Is any Hamiltonian system integrable?

In summary, the conversation discusses classical Hamiltonian mechanics and the argument that any Hamiltonian system is integrable in the sense of Liouville. The speaker mentions using the Hamiltonian flow to determine the evolution of initial conditions and the inverse function to obtain constants of motion. They also mention that the transformation from (q,p) to (q0,p0) is canonical and that the various q0 functions are functionally independent. However, they are unsure if there is a fallacy in this argument and asks for clarification.
  • #1
This is related to classical Hamiltonian mechanics. There is something wrong
in the following argument but I cannot pinpoint where exactly the pitfall is:
Consider an arbitrary (smooth) Hamiltonian (let us assume conservative) and 2n
phase space coordinates (q,p). The Hamiltonian flow gives the evolution
starting the initial conditions (q(q0,p0,t),p(q0,p0,t)). Now, clearly the
inverse function (q0(q,p,t),p0(q,p,t)) provides 2n constants of motion: for
any point (q,p) in the orbit and t one can reconstruct the initial values of
the coordinates, obtaining always the same values. In addition the
transformation from (q,p) to (q0,p0) is a canonical one, so the Poisson
brackets between the various q0 vanish. I would say that obviously the various
q0(q,p,t) are functionally independent. So apparently, any Hamiltonian system
is integrable in the sense of Liouville (the fact that these n functions
q0(q,p,t) are very complicated is a different matter). Can anyone point out
to me where is the fallacy? Thanks.
Physics news on
  • #2
Is there a reason you think there must be a fallacy? Do you think not all Hamiltonian systems are intrgrable?

FAQ: Is any Hamiltonian system integrable?

1. What is a Hamiltonian system?

A Hamiltonian system is a physical system that is described by a set of equations called Hamilton's equations. These equations represent the dynamics of the system in terms of its position and momentum variables.

2. What does it mean for a Hamiltonian system to be integrable?

A Hamiltonian system is considered integrable if it has enough conserved quantities, also known as integrals of motion, to fully determine the system's behavior. This means that the system's trajectories can be calculated analytically and do not require numerical methods.

3. Why is the integrability of a Hamiltonian system important?

The integrability of a Hamiltonian system is important because it allows for a deeper understanding of the system's dynamics and can provide insights into its behavior. It also makes the system more predictable and easier to study, as analytical solutions can be obtained.

4. How can one determine if a Hamiltonian system is integrable?

There are various methods for determining the integrability of a Hamiltonian system, such as the existence of a sufficient number of conserved quantities, the existence of a complete set of integrals, and the existence of a transformation that simplifies the equations of motion.

5. Are all Hamiltonian systems integrable?

No, not all Hamiltonian systems are integrable. In fact, integrable Hamiltonian systems are rare and often require specific conditions or symmetries to be integrable. Non-integrable Hamiltonian systems are more common and can exhibit chaotic behavior, making them more difficult to predict and analyze.
