Density and the ideal gas equation

In summary, the ideal gas law states that the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas are all related. When the temperature increases, the pressure and volume also increase. When the pressure is constant and the temperature decreases, the density of the gas increases. The ideal gas law also uses moles to calculate density and the average molecular weight. In practical applications, such as air conditioning, this concept is utilized to cool indoor air.
  • #1
Could someone explain the connection between density, pressure, and temperature in relation to the ideal gas law to me?
(For example what happened if the Temperature/pressure is kept konstant but the density changes with temeprature.)
As I see it there are two ways to get the density into the equation: once by taking the mass from PV=mRT and inserting V*density or by taking the Volume and inserting m/density. In both cases V dissapears. Does that mean the Volume has to change with density?

Any hint on how to best think about it is appreciated. Thank you^^.
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  • #2
Density IS m/V
PV=mRT <--> P = density*RT <--> P/RT = Density
If the pressure is constant and if the temp is decreasing, then the density is increasing.
If the temp is constant, then density will increase with pressure.
Usually the ideal gas law uses moles in the place of m, so if your pressure is in bars or pascals you must use moles and get n/v = concentration, you can find the density in mass by multiplying it with the average molecular weight.
Hope it answers your question
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  • #3
Think about a tank of gas and what temperature and pressure is.

Temperature is the kinetic energy of the fast moving molecules. So the faster the molecules are bouncing around the hotter it is. Pressure, for the walls of a tank, is how hard the molecules are bouncing off the wall and how many are bouncing off a given area per second.

If you put the same molecules with the same speed in a smaller tank then more will bounce off the per second. Also the kinetic energy per molecule is the same but they are in a smaller area so the temperature is higher.

This is how and air conditioner works. It work far better if the expansion rate of the gas is not linear with temperature like an ideal gas, but the principle is the same. You compress the gas which make it hotter than the outdoor summer heat. So now move it outside where even in the summer heat it cools off. Now move this cooled compressed gas back inside the house and let it expand again. Since it is expanded it gets much cooler because there are fewer kinetic molecules per square inch. Then blow indoor air over this cold indoor tank to cool it off. Repeat. The house gets cooler than the outdoor summer air which was cooled off by the outdoor summer air.

In an ideal gas if you cool it off it means the gas molecules are slowed down. That means it is not bouncing off the tank walls as fast or with as much energy. So the pressure drops. If you compress the gas then, even with less energy per molecule, you get more molecules per inch per second bouncing off the walls. So the pressure is returned. In a ideal gas where the pressure stays constant the volume will change in proportional to temperature, or temperature in proportion to volume. Where volume it held constant the temperature will change in proportion to pressure, or pressure in proportion to temperature.

FAQ: Density and the ideal gas equation

1. What is density and how is it measured?

Density is a physical property that measures the amount of mass per unit volume of a substance. It is typically measured in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3). To measure density, you need to know the mass and volume of the substance and then divide the mass by the volume.

2. What is the ideal gas equation?

The ideal gas equation, also known as the ideal gas law, is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of an ideal gas. It is written as PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles of gas, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature. This equation relates the four variables and can be used to calculate any one of them if the other three are known.

3. How is density related to the ideal gas equation?

In the ideal gas equation, density is represented by the variable n/V, which is the number of moles of gas divided by the volume. This means that density is directly proportional to pressure and temperature and inversely proportional to volume. As pressure and temperature increase, density also increases, while as volume increases, density decreases.

4. What is the difference between ideal and real gases?

Ideal gases are theoretical gases that follow the ideal gas law at all conditions of temperature and pressure. In reality, most gases do not behave like ideal gases, especially at high pressures and low temperatures. Real gases have intermolecular forces and occupy some volume, which affects their behavior. However, at low pressures and high temperatures, real gases can approach ideal behavior.

5. How is the ideal gas equation used in scientific research and industries?

The ideal gas equation is used in many areas of scientific research and industries. It is commonly used in chemistry and physics experiments to calculate the properties of gases, such as their density, molar mass, and volume. It is also used in engineering and industrial processes, such as in the design and operation of gas pipelines and in the production of compressed gases. Additionally, the ideal gas equation is used in weather forecasting and atmospheric studies to understand the behavior of gases in the Earth's atmosphere.

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