Difference between Liquefaction & Condensation

In summary, Liquefaction refers to the change of phase from a gas to a liquid. Condensation refers to the change of phase from a gas to either a liquid or a solid. When ice crystals condense out of humid air it is just as much a process of condensation as when water droplets condense out of humid air.
  • #1
What is the difference between Liquefaction & Condensation, although both deal with change of state from gas to liquid?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Condensation deals with changing from a gas to a liquid. Liquefaction can refer to a gas changing to a liquid or a solid changing to a liquid. It is not specific.
  • #3
renjith_p said:
What is the difference between Liquefaction & Condensation, although both deal with change of state from gas to liquid?

Liquefaction refers to the change of phase from a gas to a liquid. Condensation refers to the change of phase from a gas to either a liquid or a solid. When ice crystals condense out of humid air it is just as much a process of condensation as when water droplets condense out of humid air.

The space "occupied" by a water droplet or an ice crystal is approximately a thousandfold less than the space "occupied" by the water vapor at NTP. Thus the use of the term "condensation".
  • #4
klimatos said:
Liquefaction refers to the change of phase from a gas to a liquid. Condensation refers to the change of phase from a gas to either a liquid or a solid. When ice crystals condense out of humid air it is just as much a process of condensation as when water droplets condense out of humid air.

Not true; liquefaction is any phase turning into a liquid. Condensation is only a gas turning into a liquid. A gas turning into a solid is deposition.
  • #5
Per wikipedia: In physics, to liquefy (sometimes spelled liquify) means to turn something into the liquid state.

Also per wiki: In physics, chemistry, and genetic engineering
Liquefaction is referred to as liquefaction of gases, the process of condensing a gas into a liquid. Liquefaction can be a change from a gas to a liquid through condensation, usually by cooling, or a change from a solid to a liquid through melting, usually by heating or by grinding and blending with another liquid to induce dissolution.

Condensation: Condensation is the change of the physical state of matter from gaseous phase into liquid phase, and is the reverse of evaporation.[1] When the transition happens from the gaseous phase into the solid phase directly, the change is called deposition.
  • #7
I thought liquefaction was when an earthquake made the ground break up. Guess the words have multiple meanings.
  • #8
Drakkith said:
Per wikipedia: In physics, to liquefy (sometimes spelled liquify) means to turn something into the liquid state.

Also per wiki: In physics, chemistry, and genetic engineering
Liquefaction is referred to as liquefaction of gases, the process of condensing a gas into a liquid. Liquefaction can be a change from a gas to a liquid through condensation, usually by cooling, or a change from a solid to a liquid through melting, usually by heating or by grinding and blending with another liquid to induce dissolution.

Condensation: Condensation is the change of the physical state of matter from gaseous phase into liquid phase, and is the reverse of evaporation.[1] When the transition happens from the gaseous phase into the solid phase directly, the change is called deposition.

That sounds more convincing...thanks for the reply guys
  • #9
boneh3ad said:
Not true; liquefaction is any phase turning into a liquid. Condensation is only a gas turning into a liquid. A gas turning into a solid is deposition.

I refer you to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_vapor

In atmospheric physics, "vaporization" refers to both the evaporation of liquid water and the sublimation of solid ice. Conversely, "condensation" refers to both the liquefaction of water vapor and also its deposition as ice. Since the two processes are often taking place simultaneously, it is useful to have a term that covers both. "Condensation" is it.

As an example, it is common to speak of high-elevation contrails as being composed of "condensates", even though they are almost entirely composed of ice-crystals.

I am not qualified to comment on whether this usage is common with gases other than water vapor.

FAQ: Difference between Liquefaction & Condensation

1. What is the difference between liquefaction and condensation?

Liquefaction and condensation are both processes that involve the conversion of a substance from a gas to a liquid state. However, the main difference between the two is the mechanism by which this conversion occurs.

2. How does liquefaction occur?

Liquefaction occurs when a gas is subjected to high pressure and low temperature, causing its molecules to come closer together and lose their kinetic energy. This results in the gas becoming a liquid.

3. What factors affect the liquefaction process?

The main factors that affect liquefaction are temperature and pressure. A substance will liquefy at a specific temperature and pressure, known as its boiling point. At lower temperatures and/or higher pressures, liquefaction is more likely to occur.

4. How does condensation differ from liquefaction?

Condensation occurs when a gas is cooled to its dew point, where it is no longer able to hold its gaseous form and becomes a liquid. This can happen at atmospheric pressure, unlike liquefaction which requires high pressure.

5. What is the significance of liquefaction and condensation in everyday life?

Liquefaction and condensation are important processes in various industries, such as refrigeration and chemical production. They also play a role in everyday activities, such as boiling water for cooking and producing steam for heating. These processes are essential for maintaining a comfortable living environment and producing various products we use daily.

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