Magnetic field produced by two side by side wires - when do they cancel?

In summary, two side by side wires carrying current in the same direction will produce a magnetic field that adds together, while wires carrying current in opposite directions will produce a magnetic field that cancels out. This is known as the right-hand rule and is due to the interaction between the magnetic fields of the two wires. When the wires are spaced equal distances apart, the magnetic fields will cancel out at a certain point between the wires, known as the null point. This point is dependent on the distance between the wires and the strength of the current flowing through them.
  • #1

I know that the magnetic field coming off the wire will be directed in a circle counterclockwise around the wire. So, from what I understand, it would work something like this:

Meaning that, at each magnetic field strength B of radius r from one wire there is an equal and opposite value for that coming from the other wire, meaning that they cancel along the radius and the answer is 4.

Is this right or wrong? Am I way off the mark, or somewhat close?
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  • #2
Your thread is in jeopardy of being deleted for not using the template.
You are way off. [tex]\vec{B_1}+\vec{B_2}=\vec{B}[/tex] Add only what is at a point, not what is on a circle of radius r when they only share a common point
  • #3
Yitzach said:
Your thread is in jeopardy of being deleted for not using the template.

Not at all. He has included the things that we ask for in the template, for the most part.

Greywolfe1982 -- Remember to do the vector addition. draw the vector addition at several points along that mid-line SS'. You get the direction for each B vector component from the counter-clockwise rotation direction, and the magnitude falls off as what?
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  • #4
berkeman said:
Not at all. He has included the things that we ask for in the template, for the most part.

Greywolfe1982 -- Remember to do the vector addition. draw the vector addition at several points along that mid-line SS'. You get the direction for each B vector component from the counter-clockwise rotation direction, and the magnitude falls off as what?

Sorry about the template thing if it is an issue, I ordinarily use it but didn't think it fit this question.

And what do you mean "along that mid-line SS'" Wouldn't doing vector addition (assuming you use vectors from the same point on the circle, say both on the middle-right or middle-left) give a vector going in one direction that is twice the magnitude of B1 or B2?
  • #5
Greywolfe1982 said:
Sorry about the template thing if it is an issue, I ordinarily use it but didn't think it fit this question.

And what do you mean "along that mid-line SS'" Wouldn't doing vector addition (assuming you use vectors from the same point on the circle, say both on the middle-right or middle-left) give a vector going in one direction that is twice the magnitude of B1 or B2?

I guess I'm just trying to help you get some intuition about how the vector B fields add in this geometry. Pick a point along the midline SS', say a distance d down from the exact midpoint. Now draw the two contributing B vectors, and show the result of adding them.

Then think about all the other points in that 2-D plane of the paper, and what the magnitudes and directions of the two contributing B field vectors will look like, and hence what the result of adding them will be. Does that help you to see the answer to the question?
  • #6
I apologize for being so braindead tonight, I feel as if I should know this but I'm lost right now.

So I think that adding two vectors would look like this:

The filled dot being the middle, and the other being a distance d from the middle. The vectors added produce a triangle, but I don't see anything notable about it.
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  • #7
Greywolfe1982 said:
I apologize for being so braindead tonight, I feel as if I should know this but I'm lost right now.

So I think that adding two vectors would look like this:

The filled dot being the middle, and the other being a distance d from the middle. The vectors added produce a triangle, but I don't see anything notable about it.

Almost, but not quite. Just draw a nice circle around the left point that has a big enough radius to go through that bottom point. And then draw the same type of circle for the right wire, getting the radius right to go through that bottom point. Now more carefully draw the vectors, and show their addition...
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  • #8

I take it this is what you meant? The vertical components cancel, but you're left with a horizontal component. At any point, wouldn't the addition of vectors leave you with either a horizontal or vertical component (or both)?
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  • #9
Greywolfe1982 said:

I take it this is what you meant? The vertical components cancel, but you're left with a horizontal component. At any point, wouldn't the addition of vectors leave you with either a horizontal or vertical component (or both)?

Good! And yes, there are very, very few places in that plane where they cancel. Think of all the sets of circles around the two wires, and what the resultant vectors will add up to.

Now are you ready to answer the original question?
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  • #10
I'm thinking of two answers right now, but the one that makes the most sense to me is 1. - at all points along the line connecting the wires. The magnetic fields would be two vertical components of the same magnitude and opposite direction, canceling each other out.
  • #11
Greywolfe1982 said:
I'm thinking of two answers right now, but the one that makes the most sense to me is 1. - at all points along the line connecting the wires. The magnetic fields would be two vertical components of the same magnitude and opposite direction, canceling each other out.

But you just showed with your post #8 that it's not quite true...

FAQ: Magnetic field produced by two side by side wires - when do they cancel?

1. What is the magnetic field produced by two side by side wires?

The magnetic field produced by two side by side wires is the result of the interaction between the electric currents flowing through the wires. It forms a circular pattern around the wires, with the strength of the magnetic field increasing as the distance from the wires decreases.

2. How do two side by side wires produce opposite magnetic fields?

When two wires are placed side by side, the electric currents in each wire flow in opposite directions. This causes the magnetic fields produced by each wire to also be in opposite directions, resulting in the cancellation of the magnetic field between the two wires.

3. When do the magnetic fields of two side by side wires cancel each other out?

The magnetic fields of two side by side wires cancel each other out when the wires are placed very close together, with their electric currents flowing in opposite directions and equal in strength. This is known as a null point or a neutral point.

4. How does the distance between two side by side wires affect the cancellation of the magnetic fields?

The distance between two side by side wires plays a crucial role in the cancellation of their magnetic fields. The closer the wires are to each other, the stronger the magnetic fields produced, and the more effective the cancellation will be.

5. Can the magnetic fields of two side by side wires ever completely cancel each other out?

Yes, it is possible for the magnetic fields of two side by side wires to completely cancel each other out. This occurs when the wires are placed at a specific distance from each other, with their electric currents flowing in opposite directions and equal in strength. However, this is only possible in ideal conditions, and in most cases, there will still be some residual magnetic field present.
