What is your average daily study time?

  • Thread starter andytoh
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In summary: I don't really remember.I usually study for about 16-18 hours one day per week and then don't do anything except the homework for the rest of the week. This poll is primarily for those very serious ones who intend to do graduate studies/earn their phD or are already past that point. for me it usually works itself into the 16-18 hours of study on that one day, the stuff that doesn't usually isn't taxing enough to count in terms of studying as defined in the OPalso my problem sets usually crop up once every week or two and are almost always due on monday.Over the summer I had a 2 hour class 5 days a week (Diff Eq

How many hours of study per day on average do you do

  • 0-2

    Votes: 51 27.4%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 42 22.6%
  • 5-6

    Votes: 36 19.4%
  • 7-8

    Votes: 21 11.3%
  • 9-10

    Votes: 19 10.2%
  • 11-12

    Votes: 6 3.2%
  • 13-14

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • 15+

    Votes: 9 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • #36
How can you study so much when you only get 5 hours sleep?! Don't you get sleepy while reading?
When reading about new subjects I can't stay awake if I haven't got enough sleep, how do you manage?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
P3X-018 said:
How can you study so much when you only get 5 hours sleep?! Don't you get sleepy while reading?
When reading about new subjects I can't stay awake if I haven't got enough sleep, how do you manage?
I'm not really sure to tell you the truth. Sometimes its hard for me to believe that I am able to do some of the things I have done. For example, one quarter I took 6 classes (including 3 upper division math classes two of which were honors classes, 2 programming classes and a linguistic course) it was a total of 28 units. I had 6 finals 1 on sunday before finals week and then 1 everyday until thursday of finals week in which I had 2 finals. My grades for the quarter were 5 As, 1 A+. I probably won't be repeating that again although even I am not taking 6 classes and not as many units (I am currently taking 5 classes, 20 units) I think its harder now.

As for the sleep thing, maybe I got used to not sleeping so much during my high school years I used to sleep about 5 hours as well. Pretty much a full schedule too but with more slacking off than now. But I use to train(running) alot. I used to train twice a day (at 6am and then in the evening, I lived about 12 miles from my school so I had to leave my house before 5am sometimes) pretty much every day. I don't really get tired now compared to back when I was in high school.

About reading I guess after thinking about it it seems that I read the stuff that I know definitely interests me whenever I have time (i.e., I have nothing else I need to study) and definitely at night. I get all the stuff which I know I have to study but I am not specifically interested in out of the way first and leave the stuff I definitely want to learn and know that will motivate me to stay active and not bored and sleepy for the end of the day. Then I review in the morning on my way to school.
  • #38
I do not let the day's duties rob me of my precious studying time. I can easily study math while I'm driving, in the middle of business meetings, stuck in an office party, stuck in a movie theater, waiting around with no book on me, etc...

It's easy: Just choose a theorem that you have already learned before, and try to prove it in your mind. If you can't do it, choose an easier theorem. Once you've proven it in your mind, choose another theorem. This serves as great review while you practise your proving skills. And no one knows what you are doing.

The only time this doesn't work is when someone has the nerves to start a conversation with you.
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  • #39
I like to have balance between study and having a life. I study on average four hours a day, and more as the material becomes tougher, but I could never be the person would sits around and studies while doing other activities. Once I decide I need to do something else, like shower, I do not work math problems in my head. I relax and shower. If I'm at a social event, I do not try to solve a SOP in my head, I enjoy the event. I find these small breaks, rather, reentrance into reality, keep me from become overburden and less stress than some of my peers.
  • #40
Putting in ~50 hours per week at the office, plus 5 courses, nets me about 2 hours a day to study. Sleep hovers around 5-6 hours. Try to put in 6-7 hrs on the weekends but that's about all i can absorb.
  • #41
Bitter said:
I like to have balance between study and having a life. I study on average four hours a day, and more as the material becomes tougher, but I could never be the person would sits around and studies while doing other activities. Once I decide I need to do something else, like shower, I do not work math problems in my head. I relax and shower. If I'm at a social event, I do not try to solve a SOP in my head, I enjoy the event. I find these small breaks, rather, reentrance into reality, keep me from become overburden and less stress than some of my peers.

Of course I was referring to occasions where you are stuck somewhere that you don't want to be (e.g. a useless business meeting, watching a movie that you realize you don't like). In those situations, I start proving theorems in my mind. If I'm at a social event that I actually enjoy, then those theorems will wait.
  • #42
I study about 10 hours a day, get slightly over 7 hours of sleep, and spend about 2 hours a day surfing through physics forums. If you don't count the time lost from studying from daydreaming, losing focus, etc, I guess I get about 8-9 hours of studying a day.
  • #43
nine or ten hours a day as a Sophmore Physics major taking 4 honors upper level Math classes. It's intense.
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  • #44
Going through the posts of this thread, I see I'm not the only one who would ask if the numbers in your poll can be thought of as minutes too? :biggrin:
  • #45
I'm never was one for studying for long periods.

I think taking as much time out of studying, preferably more, to play sports or go out with friends makes one a much better student.
  • #46
How much do you do when its exam time?

I try for 8hrs
  • #47
If you study a lot youre going to be better :rolleyes:
  • #48
3 hours between classes 4 days, 1 hour between classes monday and wednesday and 4 hours at home, 4 hours friday sat and sun.

42 per week studying, 25% percent of the week, though I estimate my learning effeciency is about 70% of the time I study and 20% when I am not.
  • #49
around 5 hrs a day on weekdays
full day 9-12; 1-6 on weekends

not having a social life/ not having family/friends time or having hobbies is a small sacrifice for double majoring in Comp E and EE.

Edit : that's excluding classes
  • #50
I voted 3-4 hours a day

no school at this time just trying to expand my horizons.

and no studying on the weekend :rolleyes:
  • #51
It only takes me about 0-2 hours to thoroughly understand the material, usually. :cool:
  • #52
About 4-5hrs a day when I'm taking a full sciencecourse load. But during the quarters when I'm taking on GE courses, I study maybe 15-20hrs for the whole quarter.
  • #53
0-0.5 per day in undergrad, 3-4 in grad school.
  • #54
Math undergrad, around 2-3 hours daily...

You guys studying 7+ hours a day, how much coffee is involved with that? I would go insane..
  • #55
15+ hours a day? really?...
  • #56
For me it depends if I have classes or not in a day. If I have classes, it's 4 hours of intense comprehension and 2 hours of doing exercises, plus maybe an hour of study at home. Days at home are inconstantly, I can study 3 hours during a day and then the next day almost nothing (but I almost read over the Internet about maths and physics everyday). A week before a small exam I study maybe 4 or 5 hours by day.
The average is hard to calculate. I voted 3-4 hours a day.

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