What the name of old system before digital system for record songs

In summary: The difference between digital and analog pixel shape is that digital pixels are square while analog pixels are more like circles. This makes it easier to interpolate or upconvert NTSC standard definition video (like a standard DVD) on a digital monitor. Analog CRT's can adjust beam width, sweep rate, and transition rate, so aspect ratio is variable with these system. Mitsubishi used to make HDTV's that use 3 CRT displays, one red, one green, one blue, in a rear projection system (the CRTs pointed up to a mirror so the image was reflected on a display screen), but 2006 was the last year they made these. The CRT based HDTV had 480p and 1080i as "native
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what the name of old system before digital system for record songs...
Computer science news on Phys.org
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Thomas Edison invented something called "Phonograph".
  • #5
Before the phonograph or gramophone, the way to record songs was with sheet music.
  • #7
what is difference pixel shape between digital and analog screen
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taregg said:
what the name of old system before digital system for record songs...
Analog magnetic tape decks like the ones used in recording studios have very high quality and are/were used to make the "masters" for recording sessions.



taregg said:
what is difference pixel shape between digital and analog screen
Digital pixel height / width aspect ratio is 1 / 1. NTSC analog HD pixel aspect ratio is also 1 / 1. NTSC standard definition 480i pixel aspect ratio = (480*4) / (704*3) = 10 / 11 or .909090... . This make it's it really awkward to interpolate / upconvert NTSC standard definition video (like a standard DVD) on a digital monitor. The image could be horizontally stretched by 10% to end up with 1 /1 aspect pixel ratios, but the stretched image would be noticable.

Analog CRT's can adjust beam width, sweep rate, and transition rate, so aspect ratio is variable with these system. Mitsubishi used to make HDTV's that use 3 CRT displays, one red, one green, one blue, in a rear projection system (the CRTs pointed up to a mirror so the image was reflected on a display screen), but 2006 was the last year they made these. The CRT based HDTV had 480p and 1080i as "native modes", taking advantage of beam adjustment so interpolation was only used for 720p, interpolating 4x4 squares of pixels into a 6x6 squares of pixels.

The old analog CRT computer monitors, being able to adjust beam parameters can handle a wide variety of resolutions, and although there is a mask with a fixed number of "holes", the beam can partially cross and/or start/stop between mask hole boundaries, allowing for what at the time were high resolutions, like 2048 x 1536, or 1920 x 1440 (both 4:3 ratios). Sony made a "wide" screen CRT that could display 1920x1080 (16:9 ratio). Example image of a "white" arrow from a CRT screen. Note the partially painted "holes" at the edges. If you stand far enough back you'll see a white arrow.

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  • #10
timthereaper said:
Before the phonograph or gramophone, the way to record songs was with sheet music.

Oh, so true.
And before that is was through verbilization and memory from one generation to the next.

Geez, I wonder if any parent sings to their child, let alone knows of any bedtime songs to lull their child to sleep anymore!

Another method, besides memorization, printed and electronic was mechanical. Everyone should know about the wind up jewelry box with the mirror, spinning balerina and music when opened. A drum with pin projections rotated and doing so the pin projections picked at metal forks tuned to certain notes and a short little melody was played.

The next big thing was the self playing piano...
  • #11
Wow, thanks for making me feel old. I think I will go sell my 8-track player now. ;-)
  • #12
taregg said:
what is difference pixel shape between digital and analog screen

Sounds so much like a homework question...

FAQ: What the name of old system before digital system for record songs

1. What was the name of the old system before digital systems for recording songs?

The old system before digital systems for recording songs was called analog recording. This involved using physical mediums such as vinyl records, cassette tapes, or reel-to-reel tapes to capture and play back audio.

2. How did analog recording differ from digital recording?

Analog recording used physical mediums to capture and store audio, while digital recording uses digital signals and data to record and store audio. Analog recording also had a more limited frequency range and could result in degradation of sound quality over time, while digital recording has a wider frequency range and can preserve sound quality indefinitely.

3. When was analog recording commonly used?

Analog recording was commonly used from the late 1800s to the late 1990s. It was the dominant method of recording and playing back music until the rise of digital technology in the late 20th century.

4. Are there any advantages of analog recording over digital recording?

Some people argue that analog recording has a warmer, more organic sound compared to digital recording. It also allows for more human error and imperfections, which can add character to a recording. Additionally, some musicians prefer the tangible nature of physical mediums used in analog recording.

5. Why did digital recording eventually replace analog recording?

Digital recording offered many advantages over analog recording, including better sound quality, more efficient storage and manipulation of audio, and the ability to easily edit and manipulate recordings. It also allowed for the rise of digital distribution and streaming of music, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

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