String entropy and black hole entropy

In summary, the conversation discusses the transition from a black hole to a single highly excited string by varying the string coupling adiabatically. Questions are raised about the process, differences between extremal and near-extremal black holes, and the use of other objects for compactification. The identification between string entropy and black hole entropy is also mentioned. The author suggests checking out a journal and book for further information.
  • #1
Hi there,

I have recently read that by varying the string coupling adiabatically (hence the mass of the black hole as well), there is a transition going from a black hole to a single highly excited string. I would like to ask a few questions, and they are:

(i) What does it actually mean when we say we vary the string coupling adiabatically? Why is this an isentropic process?

(ii) What are the differences for black hole transition in the case of (a) extremal black holes, and (b) near-extremal black holes? Does the black hole evolve to a collection of free strings or one highly excited strings?

(iii) Why are strings the only object that remain to have finite energy in a compactified spatial dimension? Why couldn't we use other objects (say a membrane) to get involved in compactification?

(iv) I tried to look for related journals and review papers online ( but I couldn't find the derivation of the identification between string entropy and black hole entropy. Could anyone tell me where to find this derivation?

Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
(i) Here, by definition, adiabatically means - without changing entropy. This also answers your second question.

(ii) Black hole eventually evolves to a state with higher entropy, which turns out to be one highly excited string.

(iii) Are we still talking about black holes?

(iv) Check out
See also the book by Susskind and Lindsey: An introduction to black holes, information, and the string theory revolution
  • #3
Demystifier said:
(iii) Are we still talking about black holes?

Hi Demystifier,

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am still talking about black holes. So why are strings the only object that remain to have finite energy in a compactified spatial dimension? Why couldn't we use other objects (say a membrane) to get involved in compactification?

Thanks a lot!

P.S. May I ask you if you are the author of "String Theory Demystifier"? If so, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this challenging topic! Many thanks!
  • #4
I'm not the author of that (good) book.
(But I am the author of
if you are interested in it.)

Anyway, I think the answer to your question (iii) has something to do with the fact that we assume the low coupling limit. But perhaps somebody else can make a better answer, because I'm not very good in branes.

FAQ: String entropy and black hole entropy

What is string entropy?

String entropy refers to the amount of disorder or randomness present in a string theory system. It is a measure of the number of different ways that a string can vibrate or oscillate.

What is black hole entropy?

Black hole entropy is the measure of the amount of information that is contained within a black hole. It is proportional to the surface area of the black hole's event horizon and is believed to be related to the number of microstates that make up the black hole.

How are string entropy and black hole entropy related?

String theory suggests that black holes are made up of tiny strings, and the entropy of these strings is correlated with the entropy of the black hole itself. This relationship allows for a better understanding of the behavior of black holes and their connection to quantum mechanics.

Can string theory explain the entropy of black holes?

While string theory offers a potential explanation for the entropy of black holes, it is not yet a fully developed theory and requires further research and experimentation to confirm its validity. Other theories, such as quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, also offer explanations for black hole entropy.

How does the concept of entropy help us understand black holes?

The concept of entropy helps us understand black holes by providing a way to quantify the amount of information and randomness within them. It also allows for a deeper understanding of the thermodynamic properties of black holes and their connection to other physical phenomena.

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