Looking for some good websites for Physics and Cosmology

In summary, the conversation was about finding websites for Cosmology and Physics. The person was in 8th grade and requested for websites with less technical math. Some suggested websites were Ned Wright's FAQ on cosmology, Physics Made Easy, Hyperphysics, and Charles Lineweaver's publications. Another website mentioned was TalkOrigins.org, which was recommended for its detailed breakdown of Big Bang cosmology. The conversation also mentioned using YouTube for science explanations with different analogies.
  • #1
I've been looking for a few websites good for Cosmology and Physics, maybe you guys can help? I'm in 8thgrade, but I can comprehend a lot, just try to stay away from websites that have excessive technical math please. All posts are appreciated.
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
Here's a few you might find useful:

Ned Wright's Frequently asked questions about cosmology is non-technical and very well written:
You might also want to navigate to his home page and explore from there.

Physics Made Easy is very good, but doesn't shy from math:

Hyperphysics provides a great mind-map with brief and to the point outlines of the subjects with references and further reading:
(cosmology is covered in the astrophysics section)

Charles Lineweaver's publications are generally accepted as excellent pedagogical material.
This one here might be a bit daunting in places, but still very accessible:

I've found another detailed breakdown of the subject of Big Bang cosmology at TalkOrigins.org:
It's more from the "debunking the creationsts" angle, but looks scientifically accurate. Maybe somebody else can verify that.
  • #3
Wow! Thank you, these were great.
  • #4
Believe it or not youtube is a great place to search, just about every aspect of science is covered with multiple video's explaining the same thing using slightly different analogies.
  • #5

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out for recommendations on websites for Physics and Cosmology. I can understand the importance of finding reliable and informative resources for learning about these complex subjects.

One website that I highly recommend for both Physics and Cosmology is Physics.org. This website provides a wide range of articles, videos, and interactive simulations on various topics in both fields. The content is presented in a user-friendly manner and does not require a strong background in mathematics to understand.

Another great website is NASA's official website for Cosmology and Astrophysics. This site offers the latest news and discoveries in the field, as well as informative articles and videos that are suitable for a general audience.

For more interactive learning, I suggest checking out the Khan Academy website. They offer free online courses on Physics and Cosmology, with lessons broken down into easy-to-follow videos and practice exercises. The material is suitable for students of all ages and does not require advanced math skills.

I hope these recommendations are helpful to you in your learning journey. Remember to always check the credibility of the sources you use and never hesitate to ask questions if you need clarification on any concepts. Best of luck in your studies!

FAQ: Looking for some good websites for Physics and Cosmology

1. What are some reputable websites for learning about physics and cosmology?

Some good websites for learning about physics and cosmology include Physics.org, Space.com, NASA, Physics Central, and ESA's Planck Mission.

2. Can I find resources for beginners on these websites?

Yes, most of these websites have sections specifically designed for beginners, including basic explanations of key concepts and introductory articles.

3. Are there any websites with interactive simulations or activities related to physics and cosmology?

Yes, many of these websites offer interactive simulations or activities to help visualize and understand complex concepts. Some examples include PhET Interactive Simulations and The Physics Classroom.

4. Are these websites reliable sources of information?

Yes, these websites are generally considered reliable sources of information, as they are run by reputable organizations and often have content written or reviewed by experts in the field.

5. Are there any websites that focus specifically on cosmology?

Yes, some websites that focus specifically on cosmology include Cosmology.com, Universe Today's Cosmology section, and Stephen Hawking's official website.

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