What State Would Oxygen Be at 280 K and 50 Bar?

In summary, oxygen can exist in all three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas - depending on the temperature and pressure. At room temperature and pressure, oxygen is a gas. However, it can also be a solid or liquid at different temperatures and pressures. In outer space, where there is a lack of atmospheric pressure, oxygen exists in a gaseous state but can also be a solid in the form of frozen water. Oxygen can also be compressed into a liquid form at very low temperatures and is used in applications such as rocket fuel and medicine.
  • #1
Lets say we have oxygen with a temperature of 280 K at an atmospheric pressure of 50 bar. What would the state of oxygen be in?
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
It would be fluid, not solid, and may be fairly described as gas.

Oxygen critical point is 49,8 bar, 154,6 K.
  • #3
Sounds like you just did someones homework.
  • #4
What do you mean by fairly described as a gas?
  • #5

Based on the given temperature and pressure, oxygen would most likely be in a gaseous state. At 280 K and 50 bar, the temperature and pressure are within the range of conditions where oxygen typically exists as a gas. However, it is important to note that the state of oxygen can change under extreme pressures and temperatures, such as in the core of a star where it exists as a plasma.

FAQ: What State Would Oxygen Be at 280 K and 50 Bar?

1. What is the state of oxygen at room temperature and pressure?

The state of oxygen at room temperature and pressure is a gas. Oxygen has a boiling point of -183 degrees Celsius and a melting point of -218 degrees Celsius, making it a gas at room temperature (around 25 degrees Celsius) and standard atmospheric pressure (1 atm).

2. Can oxygen exist in a solid state?

Yes, oxygen can exist in a solid state. It can be frozen into a solid form at a temperature below -218 degrees Celsius. This solid form is called dry ice or solid carbon dioxide.

3. Is oxygen always a gas?

No, oxygen can exist in all three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas, depending on the temperature and pressure. It is a gas at room temperature and pressure, but can also be a liquid or solid at different temperatures and pressures.

4. What is the state of oxygen in outer space?

In outer space, where there is a lack of atmospheric pressure, oxygen exists in a gaseous state. However, it can also exist in a solid form as frozen water or ice, which contains oxygen molecules.

5. Can oxygen be a liquid?

Yes, oxygen can exist in a liquid state. At temperatures below -183 degrees Celsius, oxygen can be compressed into a liquid form. Liquid oxygen is used in rocket fuel and medical applications.

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