Is Starting With Assumption of Truth A Valid Proof Strategy?

In summary, the conversation was about proving the inequality \sqrt{x+\sqrt{x}}-\sqrt{x-\sqrt{x}}>1, x>1. One person suggested manipulating the expression while the other took a quicker approach by starting with the assumption that it was true and manipulating it from there. The conversation also delved into the idea of false statements leading to true statements and the importance of using reversible operations in proofs. The final argument presented was a rigorous proof that showed the validity of the initial approach.
  • #1
Homework Helper
The question was to prove

[tex]\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x}}-\sqrt{x-\sqrt{x}}>1, x>1[/tex]

And I had two choices to go about this, I could have manipulated the expression
by multiplying numerator and denominator by its conjugate, squaring, manipulating etc. and getting an obvious result that proves it is more than 1, but instead I went about it a quicker way which before today I thought was logically sound.I started with the assumption that it was true, and would manipulate it from there.

Squaring both sides:




Squaring, 2x-1>1 since x>1:



Thus since this result is true, the original statement must have been true.

I ended up getting 1/4 marks for this, and my teacher's reasoning was that it's because I started with the assumption that it was true, and any false statement can lead to a true statement. We threw counter-arguments back and forth, and after asking for another example where this happens, she gave me "if the moon is made of cheese, then cows aren't purple". Honestly, I don't get this woman.

After giving my teacher's argument about false statements leading to truth statements further thought, I admit that problems would arise if


since when I square both sides, it would lead to a truth statement. I should have proven that the original statement was at least more than -1, but anyway, I'd like to hear from you guys on what you think about my proof, her argument, and where I could improve as I honestly bear more weighting on your word than my teacher's.
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  • #2
I think your argument is similar to the following, much simpler argument.

Prove that -1 >= 1

Square both sides: (-1)2 >= (1)2, or
1 >= 1

Since it is true that 1 is greater than or equal to itself, this apparently proves that -1 >= -1.

The problem occurs when I square both sides. Squaring is not a one-to-one operation, so there is the possibility of introducing solutions that aren't in the original solution set.

Another example that shows this idea more clearly is:
Let x = -2
Square both sides: x2 = (-2)2 = 4

From the first equation to the second, we have different solution sets, with {-2} for the first and {-2, 2} for the second. That means that the two equations are not equivalent.

In your problem, if you had applied only reversible operations (operations that are one-to-one), then your argument would have been valid.
  • #3
If you had started by saying that it was obvious that [tex]\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x}}-\sqrt{x-\sqrt{x}} > 0[/tex] since x > 1, then I would say this proof would be good.

As for her remark about the moon, cheese and purple cows then that is a valid argument.
  • #4
Your argument can be made rigorous by working it, carefully, backwards:

Start with 4x2 - 4x + 1 > 4x2 - 4x

(2x - 1)2 > 4(x2 - x)

Now observe that x > 1 so both sides are positive and we can take the positive square root of both sides preserving the inequality

2x - 1 > 2 sqrt(x2-x)

We don't need absolute values at that step because 2x -1 is positive.

2x - 2 sqrt(x2-x) > 1

As you have shown, this is the same as

\left (\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x}}-\sqrt{x-\sqrt{x}}\right)^2 > 1

Now, again, since the quantity in the parentheses is clearly positive we can take the positive square root of both sides, preserving the inequality:

\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x}}-\sqrt{x-\sqrt{x}} > 1

giving a perfectly valid argument.

FAQ: Is Starting With Assumption of Truth A Valid Proof Strategy?

What is an error in logic of proof?

An error in logic of proof is a mistake or flaw in the reasoning or argument presented in a mathematical or scientific proof. It can occur due to incorrect assumptions, faulty logic, or incorrect use of mathematical principles.

Why is it important to identify errors in logic of proof?

Identifying errors in logic of proof is important because it ensures the validity and accuracy of the proof. Without identifying and correcting these errors, the conclusion drawn from the proof may be incorrect and lead to false conclusions or assumptions.

What are some common types of errors in logic of proof?

Some common types of errors in logic of proof include circular reasoning, false analogies, incorrect use of mathematical principles, and incorrect assumptions or premises.

How can one avoid errors in logic of proof?

One can avoid errors in logic of proof by carefully examining each step of the proof and ensuring that the reasoning and logic used is sound. It is also important to check for any incorrect assumptions or faulty premises and to use mathematical principles correctly.

What are the consequences of not identifying errors in logic of proof?

If errors in logic of proof are not identified, it can lead to incorrect conclusions and assumptions, which can have serious consequences in the field of science and mathematics. It can also hinder the progress of research and development in these fields.
