Sign of permittivity/permeability

  • Thread starter daudaudaudau
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In summary, for a passive, lossy material, the imaginary part of the permeability and permittivity must always be positive. This is because a positive imaginary part is associated with the transfer of energy from the fields to the medium, which describes attenuation of an EM wave through the material. It is possible for the imaginary part to be negative with special effort, but this cannot occur in a passive system in equilibrium. Additionally, for a medium with both a complex permittivity and permeability, the energy lost into the medium is roughly proportional to the sum of the imaginary parts of both. Therefore, for the sum to be positive, each individual term must also be positive. However, this may not hold for nonequilibrium conditions, as stated
  • #1

I have a book called "Electrodynamics of Continuous Media" where it is stated that for a passive, lossy material, the imaginary part of the permeability and permittivity must always be positive. But I don't see why. Why is it not OK for one of them to be negative, if the other one is positive and much larger?
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  • #2
daudaudaudau said:

I have a book called "Electrodynamics of Continuous Media" where it is stated that for a passive, lossy material, the imaginary part of the permeability and permittivity must always be positive. But I don't see why. Why is it not OK for one of them to be negative, if the other one is positive and much larger?

In theory, what you propose could happen... at least, I see no obvious reason why not.

In practice a great many materials can be treated as if
\mu\approx 1
and so
Im(\mu)\approx 0\;.

Then, with the above approximation, the imaginary part of the dielectric function must be positive.
  • #3
Positive imaginary part is associated with the transfer of energy from the fields to the medium. This describes attenuation of an EM wave through a material, for example. If the imaginary part is negative, the field absorbs energy from the medium, which is highly unusual. It can be made to happen through special effort (by optically pumping a three state quantum system where one state is metastable, for instance, to create a population inversion--this is how laser amplification is created), but this cannot occur in a passive system in equilibrium .
  • #4

My book reads

[tex]Q=\frac{\omega}{8\pi} (\epsilon''|\mathbf E|^2+\mu''|\mathbf H|^2)[/tex]

where [tex]\epsilon''[/tex] is the imaginary part of the permittivity. And then he goes on to say that because Q>0 then [tex]\epsilon''>0[/tex] and [tex]\mu''>0[/tex], but I don't understand why both MUST be positive always.
  • #5
marcusl said:
Positive imaginary part is associated with the transfer of energy from the fields to the medium. This describes attenuation of an EM wave through a material, for example. If the imaginary part is negative, the field absorbs energy from the medium, which is highly unusual. It can be made to happen through special effort (by optically pumping a three state quantum system where one state is metastable, for instance, to create a population inversion--this is how laser amplification is created), but this cannot occur in a passive system in equilibrium .

...but, I think you misunderstand the question...

For a medium with both a complex permittivity *and* permeability the energy lost into the medium (which, of course must be positive if we consider materials which are equilibrated--I.e., the material heats up when irradiated, it doesn't cool down) is roughly proportional to

\omega Im(\epsilon)|E|^2+\omega Im(\mu)|H|^2\;,
where E is the electric field, H is the magnetic field, \omega is the angular frequency of the field, \epsilon is the electric "permitivity", and mu is the magnetic "permeability".

I believe the OP's point is that the electric and magnetic field cannot be taken as independent and thus there is no apparent reason why *both* Im(\epsilon) *and* Im(\mu) must simultaneously be positive. Indeed, for the case of electromagnetic wave is seems that one only has the condition
  • #6
Sorry, you are right that I didn't catch that. Thanks for correcting me!
  • #7
daudaudaudau said:

I have a book called "Electrodynamics of Continuous Media" where it is stated that for a passive, lossy material, the imaginary part of the permeability and permittivity must always be positive. But I don't see why. Why is it not OK for one of them to be negative, if the other one is positive and much larger?

Is that Landau and Lifgarbagez? I quickly skimmed through and didn't see that comment.

