Descriptive question on interaction states and mass states.

In summary, interaction states refer to the state of a particle before the Higgs mechanism, while mass states refer to the state of a particle after the Higgs mechanism has given it mass. The physical states are the mass states and are used in Feynman diagrams, as they are a mixture of interaction states and appear as specific particles (such as an electron). Good luck on the exam tomorrow!
  • #1
What are interaction states and what are mass states? Which ones are physical
states? Which ones appear in Feynman diagrams? Explain your answer.

I have that an interaction state is the state of a particle before the Higgs mechanism and the mass state is after the Higgs mechanism has given the particle mass.

Is this correct? And can anyone help with the rest of the question?

Thanks :)
Physics news on
  • #2
are you sheffield uni by any chance?
I've just asked this question in another section.
also your answer is what I heard yesterday.
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  • #3
Yeah I am! Did you get an answer for the rest of it?
  • #4
the physical states are the mass states I think.

As for the Feynman diagrams, I think they use the physical/mass states too because I can't remember ever drawing or seeing a diagram where there's been interaction states on it. they are always made with, say, an electron e rather than using the interaction states (eL eR) that it is a mixture of... in my experience anyway.

good luck tomorrow anyway it's going to be a right ***** of an exam.
  • #5

Yes, your understanding of interaction states and mass states is correct. To further explain, interaction states refer to the state of a particle before it interacts with the Higgs field, while mass states refer to the state of a particle after it has interacted with the Higgs field and acquired mass.

In terms of physical states, both interaction states and mass states can be considered physical states as they both represent the actual state of a particle at different points in time. However, mass states can be seen as more "physical" as they represent the actual mass of the particle, whereas interaction states may change depending on the strength of the interaction.

In Feynman diagrams, both interaction states and mass states can appear, depending on the specific process being represented. For example, in a Feynman diagram of a particle interacting with the Higgs field, both interaction and mass states would be present. However, in a diagram of a particle decaying into other particles, only mass states would be shown since the interaction with the Higgs field has already occurred.

Overall, interaction states and mass states are both important concepts in particle physics and understanding their differences is crucial in accurately representing physical processes.

FAQ: Descriptive question on interaction states and mass states.

1. What is the difference between interaction states and mass states?

Interaction states refer to the various ways in which particles or objects interact with each other, while mass states refer to the different possible states of a particle's mass. In other words, interaction states describe how particles behave in relation to each other, while mass states describe the intrinsic properties of a particle.

2. How are interaction states and mass states related?

Interaction states and mass states are closely related, as the behavior of particles in interaction states is influenced by their mass states. The mass of a particle can determine its stability, how it interacts with other particles, and what type of interactions it can undergo.

3. Can a particle be in multiple interaction states at once?

No, a particle can only be in one interaction state at a time. However, it can transition between different interaction states depending on its environment and interactions with other particles.

4. Are mass states constant for a given particle?

Yes, mass states are intrinsic properties of a particle and remain constant for that particle. However, particles can change mass states through interactions with other particles, such as in particle decay or fusion reactions.

5. How do interaction states and mass states impact the behavior of particles in the universe?

Interaction states and mass states are crucial in understanding the behavior of particles in the universe. They determine how particles interact and combine to form larger structures and how they influence the development of the universe on both a micro and macro scale.
