Finding Hamiltonian as Legendre transform on SO(3)

Adj(A)g)·g'= 1/2Tr(Ag'gg'g) + Tr(det(A)g)·g'= 1/2Tr(Ag'gg'g) + det(A)·Tr(g'g').In summary, to find the Hamiltonian corresponding to a given Lagrangian, we must take the Legendre transform by inverting the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to the velocity, and then use the formula H(p,g') = p·g' - L(g',g) to obtain the Hamiltonian.
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Homework Statement

We need to find the Hamiltonian that corresponds to a given Lagrangian by finding the Legendre transform. The system is a rigid body pinned down in some point. This means the motion is described essentialy by SO(3). So the Lagrangian is given in terms of these matrices and for instance a path that solves it is a path in SO(3).

This means we need to take the derivative with respect to the velocity (where we restrict the Lagrangian to a fiber of the vector bundle TSO(3)) of a curve in SO(3), check that all the second derivatives are positive so that it is convex and then find the canonical momenta for the problem to find the Hamiltonian.

Homework Equations

[itex]L(g',g)=-1/2Tr(Ag'gg'g)[/itex] where A is a constant (3x3) matrix g' is the velocity matrix and g is the base point matrix. Tr denotes taking the ordinary trace.

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to find a suitable basis for [itex]T_gSO(3)[/itex]. I think in the Identity element it is equal to the space of 3x3 skew symmetric matrices. So I tried a basis of three elements where one [itex](e_1)[/itex] had a 1 as 21 entry and a -1 as 12 entry, one [itex](e_2)[/itex] had a 1 as 31 entry and a -1 as 13 entry and the last [itex](e_3)[/itex] had a 1 as 32 entry and a -1 as 23 entry. Then differentiation with respect to this basis got me

for the derivative with respect to the ith and then the jth entry. But This does not seem to be positive definite. Als I don't see quite how to get canonical momenta out of this.
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. The problem you have described is a classic one in the field of Hamiltonian mechanics. To find the Hamiltonian corresponding to a given Lagrangian, we must first perform a Legendre transform. This involves taking the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to the velocity and then inverting the resulting matrix to obtain the canonical momenta.

In your case, the Lagrangian is given by L(g',g)=-1/2Tr(Ag'gg'g), where g' is the velocity matrix and g is the base point matrix. To find the canonical momenta, we must first take the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to the velocity, which gives us

∂L/∂g' = -1/2(Agg'g + Ag'gg)

To invert this matrix, we can use the fact that the inverse of a matrix A is given by A^-1 = 1/det(A)Adj(A), where det(A) is the determinant of A and Adj(A) is the adjugate matrix of A. In this case, we have

∂L/∂g' = -1/2(Agg'g + Ag'gg) = -1/2(det(A)Adj(A)gg'g + det(A)Adj(A)g'gg)

= -1/2(det(A)Adj(A)(gg'g + g'gg))

= -1/2(det(A)Adj(A)(gg'+g'g)g)

= -1/2(det(A)Adj(A)(2I)g)

= -det(A)Adj(A)g

Therefore, the canonical momenta are given by p = -det(A)Adj(A)g.

To find the Hamiltonian, we use the formula H(p,g') = p·g' - L(g',g). Substituting in the values we have just found, we get

H(p,g') = -det(A)Adj(A)g·g' - (-1/2Tr(Ag'gg'g))

= -det(A)Adj(A)g·g' + 1/2Tr(Ag'gg'g)

= 1/2Tr(Ag'gg'g) - det(A)Adj(A)g·g'

= 1/2Tr(Ag'gg'g) + Tr(det(A)

FAQ: Finding Hamiltonian as Legendre transform on SO(3)

1. What is a Hamiltonian?

A Hamiltonian is a mathematical function in classical mechanics that represents the total energy of a system. It is named after physicist and mathematician William Rowan Hamilton and is a key concept in Hamiltonian mechanics.

2. What is a Legendre transform?

A Legendre transform is a mathematical operation that transforms one function into its conjugate function. In classical mechanics, it is used to transform the Lagrangian of a system into its Hamiltonian form, which can provide a more convenient way to solve equations of motion.

3. How is finding Hamiltonian related to the Legendre transform on SO(3)?

In classical mechanics, the Hamiltonian of a system can be found by performing a Legendre transform on the Lagrangian of the system. In the case of SO(3), which represents the rotation group in three dimensions, the Hamiltonian can be found by performing a Legendre transform on the Lagrangian that describes the rotational motion of the system.

4. What is the significance of finding Hamiltonian as Legendre transform on SO(3)?

Finding the Hamiltonian as a Legendre transform on SO(3) allows us to determine the equations of motion for a rotational system using the Hamiltonian formalism. This can provide a more elegant and efficient way to solve problems in classical mechanics.

5. Are there any real-world applications of finding Hamiltonian as Legendre transform on SO(3)?

Yes, the Hamiltonian formalism and the Legendre transform are widely used in physics and engineering to analyze and model the behavior of systems. In particular, the Hamiltonian formalism is used in quantum mechanics to describe the evolution of a quantum system over time.
