Which Book is Better for Learning RF Circuit Design: Hayt or Kraus?

In summary, the conversation is about finding a book for learning RF circuit design. The two options being discussed are Engineering Electromagnetics by Hayt and Electromagnetics with Applications by Kraus. The general consensus is that Hayt's book is not the best for RF circuit design, with only a short section on the topic. Another recommended book is Field and Wave Electromagnetics by David K Cheng, which has more coverage on RF. The best book for RF circuit design is said to be Microwave Engineering by Pozar, followed by RF Circuit Design by Ludwig.
  • #1
I want buy a book to learn RF circuit design(I have got a project to do next year and I wanted to start preliminary preparation now). Could anyone help me to figure out which one is better of the two - Engineering Electromagnetics by Hayt or Electromagnetics with Applications by Kraus.

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  • #2

The Hyat book was the undergraduate EM text that I used. It is ok for general electromagentic theory but I don't think I would classify it as having much RF circuit design coverage except for short chapters at the end on transmission lines and wave guides.

If you want a review of EM it isn't bad but if you are really looking for RF circuit design it doesn't talk much about that.
  • #3

I have over 8 EM book, Hayt and Bug got to be the worst. Only reason I bought it was because it was used in the advanced EM class in U of Santa Clara. Check out Field and Wave Electromagnetics by David K Cheng. That's the book I use.

None of the EM book go into RF that deep, only Cheng has more fields and wave as in title of the book. Get the Microwave Engineering by Pozar. That's the book by which all others are judged, but it is a little more advanced. RF Circuit Design by Ludwig is second best and easier.
  • #4
I have to get the Hayt version for my class next semester, but I will be getting Cheng as well due to the horrid reviews I have read regarding Hayt.
  • #5
for reaching out for help in choosing a book for your RF circuit design project. Both Engineering Electromagnetics by Hayt and Electromagnetics with Applications by Kraus are excellent resources for learning about electromagnetics and RF circuit design. Ultimately, the best book for you will depend on your personal learning style and the specific focus of your project.

Engineering Electromagnetics by Hayt is a comprehensive textbook that covers all aspects of electromagnetics, including both theoretical concepts and practical applications. It is well-organized and easy to follow, making it a great choice for beginners or those who prefer a more traditional textbook approach. However, it may not go into as much depth on RF circuit design specifically.

Electromagnetics with Applications by Kraus, on the other hand, has a strong focus on practical applications and includes many real-world examples and case studies. It also covers RF circuit design in more detail and may be a better choice for those specifically interested in this area. However, it may not cover all theoretical concepts as extensively as Engineering Electromagnetics.

In summary, both books are highly recommended for learning about electromagnetics and RF circuit design. Consider your learning style and the specific focus of your project to determine which book would be the best fit for you. You may also want to consider borrowing both from a library or consulting with a professor or other experts in the field for their recommendations. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: Which Book is Better for Learning RF Circuit Design: Hayt or Kraus?

1. What is the difference between "Engineering Electromagnetics" by Hayt and "Electromagnetics with Applications" by Kraus?

The main difference between these two books is their approach to teaching electromagnetics. "Engineering Electromagnetics" by Hayt focuses on providing a theoretical understanding of the subject, while "Electromagnetics with Applications" by Kraus emphasizes practical applications and real-world examples. Additionally, Hayt's book is more mathematically rigorous, while Kraus's book is more intuitive and visually-oriented.

2. Which book is better for beginners in electromagnetics?

Both books are suitable for beginners, but "Electromagnetics with Applications" by Kraus may be more accessible for those with little background in the subject. It has a more gradual learning curve and provides more real-world examples to help students understand the concepts.

3. Do these books cover the same topics?

Yes, both books cover the same fundamental topics in electromagnetics such as electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves, and transmission lines. However, the order and depth of coverage may differ.

4. Are there any online resources available for these books?

Yes, both books have companion websites that offer additional resources such as practice problems, interactive simulations, and study guides. These websites can be accessed with a code that is usually included with the purchase of the textbook.

5. Which book is better for preparing for exams?

Both books are suitable for exam preparation, but "Engineering Electromagnetics" by Hayt may be more helpful for those who prefer a more mathematical and theoretical approach to studying. Kraus's book, on the other hand, may be better for visual learners and those who prefer a more intuitive understanding of the subject.
