Designing a Mosfet Switch for DAQ Simulation

In summary, the designer was hoping to use a 30V, 2A voltage source at the drain to power a 12V load. However, due to the lightbulb's internal resistance, the voltage source is supplying less than 30V to the lightbulb, causing it to sag (output at a lower voltage due to excessive current draw).
  • #1
Hi Guys,

I need to design something that will isolate our DAQ (Data Acquisition Card) for a basic simulation we need to do. I was thinking about designing a mosfet switch, where the DAQ sends some voltage to the gate above the threshold voltage to turn the MOSFET on and 0 V to turn it off. The MOSFET needs to be able to drive a computer fan (resistance is around 7k) and it runs at 160 mA. I was thinking about using common source. Anyone have any suggestions on the type of MOSFET i should be using in order to achieve 160 mA? Any help would be appreciated!
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  • #2
skybox said:
Hi Guys,

I need to design something that will isolate our DAQ (Data Acquisition Card) for a basic simulation we need to do. I was thinking about designing a mosfet switch, where the DAQ sends some voltage to the gate above the threshold voltage to turn the MOSFET on and 0 V to turn it off. The MOSFET needs to be able to drive a computer fan (resistance is around 7k) and it runs at 160 mA. I was thinking about using common source. Anyone have any suggestions on the type of MOSFET i should be using in order to achieve 160 mA? Any help would be appreciated!

You might be able to turn it on, but you may be operating in saturation rather than linear mode--you should apply as close to the rail voltage (operating voltage of the fan) as possible to ensure that it turns on in linear mode (i.e. acts as a switch, with very low drain-source voltage). To that end, you can use a BJT (in common-emitter mode, designed to operate in either saturation or cut-off) to bootstrap the TTL voltage (if this is what is being generated) to your rail voltage--a high side driver, basically.

As for what FET to use, well, if you don't need really fast switching, a basic 2n7000 would probably meet your current requirements.
  • #3
Please spare a min to watch the MOSFET Switch circuit.
I was wondering how a 30V, 2A voltage source at drain can drive a 12V load?
am i missing something??
  • #4
Chandra214 said:
Please spare a min to watch the MOSFET Switch circuit.
I was wondering how a 30V, 2A voltage source at drain can drive a 12V load?
am i missing something??

Without knowing the resistance of the light bulb, I'd assume that he's either causing the MOSFET to operate in linear mode (and applying approximately 30V to the lightbulb) or that the MOSFET is operating in saturation mode, and applying less than 30V to the lightbulb.

If you didn't know, the 2A refers to the maximum current that the supply can output, not what it outputs all the time. Actually, since the lightbulb draws 2.5A (30W / 12V), he would exceeding the maximum output current of the voltage source, and thus is probably drawing a little over 2A, but causing the voltage source to sag (output at a lower voltage due to excessive current draw). Clever little trick.
  • #5
MATLABdude said:
If you didn't know, the 2A refers to the maximum current that the supply can output, not what it outputs all the time. .

Yes I understand ratings!
well but how is he achieving 12V , 30W across light bulb?
Any maths to support it?
  • #6
Chandra214 said:
Yes I understand ratings!
well but how is he achieving 12V , 30W across light bulb?
Any maths to support it?

As I implied above, he's probably not. But a light bulb is a pretty simplistic device that only requires a certain amount of current running across it to glow. I don't think I can (maybe someone else can, though) support this with an equation because he's probably relying on the voltage supply to limit the current going to the lightbulb.

You can very crudely determine what the voltage source's output voltage is by guesstimating the internal resistance (R_int) of the voltage source (make a Thevenin equivalent that assumes the short-circuit current is 2A and the open circuit voltage is 30V). And if you assume that the MOSFET is in linear mode, you can assume that the MOSFET drain-source path acts as a wire (or, find the R_ds from the datasheet--which should be only a few ohms--negligible compared with the other elements).

With the assumptions made above, you now just have a voltage divider consisting of R_int and the lightbulb, driven by the (ideal) voltage source.

EDIT: My back-of-envelope calculations gives R_int as 15 ohms, and R_bulb as 4.8 ohms, which tells you something right there :-D

FAQ: Designing a Mosfet Switch for DAQ Simulation

1. What is a Mosfet Switch and why is it important for DAQ simulation?

A Mosfet Switch is a type of transistor that is commonly used in electronic circuits to control the flow of current. It is important for DAQ simulation because it can act as a digital switch, allowing for precise control over the input and output signals in a simulation.

2. How do I choose the right Mosfet Switch for my DAQ simulation?

Choosing the right Mosfet Switch for your DAQ simulation depends on factors such as the required voltage and current ratings, switching speed, and power dissipation. It is important to carefully read the datasheet and consider the specific needs of your simulation before making a decision.

3. What are the key design considerations when designing a Mosfet Switch for DAQ simulation?

Some key design considerations include selecting the appropriate Mosfet switch, determining the gate and drain-source voltage levels, calculating the necessary resistors for gate control, and ensuring proper heat dissipation. It is also important to consider any external factors that may affect the performance of the switch, such as temperature and electromagnetic interference.

4. How do I test and verify the functionality of my Mosfet Switch in a DAQ simulation?

To test and verify the functionality of a Mosfet Switch in a DAQ simulation, you can use a combination of circuit simulation software and real-world testing. The simulation software can help you analyze the performance of the switch under different conditions, while real-world testing can validate the simulation results and identify any potential issues.

5. Are there any common challenges or pitfalls when designing a Mosfet Switch for DAQ simulation?

Some common challenges or pitfalls when designing a Mosfet Switch for DAQ simulation include selecting the wrong switch for the application, not properly considering the voltage and current ratings, and inadequate heat dissipation. It is important to thoroughly research and plan the design to avoid these issues and ensure the optimal performance of the switch in the simulation.

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