Is it possible to reach absolute zero?

In summary, absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature where all molecular motion stops. It is not possible to reach absolute zero in reality, but scientists have been able to reach temperatures very close to it. The closest they have come is 100 picokelvins, achieved through a combination of techniques such as laser cooling and magnetic trapping. At absolute zero, all substances become solid and lose their thermal energy because there is no kinetic energy. It is impossible to reach absolute zero due to the laws of thermodynamics, specifically the second law which states that heat cannot flow from a colder body to a hotter body. This would require an infinite amount of time and energy.
  • #1
So, from what I've heard, absolute zero is 0 Kelvin, lowest temperature possible, -273.15 C, etc etc.

Is it possible to even reach it? Why or why not?
Space news on
  • #2
Google "absolute zero" and you'll find some detailed info. The Wiki page is surprisingly good.
  • #3
Absolute zero is forbidden by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

FAQ: Is it possible to reach absolute zero?

1. What is absolute zero?

Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature that can be reached, where all molecular motion stops.

2. Is it possible to reach absolute zero?

No, it is not possible to reach absolute zero in reality. However, scientists have been able to reach temperatures very close to absolute zero.

3. How close have scientists come to reaching absolute zero?

Scientists have been able to reach temperatures as low as 100 picokelvins, which is only a fraction above absolute zero. This was achieved by using a combination of techniques such as laser cooling and magnetic trapping.

4. What happens at absolute zero?

At absolute zero, all molecular motion stops, and all substances become solid and lose their thermal energy. This is because temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules, and at absolute zero, there is no kinetic energy.

5. Why is it impossible to reach absolute zero?

The laws of thermodynamics state that it is impossible to reach absolute zero because it would violate the second law, which states that heat cannot spontaneously flow from a colder body to a hotter body. Therefore, reaching absolute zero would require an infinite amount of time and energy.
