Location of Earth in the Universe

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of Earth being the center of the universe and how it is not possible to determine a specific location for the universe. The analogy of a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional surface is used to explain the idea of the universe having no center or edge. The speaker also mentions the difficulty in understanding space-time and the limitations of human intuition. The conversation also touches on the concept of the observable universe and how it differs from the universe as a whole. Ultimately, it is concluded that there is no definitive answer and the concept of being at the center of the universe is subjective.
  • #1
I have tried searching around for this but couldn't find anything basing the location on Redshift and the Big Bang. By observing direction and velocity of Redshifting objects, and with the knowledge of the Big Bang model, I thought the (approximate) location of our planet could be determined.

Comments, links, sources, references anyone? Is Earth the centre of the Universe?
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is no center or edge to the universe so questioning where we are in the universe is not meaningful. We can only describe our position relative to various other objects (galaxies, etc)

You would do well to read the FAQ in the cosmology section
  • #3
What in effect, you can say is that we are at the 'centre' of the universe - but it's not a geographical 'centre'.
And the CMB (the farthest back we can see in time) looks the same from all other points in the universe - so wherever you go, the CMB looks the same.
From which, you can only draw that the CMB is a time away rather than a distance.

Understanding space-time is something that as yet, has proved impossible for anyone to get their heads around - given that we do not understand how the universe exists/existed WITHOUT (NB : not 'before') space-time.

Our intuition always demands a where and a when ... a before/after and a here/there.
To understand the non-space-time universe, we have to somehow suspend that intuition.
I'm sure someone someday will manage it - maybe a PF member.
  • #4
Take the Earth for example. In this hypothetical situation, we're not discussing the interior of the Earth or anything outside of it. We consider the surface to be all there is, a two-dimensional Universe.

Is any point on the sphere the centre of this Universe? Absolutely not.

Of course, this is an imperfect analogy. First of all, the Universe is 3-dimensional (in space, at least,) not 2-dimensional, but we could use the same logic for a 3-dimensional Universe, it's just hard to visualize a 3-dimensional surface in 4-space. The other thing is, it's not necessarily the surface of a "sphere" (or at least, the 4-dimensional equivalent of one.) It could easily be torus-like (donut,) it could just be infinitely large and "flat."
  • #5
It's hard not to think of Earth as the center of our Universe - isn't it?
  • #6
Earth is always at the center of the observable universe - unless you are somewhere else.
  • #7
So my teenaged kid is right, she is the center of the universe?
  • #8
FiveWords said:
So my teenaged kid is right, she is the center of the universe?

LOL - there is no question of that!
  • #9
FiveWords said:
So my teenaged kid is right, she is the center of the universe?

OBSERVABLE universe! There is no center to the universe as a whole as far as we know.
  • #10
Drakkith said:
OBSERVABLE universe! There is no center to the universe as a whole as far as we know.

What, you've never been a teenager ?
  • #11
phinds said:
What, you've never been a teenager ?

I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of nuclear weapons at this base.

FAQ: Location of Earth in the Universe

1. Where is Earth located in the universe?

Earth is located in the Milky Way galaxy, which is one of the hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. Within the Milky Way, Earth is located in the Solar System, orbiting around the Sun in the Orion Arm.

2. How far is Earth from the center of the universe?

The concept of a "center" of the universe is a bit misleading, as the universe is constantly expanding and does not have a specific center point. However, based on current understanding, Earth is estimated to be about 27,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way galaxy, which is not necessarily the center of the universe.

3. What is Earth's position in the Solar System?

Earth is the third planet from the Sun in the Solar System, after Mercury and Venus. It is also the fifth-largest planet in the Solar System and the only known planet to support life.

4. How does Earth's location in the universe affect life on the planet?

Earth's location in the universe plays a crucial role in supporting life on the planet. Its distance from the Sun allows for a stable temperature range that is necessary for the existence of liquid water, which is essential for life. Additionally, Earth's position in the Milky Way provides protection from harmful cosmic radiation and debris.

5. Will Earth's location in the universe change over time?

Yes, Earth's location in the universe is constantly changing as the universe expands. Additionally, the Solar System is also in motion, meaning that Earth's position in the Milky Way will also change over time. However, these changes are extremely slow and will not have a significant impact on life on Earth.
