Motion of charged particle in a magnetic field

In summary, the problem involves a positive point charge being injected with a velocity into a region with a uniform magnetic field. The equation of motion can be obtained by equating the centripetal and magnetic forces and then using the general equation of a semicircle. However, the velocity of the particle changes direction and the trajectory may vary depending on its interaction with other fields. If it leaves the magnetic field, it will travel in a straight line in the direction of its velocity.
  • #1
big man
OK first off here is the problem.

problem: A positive point charge q of mass m is injected with a velocity [tex]u_0 = \mu_0 j[/tex] into the y > 0 region where a uniform magnetic field [tex]B = B_0 i[/tex] exists. Obtain the equation of motion of the charge, and describe the path that the charge follows.

i, j and k represent unit vectors in the direction of the x, y and z axes.

Now I understand that the path will be a semicircle from the theory of the motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field and since y > 0 and I know that the force experienced by the particle will be in the z direction.

[tex]F_m = q(u_0 X B) = q \mu_0 B_0 k[/tex]

The velocity is going to be constant, but the motion will vary with time in the z direction I think? Obviously my problem is that I'm not too sure of how to solve for the equation of motion in this problem. I guess one of the reasons why I'm finding this so difficult is I can't even visualise it properly.

Any help to put me on the right track would be great.


EDIT: I can get the answer by simply equating the centripetal and magnetic forces and then substituting [tex]R= \frac {m \mu_0} {q B_0}[/tex] into the general equation of a semicircle, but I don't think this is how they want you to do it.
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  • #2
[tex]u_0 = \mu_0 j[/tex] That's the initial velocity when it enters the magnetic field.

The velocity does not remain in the j-direction though. The particle accelerates, i.e. changes direction.

If the 'speed' is constant, what can one say about the trajectory?

If it leaves the magnetic field, it will travel in a straight line in the direction of the velocity vector where it leaves the M field, unless subject some other E or M field, not parallel with the velocity.

FAQ: Motion of charged particle in a magnetic field

1. What is the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field?

The motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field is circular, with the particle moving in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. This is known as the Lorentz force, and it results from the interaction between the magnetic field and the charged particle's velocity.

2. How does the strength of the magnetic field affect the motion of a charged particle?

The strength of the magnetic field determines the radius of the circular motion of the charged particle. A stronger magnetic field will result in a smaller radius, while a weaker magnetic field will result in a larger radius.

3. How does the charge of the particle affect its motion in a magnetic field?

The charge of the particle determines the direction of its motion. A positively charged particle will move in one direction, while a negatively charged particle will move in the opposite direction.

4. What is the role of velocity in the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field?

The velocity of the charged particle determines the magnitude of the Lorentz force acting on it. A higher velocity will result in a stronger force and a larger radius of motion, while a lower velocity will result in a weaker force and a smaller radius of motion.

5. Can the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field be controlled?

Yes, the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field can be controlled by changing the strength or direction of the magnetic field, or by adjusting the velocity of the particle. This principle is used in various technologies such as particle accelerators and MRI machines.
