Why Am I Getting Strange Results Measuring Sphere Densities?

In summary, the conversation is about finding the volume and densities of spheres by using a graduated cylinder with water. The formula used to calculate density is discussed and it is clarified that the equation for linear mass density is not applicable in this situation. The correct formula to use is mass divided by volume. It is also mentioned to pay attention to units when making calculations. The conversation ends with a reminder to convert from liters to the metric system when finding density.
  • #1
My question is regarding finding volume and densities of spheres. I'm getting strange results, so I thought I'd find out where my methods are incorrect.

I am using a graduated cylinder to drop the spheres into with water inside. I measured the initial volume of the water before I dropped the sphere in. Then I measured it after. I now have the mass, the initial volume (ml) of water, and the final volume of water (along with the uncertainties, using hi-low method :biggrin: ).

Should I use the formula: Linear Mass Density = Mass/Liter?

Thanks for helping.
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  • #2
When you say that you now have the mass, do you mean they gave it to you already or you calculated it from the data? If you say you calculated it from the data, I see what your problem is right away. The sphere does not displace an equal mass of water, but an equal volume. If you dropped a metal ball in that wieghed one gram, and another ball of the same size made of a material so dense it wieghed 1 kilogram, they would both displace the same volume of water since the beaker is equally filled in both cases. It is when objects float that they displace an equal mass of water. There is a minor technical problem with the formula you are using and that is that you are not trying to find a linear mass density, just a density. A linear mass density is something you would measure on a rope or chain and say that it wieghs so many kilograms per meter. But that's just a technical point. If you divide the mass by the volume, you will get the density. The only other problem that comes to mind is to make sure your units are right. What is wrong with the data exactly?
  • #3
LeonhardEuler said:
When you say that you now have the mass, do you mean they gave it to you already or you calculated it from the data? If you say you calculated it from the data, I see what your problem is right away. The sphere does not displace an equal mass of water, but an equal volume. If you dropped a metal ball in that wieghed one gram, and another ball of the same size made of a material so dense it wieghed 1 kilogram, they would both displace the same volume of water since the beaker is equally filled in both cases. It is when objects float that they displace an equal mass of water. There is a minor technical problem with the formula you are using and that is that you are not trying to find a linear mass density, just a density. A linear mass density is something you would measure on a rope or chain and say that it wieghs so many kilograms per meter. But that's just a technical point. If you divide the mass by the volume, you will get the density. The only other problem that comes to mind is to make sure your units are right. What is wrong with the data exactly?

The goal for me is to find the densities. I weighed the metal spheres first and then recorded the initial water volume. I dropped the sphere in and measured the current water level. I'm just curious whether the equation, Linear Mass Density = Mass/Liter, will give me the correct densities I am looking for. Or would this work:

Volume Water Displaced = Final Volume - Initial Volume
volume water displaced = volume

then density = mass/volume

Sorry for these very beginner questions, this is my first physics class :confused: .

Thanks again.
  • #4
yes, this will give you the density, just rememner that you need to find density in grams per cm^3 or kg per m^3. You need to make sure you convert from volume of water to the metric system. 1000L = 1m^3.



FAQ: Why Am I Getting Strange Results Measuring Sphere Densities?

1. What is density and how is it measured?

Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume. It is typically expressed in units of mass per unit volume, such as grams per cubic centimeter. To measure density, you would need to know the mass and volume of the object and use the formula density = mass/volume.

2. How does the density of a sphere compare to other shapes?

The density of a sphere is typically higher than other shapes, such as cubes or cylinders, because spheres have the smallest surface area for a given volume. This means that the mass is more concentrated in a smaller space, resulting in a higher density.

3. How does the density of a sphere change with size?

The density of a sphere remains constant regardless of its size. This is because the formula for density (mass/volume) is proportional to the size of the object. As the size of the sphere increases, both the mass and volume increase by the same proportion, resulting in a constant density.

4. Can the density of a sphere be negative?

No, the density of a sphere cannot be negative. Density is a physical property that is always positive, representing the amount of mass in a given volume. A negative density would imply a negative mass, which is not possible.

5. How does the density of a sphere change with temperature?

The density of a sphere can change with temperature, as the volume of the sphere can expand or contract with changes in temperature. However, the mass of the sphere remains constant, so the change in density is primarily due to changes in volume. Generally, as temperature increases, the volume of the sphere expands and the density decreases, and vice versa.
