enough insulation, then your mom will have a much faster ride up and down the stairs!

However, your best bet is to contact the company that made this thing and tell them that the charger isn't working.
  • #7
High voltages (electric shock) and high currents (arcing and burning) are dangerous.

If you are not sure what you are doing DONT.
  • #8
MATLABdude said:
I don't think you can run a DC motor off of AC. Especially since AC would be 120 Vrms and the coils are wrapped for 24 V DC. I think you may have arcing and a fire in short order.

There is obviously a rectifier/converter already built into the chair since its charging 12v batteries. Although I doubt it would handle the current that the chair motor requires. Either way, simple motor controllers that go from AC to DC aren't that difficult to come by.
  • #9
How do you know the batteries have lost charge? Can you check the charge via a hydrometer or a voltmeter??
  • #10
Naty1 said:
How do you know the batteries have lost charge? Can you check the charge via a hydrometer or a voltmeter??
Yes and/or maybe they are not being charged. Have you checked the wiring from the charger to batteries?

BTW Welcome to PF Missouri. Are you a basketball fan? Rock Chack Jayhawks. :biggrin:
  • #11
i have tried to contact the company several different times, and when I've actually talked to a person they will not help, they're out of europe. they have a rep about three hours from me who said his service call alone for that distance would be $300. the chair cost $500.

the batteries SOUNDED like they were going dead. we hoped the old batteries were just faulty and bought new ones. they worked fine for a couple days and then they started dying, like they were not being recharged.

i was an electrician apprentice for three years, but with this chair I don't really know what I'm doing. i'd like to be able to do without the batteries and somehow convert the ac power to work the dc motor.

FAQ: Convert DC to AC: Power Electric Chair on AC Only

What is the purpose of converting DC to AC for an electric chair?

The purpose of converting DC to AC for an electric chair is to ensure that the chair operates using alternating current (AC) instead of direct current (DC). This is necessary because AC is the standard form of electricity supplied by power grids, whereas DC is typically used in smaller devices such as batteries. Converting DC to AC allows the electric chair to be powered by the same source as other household appliances, making it more efficient and convenient.

How does the process of converting DC to AC work?

The process of converting DC to AC involves using a device called an inverter. The inverter takes the DC input and uses electronic circuits to convert it into AC output. This is achieved by switching the DC input on and off at a high frequency, which creates a waveform that mimics AC. The inverter also includes components such as transformers and capacitors to adjust the voltage and smooth out the waveform.

Can any type of DC be converted to AC for an electric chair?

Most types of DC can be converted to AC for an electric chair, as long as the voltage and current are within the range that the inverter can handle. However, some types of DC, such as pulsed DC, may not be suitable for conversion as they can cause damage to the inverter or electric chair. It is important to use the correct type of DC input specified by the manufacturer of the inverter.

Are there any risks or safety concerns when converting DC to AC for an electric chair?

As with any electrical process, there are potential risks and safety concerns when converting DC to AC for an electric chair. It is important to use proper safety precautions and follow the manufacturer's instructions when working with electricity. Additionally, the inverter and other components used for the conversion should be properly rated and installed to avoid potential hazards such as electric shock or fire.

Is converting DC to AC the only way to power an electric chair?

No, converting DC to AC is not the only way to power an electric chair. The chair could also be designed to operate on DC directly, or it could be powered by a different type of electrical source such as a battery. However, converting DC to AC is a common and practical method for powering an electric chair, as it allows it to be connected to the standard power grid and operate efficiently.

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