How the Berkeley edition Calculus book by Stewart differs from the standard one?

In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between the Berkeley edition of the Calculus book by Stewart and the "standard" edition. The person is planning to do a self-study using the Berkeley course schedule and is concerned about the differences in homework assignments and exercises. The other person reassures them that the differences are minor and will not affect their study. They suggest seeking help on an online forum if any errors are found.
  • #1
How the Berkeley edition Calculus book by Stewart differs from the "standard" one?


Since I'm going to do a self study of so-called Calculus II, I've made my research and decided to go with the course schedule from Berkeley Math 1B. Here are some of the schedules from the recent years:

The problem is that I already have Stewart's Calculus - Early Transcendentals - 6th edition, but the course pages mention that the books are close but have some differences. My concern is mainly the homework assignments/exercises that are in the courses schedule and how they differ from the "standard" book (the 6th edition). Since my schedule is tight I want to do the right amount of exercises, and to do the most appropriate exercises...I guess that the ones for homework in the Berkeley courses are just OK. I can go overboard and solve, for instance, all or almost all odd numbered exercises, but I think it will be too much...maybe sometimes later...

So, the question: is there a description of the differences between the "standard" book edition and the Berkeley edition - for example, renumbering of the chapters and/or sections, whether the exercises are the same, etc.

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
You don't need to worry. The differences are usually some typos or similar minor changes. It will not affect your study and in case you think you have found an error, come to PF and ask.

FAQ: How the Berkeley edition Calculus book by Stewart differs from the standard one?

1. How is the Berkeley edition Calculus book by Stewart different from the standard one?

The Berkeley edition of Calculus by Stewart is different from the standard edition in several ways. Firstly, it is specifically designed for students at the University of California, Berkeley and includes additional examples and exercises that are relevant to this institution. Additionally, the Berkeley edition may have a different organization and presentation of material compared to the standard edition.

2. Does the Berkeley edition Calculus book by Stewart cover the same topics as the standard one?

Yes, the Berkeley edition of Calculus by Stewart covers the same topics as the standard edition. However, as mentioned earlier, the organization and presentation of material may be different in the Berkeley edition.

3. Are there any significant differences in the content of the Berkeley edition Calculus book by Stewart?

No, there are no significant differences in the content of the Berkeley edition of Calculus by Stewart compared to the standard edition. Both editions cover the same topics and concepts.

4. Is the Berkeley edition Calculus book by Stewart more difficult than the standard one?

The difficulty level of the Berkeley edition of Calculus by Stewart may vary depending on the individual student's learning style and background knowledge. However, in terms of content, both editions are equally challenging.

5. Can I use the Berkeley edition Calculus book by Stewart if I am not a student at UC Berkeley?

Yes, you can use the Berkeley edition of Calculus by Stewart even if you are not a student at UC Berkeley. However, keep in mind that this edition may have additional examples and exercises that are specifically tailored for students at UC Berkeley, so you may need to supplement your study with other resources if you are not familiar with the context of this institution.

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