I did see some discussion about the analytical properties of the permittivity, but the book does note that analytic continuation is possible on the frequency as well- that's what leads to the Hamaker constant. Finally, it's possible to generate a negative index of refraction using engineered materials (metamaterials), so in that case, both the permittivity and the permeability are negative.
  • #8
Double negative meta-materials are those where the real parts are negative. I think the comments still apply to the imaginary parts.
  • #9
Andy Resnick said:
Is that Landau and Lifgarbagez? I quickly skimmed through and didn't see that comment.

I think it's section 80.

I think the OP has a valid point. L+L are usually very good, but they do on occasion make a mistake. Or, usually, it is the case that they make a very general statement that does not actually hold in complete generality.

I did see some discussion about the analytical properties of the permittivity, but the book does note that analytic continuation is possible on the frequency as well- that's what leads to the Hamaker constant. Finally, it's possible to generate a negative index of refraction using engineered materials (metamaterials), so in that case, both the permittivity and the permeability are negative.
  • #10
Got it- thanks.

Ok, Q is the heat, not the total energy. I would say the restriction (Eq. 80.7 in my edition) holds always because Q represents energy *lost* from the electromagnetic field. The change in entropy of the system TdS = dQ must always be positive, so the energy loss of each component eE^2 and uH^2 must be positive.

The footnote at the bottom of p.274 indicates that for nonequilibrium conditions, the situation may be different.
  • #11
Andy Resnick said:
Got it- thanks.

Ok, Q is the heat, not the total energy. I would say the restriction (Eq. 80.7 in my edition) holds always because Q represents energy *lost* from the electromagnetic field. The change in entropy of the system TdS = dQ must always be positive, so the energy loss of each component eE^2 and uH^2 must be positive.

The footnote at the bottom of p.274 indicates that for nonequilibrium conditions, the situation may be different.

still... the question is: Why for each component eE^2" and uH^2 *individually*?

It seems as if only the *sum* must be positive, why should each term in the sum individually be positive. I don't think it is true in general that one can treat E and H as independent.
  • #12
Maybe we shouldn't argue the electromagnetic case. What if we access each parameter individually by applying a slowly changing E or B field? If either imaginary part is negative, then the resulting loss tangent or hysteresis loss (or whatever the magnetic loss is called) would have the wrong sign and, again, the applied field would (individually) gain energy from the medium. Hence each must be positive in equilibrium.
  • #13
marcusl said:
Maybe we shouldn't argue the electromagnetic case. What if we access each parameter individually by applying a slowly changing E or B field?

But, we are not interested only in a slowly varying field. We are interested in any given frequency [itex]\omega[/itex].

Anyways, I believe that there are different ways to prove that each Im(\epsilon) and Im(\mu) individually are positive (for positive frequencies). But, I don't think this fact follows from the single positivity condition on the heat flowing into the medium.

FAQ: Sign of permittivity/permeability

What is the sign of permittivity?

The sign of permittivity is positive. It is a measure of how easily an electric field can pass through a material. A higher permittivity indicates that the material is more easily polarized by an electric field.

What is the sign of permeability?

The sign of permeability is also positive. It is a measure of how easily a magnetic field can pass through a material. A higher permeability indicates that the material is more easily magnetized by a magnetic field.

What is the relationship between permittivity and permeability?

Permittivity and permeability are related through the speed of light in a vacuum, which is a fundamental constant. The product of permittivity and permeability is equal to the square of the speed of light in a vacuum.

Are permittivity and permeability constant or do they vary?

Permittivity and permeability can vary depending on the material and the conditions. In a vacuum, they are constant and equal to their respective values in free space. In other materials, they can vary with factors such as temperature, pressure, and frequency of the electric or magnetic field.

Why are permittivity and permeability important in electromagnetism?

Permittivity and permeability are important because they help determine the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in different materials. They are used in equations to calculate electric and magnetic fields, which are essential for understanding and predicting the behavior of electromagnetic waves and devices such as antennas and transformers.
