Helmholtz in spherical co-ordinates - Boundary Conditions

In summary, the conversation discusses how to solve the Helmholtz equation in spherical coordinates using separation of variables. The solution to the radial part can be written in the form of the spherical Bessel equation after a slight change of variables. Inside the sphere, the solution is often written as R(r) = a j_l (z) because the Bessel y function diverges at z=0. However, there is confusion on how to write the solution outside the sphere, with some people using R(r) = b y_l (z) and others using R(r) = c h_l (z). The correct approach is to use R(r) = a j_l (z) + b y_l (z) and apply boundary
  • #1

I was just after an explanation of how people get to this conclusion:

Say you are looking at the Helmholtz equation in spherical co-ordinates.

You use separation of variables, you solve for the polar and azimuthal components.

Now you solve for the radial, you will find that the radial equation can be written in the form of the spherical bessel equation after a slight change of variables.

The solution to the radial part is then:

R(r) = a j_l (z) + b y_l (z)

where z(r).

I often see people do this:

Inside the sphere:

R(r) = a j_l (z)

This is fair enough, the bessel y diverges at z = 0.

However I don't understand why people say that outside the sphere:

R(r) = b y_l (z)

Why is the bessel j not involved here?

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  • #2
I'm sorry you are not finding help at the moment. Is there any additional information you can share with us?
  • #3
This thread has now been moved to Differential Equations, where it might be more likely to get a response than in General Math.
  • #4

Thanks for your replies,

Yea, this is a tough one, there really isn't any more information I can give. I have found that the literature is split, half of the time people do it one way, and the other half another way.

What I would think is the correct way is to say that the solution OUTSIDE the sphere is:
R(r) = a j_l (z) + b y_l (z)

Then apply boundary conditions to get a and b.

No body does this, either they set a = 0, which is what I mentioned in the first post, OR, they say:

R(r) = c h_l (z)

where h_l is either the hankel function of the first/second kind or j_l, or y_l. This approach is slightly better, but I still don't see how this is correct. While it's still a solution, it just doesn't seem right...
  • #5
for your question. The reason why the Bessel function j is not involved in the solution outside the sphere is due to the boundary conditions of the problem.

In spherical coordinates, the Helmholtz equation represents waves propagating in a spherical medium. When solving for the radial component, we are essentially looking at the behavior of the wave as it travels from the center of the sphere (r = 0) to the outer boundary (r = R). Therefore, the boundary conditions for the radial component are determined by the behavior of the wave at these two points.

Inside the sphere, at r = 0, the wave must be well-behaved and finite. This means that the solution for the radial component, R(r), must also be finite at r = 0. This is why we use the Bessel function j in the solution, as it is well-behaved and finite at z = 0.

Outside the sphere, at r = R, the wave encounters a different boundary condition. Here, the wave is no longer confined by the spherical medium and can propagate infinitely. This means that the solution for the radial component, R(r), must also be infinite at r = R. This is why we use the Bessel function y in the solution, as it diverges at z = 0 and is therefore able to satisfy this boundary condition.

I hope this helps to clarify why the Bessel function j is not involved in the solution outside the sphere. It is all determined by the specific boundary conditions of the problem. Let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Helmholtz in spherical co-ordinates - Boundary Conditions

1. What are the boundary conditions for Helmholtz equations in spherical coordinates?

The boundary conditions for Helmholtz equations in spherical coordinates depend on the type of problem being solved. For radial problems, the boundary condition at r=0 is typically a regularity condition, while at the outer boundary, the condition will depend on the physical situation. For example, in an acoustic problem, the boundary condition at the outer boundary may be a Dirichlet condition representing the sound pressure being specified.

2. How do you determine the boundary conditions for a specific Helmholtz problem in spherical coordinates?

To determine the boundary conditions for a specific Helmholtz problem in spherical coordinates, one must first understand the physical situation and the type of problem being solved. Then, the boundary conditions can be derived from the governing equations and the problem setup. In general, the boundary conditions will involve specifying the value or derivative of the solution at one or more boundaries.

3. Can the boundary conditions for Helmholtz equations in spherical coordinates be simplified?

Yes, in some cases, the boundary conditions for Helmholtz equations in spherical coordinates can be simplified. For example, if the problem has certain symmetries, the boundary conditions may reduce to simpler forms. It is important to carefully analyze the problem and the governing equations to determine if any simplifications can be made.

4. Are the boundary conditions for Helmholtz equations in spherical coordinates unique?

No, the boundary conditions for Helmholtz equations in spherical coordinates are not unique. Depending on the problem and the physical situation, there may be different sets of boundary conditions that can be used. The choice of boundary conditions will impact the solution to the problem, so it is important to choose conditions that accurately represent the problem being solved.

5. How do the boundary conditions for Helmholtz equations in spherical coordinates differ from those in other coordinate systems?

The boundary conditions for Helmholtz equations in spherical coordinates may differ from those in other coordinate systems due to the different geometries and governing equations. For example, in Cartesian coordinates, the boundary conditions may involve specifying values on planes or edges, while in spherical coordinates, they may involve specifying values on spheres or cones. Additionally, the form of the equations may be different, leading to different types of boundary conditions.

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