And another one on Lorentz invariance

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between conserved currents and charges, and whether local conservation can be derived from global conservation. The S Coleman theorem states that if a certain operator is well-defined and the symmetry is manifest, then the local conservation is also satisfied. The symmetry being manifest means that it is unitarily implemented on at least a dense subset of the Hilbert space, including the vacuum. The proof of the theorem can be found in Itzykson & Zuber's Quantum Field Theory.
  • #1
It is clear that a conserved current [tex]\partial_{\mu} J^\mu = 0[/tex] implies the existence of a conserved charge [tex]Q= \int d^3x J^0 [/tex]. Now I want to go the other way round: Suppose we have a basis of momentum eigenstates, such that these states are also eigenstates of the charge. Then clearly the charge commutes with the energy operator and is thus conserved but can we say anything else about the 4-vector current by for example invoking Lorentz invariance? It would be nice if there was a way to deduce [tex]\partial_{\mu} J^\mu = 0[/tex] but I do not see how that is possible
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  • #2
If I understood you correctly, you would like to derive local conservation from global conservation. I don't think that it is possible. The requirement of local conservation is much stronger than that of global one.
  • #3
Thanks that is what I thought.
  • #4
alphaone said:
It is clear that a conserved current [tex]\partial_{\mu} J^\mu = 0[/tex] implies the existence of a conserved charge [tex]Q= \int d^3x J^0 [/tex]. Now I want to go the other way round

Look up S Coleman theorm:

If, for any 4-vector [tex]J_{a}[/tex] ,

[tex] Q = \int d^{3}x J^{0}[/tex]

is a well defined operator on the H-space, and [tex]Q|0> = 0[/tex] (i.e.,the symmetry is manifest), then

[tex]\partial_{a}J^{a} = 0[/tex]

  • #5
Thanks for the relpy. That result amazes me and I will definitely look up the theorem! Could you elaborate on what you mean by saying that the symmetry is manifest? Under what conditions can I assume [tex]Q|0> = 0[/tex] ? Please let me know.
  • #6
Could you also name a reference where I can find a proof of the Coleman theorem? Thanks in advance
  • #7
I now know why we need Q|0>=0 and what it means, but could somebody please tell me where to find the theorem of Sidney Coleman samalkhaiat was talking about. Thanks in advance
  • #8
alphaone said:
Thanks for the relpy. That result amazes me and I will definitely look up the theorem! Could you elaborate on what you mean by saying that the symmetry is manifest?
It means that the symmetry of the Lagrangian is also a symmetry of the ground state. I.e., it is unitarly implimented on at least a dense subset of the Hilbert space including the vacuum.
Under what conditions can I assume [tex]Q|0> = 0[/tex] ?


[tex]\delta \Phi = [iQ ,\Phi][/tex]

does not develop non-vanishing vacuum expectation value.

You can find a simple proof of Coleman's theorem on page 515 of Itzykson & Zuber ; Quantum Field Theory.


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FAQ: And another one on Lorentz invariance

1. What is Lorentz invariance?

Lorentz invariance is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers in uniform motion, regardless of their relative velocity.

2. Why is Lorentz invariance important?

Lorentz invariance is important because it is a key principle in the theory of special relativity, which has been verified by numerous experiments and is the basis for many modern theories in physics, including quantum field theory and general relativity.

3. How is Lorentz invariance related to Einstein's theory of relativity?

Lorentz invariance is a fundamental component of Einstein's theory of special relativity. In fact, the theory of special relativity is based on the assumption of Lorentz invariance.

4. Can Lorentz invariance be violated?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that Lorentz invariance can be violated. However, some theories, such as string theory, propose the existence of Lorentz symmetry breaking at very small scales.

5. How is Lorentz invariance tested experimentally?

Lorentz invariance has been extensively tested through a variety of experiments, including measurements of the speed of light, particle accelerators, and precision tests of the laws of physics. So far, all experiments have confirmed the principle of Lorentz invariance.
