Solving PDEs Using Method of Characteristics

  • Thread starter Kreizhn
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Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses solving a PDE using the method of characteristics. The correct approach is to parameterize P(\omega,t) as P(\omega(s),t(s)) and use a new variable \tau for the parameter along the characteristic curve. The solution for P(s) is P(\tau) = C_2e^{-\frac{DC_1^2e^{2k\tau}}{4k}}. It is also noted that the \omega dependency is already accounted for in the equation for \frac{dP}{ds}.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm trying to solve the following via the method of characteristics.

[tex] \frac{\partial P}{\partial t} + k\omega \frac{\partial P}{\partial\omega} = -\frac12 D\omega^2 P [/tex]

Homework Equations

By the method of characteristics, we assume that [itex] P(\omega, t) [/itex] can be parameterized as [itex] P(\omega(s), t(s) ) [/itex]. Then using the chain rule, we get that

[tex] \frac{dP}{ds} = \frac{\partial P}{\partial t} \frac{ dt}{ds} + \frac{\partial P}{\partial \omega} \frac{ d\omega}{ds} [/tex]

So if we have a PDE of the form

[tex] a(\omega, t)\frac{\partial P}{\partial t} + b(\omega, t) \frac{\partial P}{\partial\omega} = c(\omega, t) [/tex]

we can rewrite this as a system of first order ODEs

[tex] \frac{dt}{ds} = a(\omega, t), \quad \frac{d\omega}{ds} = b(\omega, t), \quad \frac{ dP}{ds} = c(\omega, t) [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

So I allow [itex] \frac{dt}{ds} = 1, t(0) = 0 [/itex] so that [itex] s=t [/itex]. Next I take [itex] \frac{d\omega}{ds} = k \omega [/itex] so that [itex] \omega(s) = \omega(t) = C_1 e^{kt} [/itex]. Finally, I have [itex] \frac{dP}{ds} = -\frac12 D\omega^2 P [/itex] which implies that

[tex] P(s) = P(t) = C_2 e^{-\frac12 D \omega^2 t} [/tex]

Now I could substitute my value for [itex] \omega(t) [/itex] into here, but it doesn't give me a correct answer. If I leave [itex] \omega [/itex] as a variable, it still doesn't work. So I figured that [itex] \omega [/itex] is actually a function of s and that should be accounted for, so I got [itex] \frac{dP}{ds} = -\frac12 D\omega^2 P = -\frac12 D C_1^2 e^{2ks} P[/itex] which gives me a solution of

[tex] P(s) = -C_2 e^{-\frac{DC_1^2 e^{2ks} }{4k} } [/itex]

But then not only is this not correct, it seems to me that there should also be an [itex] \omega [/itex] dependency somewhere, and I've removed that.
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. I understand that you are trying to solve the given PDE using the method of characteristics. Your approach is correct, but there are a few things that need to be corrected.

Firstly, the parameterization of P(\omega,t) should be P(\omega(s),t(s)) instead of P(\omega(s),t). This is because both \omega and t are functions of s.

Secondly, for the equation \frac{d\omega}{ds} = k\omega, the solution should be \omega(s) = C_1e^{ks} instead of \omega(s) = C_1e^{kt}.

Thirdly, when substituting the values of \omega(s) and t(s) into the equation for P(s), you should not use the same variable s, as it represents the parameter along the characteristic curve. Instead, you should use a new variable, say \tau, to represent the parameter along the characteristic curve. This will give you a solution of P(\tau) = C_2e^{-\frac{DC_1^2e^{2k\tau}}{4k}}.

Lastly, you are correct in assuming that \omega is a function of s, but this is already accounted for in the equation \frac{dP}{ds} = -\frac{1}{2}D\omega^2P. So you do not need to add an extra \omega dependency in your solution.

I hope this helps clarify your doubts. Keep up the good work in solving PDEs using the method of characteristics!


FAQ: Solving PDEs Using Method of Characteristics

What is the Method of Characteristics?

The Method of Characteristics is a mathematical technique used to solve partial differential equations. It is often used in fluid dynamics, but can also be applied to other fields such as electromagnetism and heat transfer.

How does the Method of Characteristics work?

The Method of Characteristics involves finding a set of characteristic curves, which are curves that satisfy the given partial differential equation. These curves are then used to construct an analytical solution to the equation.

What types of problems can the Method of Characteristics solve?

The Method of Characteristics is typically used to solve initial value problems, where the solution is dependent on both the initial conditions and the governing equation. It can also be used to solve boundary value problems, where the solution is dependent on both the boundary conditions and the governing equation.

What are the advantages of using the Method of Characteristics?

One advantage of using the Method of Characteristics is that it can provide an analytical solution to a partial differential equation, which can be more accurate and easier to interpret than numerical solutions. It is also useful for solving nonlinear equations and can be applied to a wide range of physical problems.

Are there any limitations to the Method of Characteristics?

The Method of Characteristics can only be used for certain types of partial differential equations, such as first-order equations with constant coefficients. It also requires a thorough understanding of the underlying physics and mathematics, and can be time-consuming to solve for complex problems.

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