Pursuing a Degree in Electronics Engineering: Choosing the Right Path

In summary: He's decided to pursue a 2-year degree in General Arts & Science first to make sure he gets the credits he needs, and then transfer to a university if he's eligible.~In summary, Casey is worried about his community college grades transferring to a university, but is happy with the joint admissions program at his community college. He is currently attending a top 50 university and credits his community college with helping him get there.
  • #1
If you were in my place:

1. You want to pursue an undergraduate in electronics engineering degree (or a dual in mechanical and electrical?)

2. You were immature in high school, so now you need to get a high GPA in a community college in hopes to transfer to a university. (Social influences, friends weren't academically interested, and parents who didn't care and didn't guide me, or taught me anything outside of school, and me being dumb enough to try and fit in. Now I don't care about anybody else, I'm on my own.)

3. You had to choose between General Arts & Science for 2 years then transfer to a University, or Electromechanical Engineering Technician for 3 years and then transfer.

To question number 3, which path would you choose and why?
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  • #2

This question really depends on the University you want to transfer to. For example, will you credits transfer to the university?

Honestly I would sit down and look at your university options. Then I would pick 5-7 and call up their advising office. Finally I would make my decision from there.

For example, I'm currently attending Red Rocks Community College. The reason I chosen this community college is because the math and science department is managed by the Colorado School of Mines. Once I meet certain requirements, I am guaranteed placement into CSM with all my credits transfered.

So I guess my question to you is, where you planning to transfer to?
  • #3

Not a clue yet, I thought I never had an option of an idea in the first place since I got to win the lottery (hand out a bunch of apps first). But I guess I'll have to do some researching and and start inquiring then..
  • #4

A few questions:

Are you in community college yet?

How bad did you do in H.s.(if you don't respond to this I'll assume 1.0-1.5 GPA)

Did you take the ACT/SAT yet? What did you get?

I am asking these questions because I have a few friends that did this same thing. My friend had a 1.7 GPA (maybe even lower) and a 20 ACT(remedial math though, 15 or so) and then went to community college for one semester before transferring to a small state school.
  • #5

Are you in community college yet?

Yeah, but I'm not in a real course. I start classes in a couple of days to upgrade my academic skills for entrance.

How bad did you do in H.S.(if you don't respond to this I'll assume 1.0-1.5 GPA)
14 credits so GPA is not worth mentioning. Dear lord, help me :eek:

Did you take the ACT/SAT yet? What did you get?

  • #6

Here is my story if you care to know:

I dropped out of high school years ago because my grades were terrible. My grades were so bad because I just plain hated school.

Fives years after I decided to give it another try. I got my GED and enrolled in my Community College.

Fortunately, my CC had what they called a "joint admissions" program. They worked very closely with the colleges and universities in my state to ensure that whatever credits you earn will transfer (provided you maintain a minimum GPA).

They had a two-year engineering science degree which more or less covers the 1st two years of any engineering discipline.

We had very small classroom sizes, so I got very personal attention and saved thousands of dollars by doing the first two years there. I now attend a top 50 university and because of the grades I received at CC, the university is picking up half of the tuition (about 50 grand when all is said and done).

Not to mention that the quality of education I got at my CC prepared me such that I am now DESTROYING my university courses (in a good way).

Of course your experience may differ. That was mine. I suggest you search around and find out about the different CCs in your area.

Oh, and this route got me out of taking any SATs or ACTs (yay!) :smile:


FAQ: Pursuing a Degree in Electronics Engineering: Choosing the Right Path

1. What is electronics engineering?

Electronics engineering is a field of study that deals with the design, development, and application of electronic devices, circuits, and systems. It involves the use of principles from physics and mathematics to create, test, and improve electronic technologies.

2. What are the career opportunities for electronics engineering graduates?

Electronics engineering graduates have a wide range of career opportunities in various industries such as telecommunications, manufacturing, aerospace, and healthcare. They can work as design engineers, test engineers, project managers, or research and development engineers.

3. Is a degree in electronics engineering right for me?

This ultimately depends on your interests and strengths. If you have a strong foundation in math and physics and are interested in problem-solving and technology, then a degree in electronics engineering may be a good fit for you.

4. What are the key skills needed to succeed in electronics engineering?

Some of the key skills needed for success in electronics engineering include strong analytical and problem-solving skills, attention to detail, strong communication skills, and the ability to work in a team. It is also important to have a good understanding of mathematics, physics, and computer programming.

5. How do I choose the right path in electronics engineering?

There are various paths you can take in electronics engineering, such as specializing in a specific area like telecommunications or embedded systems. It is important to research and understand the different paths available and consider your interests and career goals before making a decision. You can also speak to professionals in the field or attend career fairs to gain more insight into the different paths in electronics engineering.

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