Charged particles in magnetic field

In summary, the conversation is about trying to determine the value of q/m for a newly discovered particle using given data about its movement in electric and magnetic fields. The speaker uses the formula v=E/B to find the velocity and then plugs it into equations to find q/m, but is left with no variables. They ask for help, but then solve the problem on their own.
  • #1
I've been trying to work this, but the way I'm substituting, I get no variables left...:-\ It's...freaky lol.
The question is
Suppose a new particle is discovered, and it is found that a beam of these particles passes undeflected through "crossed" electric and magnetic fields, where E=316 V/m and B=0.00127 T. If the eleectric field is turned off, the particles moe in the magnetic field in circular paths of radius r=2.97 cm. Determine q/m for the particles from these data. Answer in units of C/kg.

The way I worked this is I used the foruma v=E/B to find the velocity which vame out to be 248818.8976 m/s then I plugged the v into the equation m/q=(rB')/v and since we don't know v or q those remain as variables. Then I plug the values into Em = rB'Bq and so of course, no variables left.

*sighs* help anyone?
Physics news on
  • #2
Neverrrrminnddddd lol

I used the v value that I got, and plugged it into r=(mv)/(qB)

:-D thanks ya'll
do help with my other post? lol
  • #3

It seems like you are on the right track with your approach. Let's break down the steps and see if we can find where the issue might be.

First, we are given the electric field strength (E) and magnetic field strength (B) as well as the radius (r) at which the particles move in a circular path when only the magnetic field is present.

Using the formula v=E/B, we can find the velocity of the particles to be 248818.8976 m/s.

Next, we can use the formula m/q=(rB')/v, where B' is the magnetic field strength in the absence of the electric field. Since the particles are moving in a circular path, we can use the formula B'=Bqv/m to find B'.

Substituting B'=Bqv/m into the previous equation, we get m/q=(rBqv)/v. We can simplify this to m/q=rBq.

Now, we can use the given information of the radius (r) and the magnetic field strength (B) to find Bq. Substituting these values, we get Bq=0.00127*2.97=0.0037659.

Finally, we can substitute this value into the equation m/q=rBq to get m/q=2.97*0.0037659=0.01119723.

So, the value of m/q for the particles is 0.01119723 C/kg.

I hope this helps and clarifies the steps for solving this problem. Remember to always check your units and make sure they cancel out correctly. Good luck!

FAQ: Charged particles in magnetic field

1. What are charged particles in a magnetic field?

Charged particles in a magnetic field are particles that have an electric charge and are moving within a magnetic field. The magnetic field can either be created by a magnet or by an electric current.

2. How do charged particles behave in a magnetic field?

Charged particles in a magnetic field will experience a force known as the Lorentz force. This force causes the particles to move in a circular or helical path, depending on the direction and strength of the magnetic field.

3. How does the strength of the magnetic field affect charged particles?

The strength of the magnetic field affects the motion of charged particles by changing the radius of their circular or helical path. A stronger magnetic field will result in a smaller radius of motion, while a weaker magnetic field will result in a larger radius of motion.

4. What is the relationship between the velocity of charged particles and the magnetic field?

The velocity of charged particles determines the strength of the Lorentz force they experience in a magnetic field. The greater the velocity, the stronger the force and the more pronounced the circular or helical motion will be.

5. How are charged particles in a magnetic field used in technology?

Charged particles in a magnetic field are used in technologies such as particle accelerators, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, and mass spectrometers. They are also essential in the functioning of electric motors and generators.
