Is the monitor (of your PC) destroying your eyes?

In summary: From what I understand, no, there is no evidence that flat panel screens are harmful to your eyesight.
  • #1
Is the monitor (of your PC) "destroying" your eyes?

Hello! :smile:

I have one question for you.

Is the monitor (of your PC) "destroying" your eyes?

Are there any research or statistics relating this question?

Thank you.
Biology news on
  • #2

Now where did the opthamologist who was in here asking questions last week run off to when we need him?

My understanding is the biggest problem is eye strain, i.e., fatigue of the muscles controlling the eye, and not anything irreversible. I don't have any studies to support this though.
  • #3

Your monitor cannot "destroy" your vision. If you spend lots of time staring at a display that is a fixed distance, you can experience a restriction in focusing ability. It's a great if you can set your monitor in front of a window looking outdoors so that you can focus on more distant subjects or at a minimum, set a mirror over the monitor that is aimed at a nice picture on the wall in back of you. These strategies let you focus at different distances all day long, as long as you use them.
  • #4

Moonbear said:
My understanding is the biggest problem is eye strain, i.e., fatigue of the muscles controlling the eye, and not anything irreversible. I don't have any studies to support this though.

Yes that is correct I believe. I recall there once were some anecdotals about causing cataracts, but radiation off the front of a CRT is less than you would expect from sitting next to a brick wall once you get more than a tiny distance away, if even that could be a cause.

I read a report too about hemorrhoids being another potential contra-indication (based on sitting long hours and potentially having a CRT behind you exhausting heat on your chair). But that was another annecdotal and likely something promoted by union workers for bargaining purposes. I'm not sure that there would be any radiative (save photons of course) from flat panel screens. So I think all of these myths have been discarded and dismissed at this point.

But certainly sitting long hours and staring at one thing is not generally in your best health interests. And from that point of view you may consider that variety is more than the spice of life.
  • #5

And can it cause damage to my eyesight?

FAQ: Is the monitor (of your PC) destroying your eyes?

1. Can staring at a computer monitor for too long damage my eyes?

Yes, prolonged use of a computer monitor can lead to digital eye strain, which can cause symptoms such as dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision.

2. Is the blue light emitted from computer monitors harmful to my eyes?

Blue light from computer monitors can cause eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns, but there is currently no evidence that it causes long-term damage to the eyes.

3. How far should I sit from my computer monitor to protect my eyes?

It is recommended to sit at least an arm's length away from your computer monitor to reduce eye strain. Adjust the font size and screen brightness to a comfortable level as well.

4. Can using a computer monitor in a poorly lit room damage my eyes?

Working in a dimly lit room can cause eye strain and fatigue, but it is unlikely to cause permanent damage to your eyes. Make sure to have proper lighting when using a computer monitor.

5. Are there any special glasses or filters that can protect my eyes from computer monitor glare?

Yes, there are special glasses and anti-glare filters that can help reduce eye strain from computer monitor glare. Consult with an eye doctor for personalized recommendations.
